What does bethesda care? they'll just pump out another game using the same engine and horrid textures, reused assets and and Shooter mislabeled as an RPG.
@DIOSNY: yet you own an xbox or ps4? Which is on an x86 platform, games are developed on PC's..... The next xbox and ps4k will run on the AMD polaris architecture *Cough* RX 480.... Xbox is now planing on upgrading consoles to keep up with the PC market....
Kind of like upgrading a PC except instead of you buying a new GPU of your choosing. You get to buy a whole new system every two years which cost as much as a Damn good GPU, but with less performance.
Hate to break it to you, but you are a part of PC gaming.
@Mo60: NO, it will bottleneck you are going to need a 6700k or 7700k when that drops, ether an 8 core CPU and I'm not talking AMD's current offerings or a 4 core with 8 threads. You will need skylake or Kaby Lake.
@Utnayan: uh RX 480 4gb 199? kicks the shit out of a PS4 or xboxone? The Scorpio will be doing around the same performance as a 970/rx480 and I highly doubt it's going to be priced at below 400..
Also I have an R7 370 in my backup rig and that has more grunt than my PS4 had that's a 100 gpu right now.
oh cut the sh*t here's what they really mean. "We saw apple was making billions of dollars selling people phones that were only slightly better than the last one every two years! We here at Microsoft realize Hey maybe the console gamer is just as dumb as the average apple user, so we decided to take and gamble and it appears we are right. Now every two or 3 years you can pay us 400-500 dollars! And we believe the average console gamer will still shout about how much more expensive PC gaming is. Thank you for letting us have your money"
TheSpicyChiken's comments