[QUOTE="mjf249"]That's good, European fans deserve it. After the delayed launch, and limited backwards compatibility I couldn't complain at all. I'll tell you though Japanese owners are lucky, $412 for the 20GB and $494 for the 60GB. The PS2 when it launched in Japan was $386 I believe. I don't understand why it's not selling crazy over their, considering there getting a great deal. Most, if not all of them are waiting for the big hitters. MGS4 will be a big boost, but something like Final Fantasy or an RPG would be a good thing to buy. People are just waiting for the must-have game.
I don't think either side has any point to "owning" each other. The wii just is clearly different than the other systems, so it's like a portable in one sense. The only REAL battle here is between PS3 and 360. I have a Wii, and even I know that we're getting a completely different experience. If you have a Ps3, then you have an even more complete experience. It's up to preference now in terms of systems except for 360vsPS3. I have a Ps3 and Wii, and I would not give up either. Both have extremely awesome games. That being said, even though the Wii will have a strong lead for a few years, PS3 is going to win, because of the longer lifespan.
Um it's better to get Resistance Fall of Man, which was made specifically with the PS3 in mind. It's just about the best launch game I've ever played. It's a lot of fun, you'll like it. I wouldn't get Virtua Tennis, but that's me.
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