@CausticxArma Call of Duty has never claimed to be authentic. Battlefield has claimed to be realistic, but only in the ways of physics, destruction, scale, or firearms. Medal of Honor, however, is claiming to represent the real war effort. Truly representing the war effort is a job for tactical shooters like ARMA or Red Orchestra, not arcade FPS shooters.
The guy doesn't want to make a fun game and he doesn't want to make a innovative experience. He wants to make a Hollywood action movie.
It's not that Wonderbook was a bad idea, it's that E3 is that wrong place to show it off. Wonderbook is something Sony needs to use commercials to lure parents and kids into, not the hardcore gaming audience at E3.
The Vita had some great games coming that deserved spotlight, games like Gravity Rush, Metal Gear Solid HD, Persona 4 Golden, Little King's Story, Silent Hill, Sly Cooper, LittleBigPlanet, and Soul Sacrifice. And they should have talked as least a BIT about the new Call of Duty. Small things like premise or concepts would have been fine.
During the entire Miiverse commercial thing, the only thing on my mind was "I could look this up in two second on GameFAQs through my smartphone, iPod, or *hurr hurr* PS Vita."I don't want want my social crap to combine with my game crap. I just want good games with good hardware, not gimmicky crap like this.
@RedLegZeff The Wii U was suppose to succeed the Nintendo Gamecube. The Wii remote was designed to be an add-on for the Gamecube before Nintendo realized that an add-on would not sell as well as a full console (Eye Toy, Kinect, PS Move, etc.). The Wii U was originally designed with the Nintendo DS as Nintendo's vision for dual screen gaming. As such, it has been in the making for many, many years now, far before the smartphone hype, much less the tablet hype, began.
I really like that this article is on GameSpot despite being sponsored by E3. The mere existence of this article is more profound to me than the contents.
@gtkyzur I can understand Nintendo but Microsoft...? The only thing they "developed" was Halo, and Bungie's gone. Gears of War was the only other Xbox exclusive, and Microsoft didn't even develop it, it was Epic Games. So basically, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, God of War, Journey, Flower, Closure, Resistance, Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, The Last of Us, Shadow of the Colossus, ICO, The Last Guardian, etc. vs. Halo. Yeah, Microsoft is soooooooooo good at game development.
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