@Stedmister @therokito I aint bought a cd in like...20 years? but im more surprised because digital for music is so easy to do now. theres not a lot of storage required. Unlike with games, to store all your games it could take WAY WAY too much storage, which is just now starting to get to the point where its feasible.
@RevengePC @CraZkid37 you don't have to buy a sony either. I know I don't have to, just like I didn't have to buy a wii, or a wii u.....no one has to buy anything. hell, technicaly, BOTH systems are damn expensive if you really want to look at it, if 500 is too much money, 400 is probably too much too. And game quality has gone down the tubes all around, for everything in the last few years.
@GSGuy321 I own about a dozen indie games for my 360.....and quite a few of them on my phone. I know I support indies as long as the games amusing and worth the price point
@zenstrata of all the things they announced, it could be the 1 I could see being removed before launch.
The whole fees for used games things wasn't in there to my knowledge, instead they added a trade policy. Which removes the game from your system if someone else ever registers your disc(which makes sense since you SOLD IT)
@Stedmister yeah, the physical disc was supposed to go out this gen, can almost guarantee it will be by next gen now. I personaly think its too early for it to be gone, but in 10 years? whos to say it will be time.
@dokeyjellybean9 if you are always connected when you have it on, you have no need to worry, if that's what your asking. if you go a few days without turning it on, it will lock until you do for games, but once you turn it on connected, they are all enabled again anyway.
@dark_rising76 @therokito as ive always said, its the games that sell, the only reason I would have wanted a ps3 myself was for DIsgaea 3(yes, it was an exclusive, I didn't care about any others) but for a single exclusive I cant justify the price of buying a new system when I already owned the 360.
So if forza was what was selling you, then yeah, I wouldn't justify paying 100 dollars more for a system just to play a single game, if it was several games, itd be another story, or if the other features really appealed to you, but obviously they don't.
@gaming_binge @therokito @HenrySix you are right, the price is meaningless. it will appeal to people yes, but it wont be the biggest factor in how the systems sell. if it was, the wii u would be the end all, because its obviously cheaper then both systems still am I right?(but that's not the case)
both systems will appeal to who they appeal too, both will sell well, sony will probably sell more(wont deny it) but that doesn't mean the others fail
@matt43055 @therokito @ARUG999 there is no denial, why cant both systems do well? why is it that some of us, who aren't fanboys of either system in particular, can see both systems doing well, but you sony fans want to see everything else crash and burn? the denial is on you my friend. one doesn't have to fail for the other to succeed. sony will probably sell a whole lot more units this year, but that doesn't mean X1 has failed or wont sell
therokito's comments