@nervedamaged best buy released a guarantee on that price, remember though, developers are charging more for game add ons, so they can go that route to keep that price where it is
@guddagudda25 @g1jesus 15 will be out on xbox one, KH is a maybe, they didn't name them as exclusives, but only that they will be available on the ps4
the thing to remember with KH, is SE already licensed it to Nintendo for several of their games, so there is no reason they wont go full circle with all 3 systems in this next generation
@Meta-Gnostic not everything sony announced was actualy exclusive, people just assumed they would be. Its all preference, people who are really really into these exclusives on both sides, are buying those systems anyway
I know I wasn't gonna get a ps4, only the X1, but with some of the exclusives they named for ps4.....I gotta figure a way out to get more money for it
@Gamernametaken @LocoLiberal that's such a bad idea, you don't know what you are talking about, ps4 will not prevent games from being released, they need those games to make their system sell. if you have less games, you suffer really bad because the games are what sells the systems
@PublikNMEno1 only time will tell, this is something a lot of people don't seem to understand, there were several games who suffered bad due to the used games market, of course the bi games all had no issues whatsoever. but these companies are not charities and they want to make money. if they can make more, they will do it.
the big truth is both systems will sell a ton, people aren't as closely looking at the issues some people here are so up in arms about as they would think. games will all sell. well the good games at least.
the real winner will be the one who puts out the best games, and keeps them coming. in the end, we buy the systems for the games, so the games are what will speak to us.
im probably getting both systems, but the xbox will be my primary, and again, for the above reasons, for the GAMES. there will be a lot of titles I cant get on ps that xbox will have that I will want.
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