Number 1: The PS4 is the only really relevant console
Number 2: The PS4 is the strongest console and has some games that are on par or are exceeding what is available on PC (Killzone, Infamous Second Son, Driveclub and soon The Order 1886 and after that Uncharted 4)
Number 3: Playstation fans dont hide behind PC and dont suck up to the wannabe mustards because they have no reason for doing so unlike nintendo fans (Since the Wii) and Xbox fans (Since the xbone)
@MBirdy88: So, you would call this artwork tasteful but dragons crowns "reward art"? Thats what I dont understand. Kitami was always risky in his artwork and he stayed true to himself.
@JangoWuzHere: Its just that every vanillaware game has exegerated characters so I just wondered just now why you pointed out dragons crown. From the artstyle not much changed.
I understand if you can't get into the gameplay and you just don't like the game, that's perfectly fine. But not even trying to get into a game that you may even end up enjoying JUST because of the way it looks? That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
It's not that stupid. Video games are also a visual and auditory medium. If you have a hard time looking or listening at a game, then your're not going to like it.
Dragon's Crown may be the best 2D brawler ever, but I HATE the way the characters look. The males are all grotesque over the top beef machines and the women all look slutty and overly erotic.
I had a lot of trouble playing through Bionic Commando rearmed because of it's music. The game has this somewhat realistic artstyle clashing together with retro 8 bit tunes. It's super distracting and feels out of place to me.
You can't be serious? Dragon's Crown was awesome and the characters were okay to me.
I disagree too, vanillaware has some of the most unique and beautiful artstyles you can find in gaming, but I understand if some people dont find it too appealing in terms of character design even if I have no problem with them.
Edit: Here is one I shudder to: (Funny, because I have no problem with the spiderlady in dark souls)
I like colourful artwork but dislike teletubby artwork. There is a difference and nintendos games are targeted at toddlers which reflects in its artwork.
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