Showing an attempted rape scene is a controversy? Wow. With all the the crap that video games are loaded with these days, an "attempted rape scene" (look at the word ATTEMPTED) should be rated E.
Oh! They should use that screen on the controller to display the Combo sequences so you can kick some ass! I can never remember those or do them right.
@Darkreaper_1 @S_i_X_o_1_4 Why're you even bothering to reply? He just insinuated you were a brainless pervert. You're right either way. There is not even a need for a list to prove your point. You just have to be above 20 years of age and not visually impaired.
@BlazeODU Now I can make an informed comment: for that kind of money for the pledges, you should be able to buy a share in the company. Other than that, it's nice that people want to be innovative but an entire new console's gonna be tough to support. Good luck to you, Ouya. LOL. What a name.
It's not even just about the length. It's about people not understanding why a game or movie was popular to begin with. The damn plot. If the plot is altered, guess what? People will be piiiiiissed.
therealsig's comments