@GreySif @lostastsea22485 and you wont brainwash people into buying a ps4 if they don't want one, be honest, true gamers are buying both systems, hardcore gamers DO NOT CARE, its just console wars, half the people talking trash have both 360 and ps3 sitting on their shelf right this minute and play both happily
@lostastsea22485 the price point is the only true difference, and some of us want all the extras xbox will give us
the lower price point for ps4 makes it a bit more attractive to me, but only because I want kingdom hearts and final fantasy(if they are exclusive) and even then ill wait for the price drop for those
@-Geo you are a true gamer lol, im actualy considering ps4 now, not because of the system itself, but because it actualy has 2 possibly exclusive games(kingdom hearts 4 and final fantasy 15), time will tell if they are truly exclusive, but those are big for me
therokito's comments