Let's hope it's not the final one. It looks worse than PS3 controller, worse d-pad, and does it even have L1 and R1 buttons.. And why oh why does Sony insist on parallel thumbsticks, it's terrible for fps.
Well that only took seven years. MS was successful with the 360 whereas Sony failed with PS3, but at least these figures can give fanboys a little sigh of relief, for Sony however, it doesn't mean anything.
How about a Demons Souls DLC, make it happen From Software. Upgrade DeS with Dark SOuls hit detection and remove some of the extreme lag in DeS online, plus add upgradeable armors, and we got something special.
Las Vegas is a smart decision since it has no State tax and the cost living is low enough that they can get away with having lower pay than in most other places, there's quite a few talented devs too thanks to the efforts of Zappos. Wish them well.
A top-notch campaign and top-notch multiplayer, sounds like the perfect Halo game. It would usually be the case that one aspect would give way to the other, no compromises here, it appears.
themyth01's comments