I think the Wii will win, but ultimately I think Sony has a stronger force in the race this time. They're really playing their cards right, better than when Nintendo was doing their N64. Nintendo could do HD gaming, but it would need to be an even better or new motion sensing controller. If its the same wiimote, screw Nintendo. The Wii is only good once, it's a wild card. If Nintendo doesn't keep innovating, they will fail, once again. Kinda ironic isn't it? That the more innovative you appear, the hard it becomes to innovate the industry itself.
Get the PS3, what do you have to lose? It's a great system that won't break down on you. Oblivion, Resistance, and MGS4 will be on the PS3. Even if more exclusives are on the 360, do you really want to take that risk? PS3 has barely lost any games at all! Most of the ones it "lost" just became multiplatform. You like Halo, as many do, but you'll be paying 50-60 bucks a year for live, not to mention the extra packs and stuff they're sure to charge. Personally having played Halo, I thought it was one of the most overrated series' I've ever played. To be honest, here's any idea for you. Buy an old Xbox, and get Halo 1 and 2, screw Halo 3 and save yourself a bundle of money. Buy a PS3 and enjoy the next generation of gaming. If the 360 becomes a clear winner, you can just upgrade to that later. 'm pretty sure the Ps3 isn't going anywhere. And besides, maybe you want to wait for the next 360 model that will come bundled with more than even the Elite model.
*Possible Spoilers* The knight with the slicked back hair looks exactly like a younger version of Xehanort/Ansem/Xemnas. The knight that becomes frozen looks like Sora/Roxas. So it could be a "birth by sleep" meaning reincarnation and how the heart is reborn. This looks like it occurs in the past, since King Mickey is wielding the keyblade you get from Yensid. And Mickey was an apprentice a very long time ago. Remember Mickey is an ageless figure, the character is really old. As a keyblader, Both the Xehanort and Sora-looking knight could be the lost two. The last keybladers who were lost a long time ago and reborn. Somehow the old man is a precursor to being the master of Xehanort, or maybe they all die and become reborn into the 6 apprentices of Ansem the Wise. Oh and seeing the kid frozen was great, it was so unexpected. He got pwnd hard. lol.
I would stop if I were you. All people have picked up on during your arguments are you need "Hooked on Phonics" and have had a PS3 for 6 years. "Are you need Hooked on Phonics?" Hahaha.. wow nice night.. nice night.
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