@valknight @Kooken58 If you're a programmer then you should know that pirates will find a way around that VERY easily and should have an inkling of how they will do it. As you pointed out, it has been done on PCs, not consoles. BTW, I also been sharing PC games with friends for years. Not every PC game has DRM.
@Shadowdanc3r @Dark_MetalSonic I take it you weren't around when RE5 came out? Half the posts on X360 RE5 boards were complains about not being able to run and shoot. Here is a sample:
@B_STATS @Chaos_Dante_456 But problem here is that they're not even trying to outdo CoD but copy some of its elements. CoD crowd is CoD crowd coz they love CoD. Anything else is CodLite. Why would CoD crowd be interested in Dead Rising 3 when they got their Zombie Maps. It is like Basketball allowing tackling to appeal to NFL crowd.
Know what else is morphing? MS stock and standing in tech world. MS is slowly turning into a dinosaur and will go extinct too, unless someone has vision to pull them back from dumps.
the_requiem's comments