@lostn: There was always going to be another Street Fighter. Just like MK carries on. Skyrim came out 9 years ago (a larger gap than between SFIV and SFV), and still no ES6. The major difference is MS has the cash to outright buy a studio (or publisher). Sony uses their money and influence to pester the community with exclusive deals. It's understandable to a point, but it became bothersome.
Sony as a whole is just not in the same league, and Microsoft decided not walk and their knees and tie a hand behind their back in a fight with them. If Microsoft doesn't come along and buy the a Bethesda or Warner when they are ready to sell, it will be Amazon, or Google, or...Apple.
@lostn: There will be new IPs out of all the Microsoft studios, including Bethesda.
Sony may not but a lot of studios outright (they would buy more if they could), but they constantly engage in exclusivity deals. Plenty of studios were locked in to publishing deals or "2nd party" -- not owned by Sony, that could have been creating multiplatform games the last 20-25 years. We just think about them as "Sony", and I guess that is the idea.
Whenever Sony flat-out takes a 3rd party game away from other consoles, like SFV, the excuse is "Oh, Sony funded the development of X". Well, I guess Microsoft is funding the development of Doom 3.
@lostn: For the most part, maybe, but I wouldn't want a FROM Software to get locked up with Playstation. Final Fantasy, SFV, even Destiny were tampered with. Sony has been pestering us with PS 3rd party exclusives and timed exclusives for decades. They have become a real annoyance. Even wrestling PC releases from them is multi-year struggle.
@gr4h4m833zy: Don't give up just yet -- the game is tough, but great. I think you are talking about the giant fat E. Honda-looking guy (I forget a lot of the boss names) with the sword, outside the burning building. This is early I didn't really know the timing of the game or how to behave at this point. BTW, the boss inside the building is much tougher.
There is a samurai who will help you if you talk to him, standing at the edge of the water. Don't trigger him until you clear all the minions around the boss. Follow the water to the left, enter the outer building (kill 2 guys here), then sneak up behind the minions and stealth kill first wooden shield guy, then archer, then run around kill the rest.
The game can be frustrating, and I almost quit on the next boss. Not "sell the game" quit, but walk away and put the game on the backburner again. Definitely take frequent breaks and reassess your approach.
Do what you have to do produce a quality product. Just finished Sekiro for the first time, and will run through again in chunks, before my gained skills and knowledge begin to erode. I also plan to return to Wasteland 3, and finish The Witcher 3 before this game releases (I'm in the first village with 0 missions complete).
@bababooey12: I think Sony was under pressure from the Series S|X reveal. The discless version would probably have been more expensive if Sony revealed first. They want to be able to say "PS5 starts at $399." The small print is, if you can find a discless model. I don't think they can afford to sell to many at $399, and will probably manufacture far more of the $499 models, no matter what.
Microsoft never justified the existence of Kinect. I did not work well for gestures, "XBox On" command response was horrendous, and they did not produce viable Kinect games. That not even getting into the always on stipulation (which isn't a big deal for most people), except Kinect also had to be connected at all times, allegedly. Microsoft had no answers for renting games, either. Discs were just license keys after install. To this day, we have yet to get an explanation about how the could have come to E3 before launch with so many undesirable changes and so much unanswered.
I went with XB1 because I liked the launch lineup, controller and services. Can't blame anyone for betting on PS4 at the start of this gen. Sony is pretty hush about a lot of things this time around, and I'm suspicious.
@lostn: You know these people are not born into video game companies, right? LOL
They are engineers hired from the industry, and plenty of people float around. NTM, Sony walled off and plenty of developers without buying them outright, for decades, even if they did eventually. That's not exactly homegrown.
Sony takes advantage of cultural ties with fellow Japanese companies, so why on Earth would Microsoft not ally with American developers and use their status and capital as a trillion (and then some) dollar company?
@Barighm: Also the $100 price premium due to Kinect, whose utility was questionable and turned out to be abandoned, ultimately. PS4 was just a better bet for most people, if you can or only want to jump into a single console. Let's be honest -- the built of the libraries are 3rd party multiplatform games.
Sony fans want to swear it was the exclusives that made the difference, and it really wasn't. They constantly overstate (an understatement) the draw. Not saying those games are not good ones overall, just that they're just additional...games. Exclusivity is what makes them stand out.
If you gave me a choice, I would take Demon's Souls remake and Bloodborne over any TLOU or even GoW. I know that gameplay will be the star of the show. Gameplay is borrowed and seems to be an after thought with most of the SP cinematic games. Challenge is on the backburner, too.
@Spartan_418: No, taking a panel off a PC is pretty simple. Provided you don't by Dell desktop or something. Lay it on it's side, make two turns of two screws simultaneously, pull off the panel, and your two NVMe ports are in plain sight. Slide in your new SSD. You may want to secure it with a screw, so have the proper micro-screwdriver ready. You should be able to do that in one minute.
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