@dark_rising76 @therokito but the fact remains, the cost of a live sub is still not 10 dollars, or 15 like people who don't have them claim, that was the point I was getting at, the price points for both onlione servives are for the most part, the same(uless you know how to get the better xbox deal)
@gaming_binge @therokito @HenrySix 600 was a lot to swallow, but it wouldn't have been if it was released at the same time as xbox 360.
by the time we saw that 600 pricetag, you weren't comparing it to 500, you were comparing it to 300, which was the current cost of a 360. that was a MUCH bigger difference, and the real truth behind what happened back then
@COPMAN221ISBACK @therokito it does, I never need to drag my xbox around, its sitting in the same spot it has for the last 7 years, if I am out on vacation, I DO NOT need my games, im out to have a vacation, not do what I do at home
@HenrySix I don't think sony would have had the issue it did with ps3 if it was released at the same time as the 360, but when the 360 was out, I was already discounted by that time. That was a huge factor on top of the price, one that may have been bigger then the price itself
@golden_ashen @therokito @HiddenSanctum micro has a bunch of in house they are using too, but yeah, those companies who aren't, have a contract that tells them how the exclusivity works
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