@rancid36 good for you on picking up both, my decision on a ps4 is yet to come, they really need to sell me on exclusives or I wont bother, the xbox one is already on my buy list
some people don't understand you can like one, and not hate the other
All you people and your console wars are funny, imagine a world with only 1 console, and then say hello to 1000$ + all the time cost for said console because it has no one to compete against it.
PS4 will easily launch at a 500 dollar pricetag too, just watch.
new game ninja was already awarded from what i can tell, i got it this morning it was for following a game announced at e3..but what qualifies for that im not sure, and it may have been cut off when the con ended since no new games could be announced from then on, kinda hard to tell at this point
After reading all the comments, its amazing how many people didnt read this article stating all but the first five achievments will be awarded AFTER THE 13th!
Used games are not a problem imo. The tactics used by places like gamestop on the other hand are. Ive stopped going in there because im tired of the clerk trying to convince me buying used is better then buying new......If i want to buy a game im buying it new anyway(im against buying used, but if your someone who buys used, good for you, i just wont do it. but please dont try to convince me to buy used cuz its "better" for your business, let me make my own damn decision)
therokito's comments