Well, it seems as though MANY changes have been done around here...
Things change but always stay the same...
First order of business... HELLO EVERYONE! I've missed you!!!!! Eternal, Inferno, GMG (although from my breif pass thru on the home page here, I see he is no longer here, yet here?! :? (I've missed you so, I hope you arn't really gone!)
I've gone no where. GodModeGOD lives on. Been busy exploiting. The SoD FAQ vid series is ready to continue as the exploit craze has settled down just a bit...sort of a refresher. I need to power through the Translator to keep my own interest peaked as staying at the same spot too long while trying to get new/better results can be draining to ones morale..hints of progress help. Taking breaks can be foolish as one may not return to the job for a LONG time.
Second order of business... I am about to quit my god aweful 2nd job and will resume my NUR, get back to posting more regularly, and thank the GODS that I don't have to do that slave labor anymore!!! *happy dance*
Very nice. Hope to hear of progress in the near future.
Thirdly.. Happy NEW YEAR to you all!!
Right back at you. Though personally..I feel indifferent towards New Years.
Ok, I think thats enough out of me for now, I'll let you all re-coop from the shock of my return.. LOL ^_^
Right, right, right. Onward.
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