Briefly looking at the different game blogs on IGN, it seems apparent to me that Too Human has easily surpassed the games vying for our $. What do I mean? Well, reading the TH blog one must get a sense of the complexity that pervades the design process. I won't list all the elements that go into making games, but it seems as if all get the SK treatment. so, the question is, does this mean that TH will be a blockbuster? I don't know? The question was meant to stimulate not for me to do time-consuming research. The easy answer is that it depends on a number of factors, and I imagine that if the game does not flow, it won't matter how rich the development process was. But what I want to say is: how can it not have a huge, huge impact on the gaming value? I believe that by analyzing all the different components using a context of rich, rich value ("rich value" is what I perceive to be evidenced in most of the SK's IGN blog history) then the result, while maybe subtle, will be huge. Huge meaning, sales will shock the conscience.
Lastly, I can only hope that TH will do for games what evolution (if in fact TH is an evolution) does for any medium because I find most games to be very, very dull.
comment, please.
note: blogs were limted to these on IGN: bioshock, and mass effect. further, there are not many blogs on IGN, i'm not interested in all games, and I dont have that much time. Lastly, from an overall impression of reading different sites on the field, and by the safe assumption that SK is doing something special, I believe enough exposure gives my thoughts credence.
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