I really couldn't care as long as the game is visually appealing. MGS4 looks great. I don't understand why you are complaining. I've never understood people who consider graphics to be the most important factor in making a good game.
thomasbcperry's forum posts
That's just sad :| Nintendo Failed hard this gen from an old fan's point of view.Eddie-Vedder
...and that is your opinion. IMO Nintendo dropped the ball with the GCN and are now gaining back my loyalty with the Wii. Funny how opinions can vary. lol
[QUOTE="gamer6464"]this has been posted twice today. If you ever dont know if something has been posted aleready, you can type in a search and search the forums.Lunar52
What he said.
Okay. I was unaware of the search. Thank you.
Sorry if this was already posted but Earthbound has been rated by the ESRB. A good indication it will EVENTUALLY come to the VC.
Edit: Link
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]would people honestly care if it did come out for the ps3 now?xxThyLordxx
agreed. people have moved on, also, the sequel has been announced.
I would like to see it released for the PS3. I plan on getting a PS3 once the PS4 comes out and I want to play this game... hopefully the first and second will be released so I can get both dirt cheap. :) I don't plan on picking up a 360 so it will be good news for me if it goes to the PS3.
I know it's a long time to wait for a PS3 but it will be cheap and in the meantime I have my Wii, DS, PS2 and pending on E3 announcements, maybe a PSP. The only draw back is I will miss out on some on-line experiences... maybe games like MGS4 and LBP will still have an active on-line community... hope so.
I have a Wii... I'll buy Nintendo's next console upon release. I'll pick up a PS3 when a PS4 comes out. I've only had my PS2 for about six months. That's just how I roll. No 360 or 720 for me.
A new Punch Out that will make (awesome) use of the balance board.
A new DK along the lines of DK64.
A new Kid Icarus.
[QUOTE="Jaysonguy"]We don't need any remakes of any series
They're all playable right now on the Wii
Enough with asking for games already on the system.
He isn't asking for RE0... he is just letting us know it's in the works. As far as RE2 and RE3, I don't recall them being playable on my Wii. I would love for RE2 and RE3 to be remade for the Wii like RE1 was remade for the GCN.
Anywho, he wasn't asking for a game that was already on the system... just thought I would point that out. Also, if you don't like remakes then that is just your opinion.
I did some searching and found that RE2 and RE3 were released for the GCN. I do see your point now Jasonguy. I still would like to see them remade though because they were poorly ported and added nothing to tweak the experience like they did with the remake of RE1.
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