You keep saying it's all doom because of how Microsoft wants to tap into the casual industry because they want to make money. You're forgetting that they could make even moremoney by catering to both the casual and hardcore industry.
Forcing this ridiculous motion sensing rubbish on us isn't going to help the hardcore industry.
They're not forcing it on you, it's an optional peripheral. If Microsoft can make this much money and have this much market share from a predominantly hardcore fanbase then do you honestly think they would try to get rid of that? Just try and think logically for a second and then you'll settle down.
To put it basically for you, the Wii has sold about 50 million worldwide, 360 has sold about 30 million and the PS3 about 24 million. So to put it simplistically that puts the current console audience at 114 million. So for Microsoft to go all casual and not cater to the hardcore audience in the next gen market that effectively means ignoring a potential 64 million+ customers or 56% of the market and that number will only grow as prices go down.
Obviously it's not black and white like that but you get the point.
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