the_mitch28's forum posts
is it just a really linear fps. Its a good fps ill give it that its just that it doesnt really do anything revolutionary that another fps hasnt done. I was playing it at a friends and just htought to myself.....meh its good but it only really gets hyped so much because of its massive fanbase.
BAM! 9.5, PWNED!
lol heavenly sword 8.5 lololololololololololololol!!!11one!exlimationmark!!!eleven!!
[QUOTE="DA_B0MB"]It looks awesome but I'm not intrested in the game. The only games I'm really intrested for PS3 are MGS4 and Killzone 2. Both of which are due sometime next year. :(numba1234I'm going to say this will upset crysis in winning graphics of the year.
Guitar Hero II
Forza 2 + 360 Wireless Steering Wheel
The Darkness
Saint's Row
Viva Pinata
NFS: Carbon
Test Drive Unlimited
cool as, they sound like some good options.. i actually have Unreal Tournament 2004 and Swat 4 lying around somewhere... never really thought about them though although the co-op swat 4 would be cool as and i would def give Rainbow 6: Vegas a shot if my older machine wasn't so crap but ah well. Thanks guys!
yeah me and my friends are getting kinda tired of Counter Strike: Source, can someone suggest a good multiplayer game over LAN. I only have 2 computers so yeah, and CSS is good because you can add bots to fill out teams and add more or less to handicap people of certain skill levels.... so something where ai players are a possibilty as well would be good.
So any suggestions?
There is a bit of a difference in specs between the 2 computers:
ATi Radeon 9600PRO
512mb of DDR RAM
Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.88GHz
XFX nVidia GeForce 8800GTS
2X 1GB Kingston DDR2 RAM
Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 @ 2.13GHz
Asus P5N-E SLI
Alright, reset the computer then as soon as it started up i put the cd in and it worked! how strange... the only thing i can think that was different to my last start up was that i didn't have the cd in the drive when i turned the computer on.
Thanks very much for your help!
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