Nintendo fans hopeful about Metroid coming to WiiU? You mean there is a possibility it WON'T come to WiiU? Was there ever a Nintendo console that didn't have a Zelda, Mario and Metroid? Of course it is coming to WiiU. Not a matter of if, but when.
Holy Shit! This would be killer app for Vita for me. I put off buying Vita on Memorial Day weekend coz of lack of games I wanted to play and if this comes to Vita, I'll buy it in a flash.
Well, for all those complaining, here is a simple solution: don't buy the game at all. Let Atlus know that their decision to region lock hurt the sales. Else, before you know it, all games will be region locked.
@TBoneTony To some extent you have that in US already. IF a parent is found ngeligient in bringing up a child, potentially putting child in danger, children are taken from them and put in foster care. In South Korea, gaming has got to a point where parents not controlling kids' game time are putting them in danger.
Not to mention, teens and kids are the most valuable resource that any nation has. Government is just protecting its assets. What do you think will happen if 50 years from now you got an entire generation of high school dropouts?
@flamesofexuro Dunno about others, but for me, it is not that endings are improvement, but that I stopped caring and moved on, ME3's final few minutes killed my interest in franchise and coupled with DA2 debacle, soured me off future Bioware too. I came here to see if new endings could get me interested enough to go back to ME3, it didn't.
I should be excited by this DLC, but am not. The original disappointment with game has totally sucked all the interest for franchise out of me. Oh well, I'll always have great times I had with all the characters and my two sheps from ME1 to ME3.
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