great in theory, not so great in practive. I always hear the argument both ways about gaming on PC with a HD TV. Well of course you can so it, but it not always a practical thing to do
It works great if -
1. If you have no family, or
2. You live at home and have your PC and TV in your bedroom.
Not so great if -
1. You have children or multiple people using the PC
2. Other people want to watch/use TV while PC is in use (In a multi-person household, this is almost always happening)
Remember PC having multiple uses is also is a detrmionet for gaming when one has a family. Everyone has a PC - this is the arfument on why you don't need X console. Well my PC is used by various family members for Myspace, Facebook, homework, etc.
If I want to play a game on a console, that's all it does, nobody can tell me they need to use it for other purposes. So in my situation and I guess many others, that is a plus for consoles - there main purpose is to play games.
I have nothing against PC gaming, in fact do a bit still and used to alot in the past, but remember blanket statements don't apply to all.
360 plays DVDs, PS3 plays Bluray. They play CDs, and they stream. So....no they aren't just gaming machines anymore. We are long past that. That said it doesn't change the part where you can set up a PC to a TV. But your 15 old isn't going to need the PS3 to do their homework. PC has multiple uses that are not just entertainment based.
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