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BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi - Episode 41: The Promised Time

The moment of truth has begun. The Defenders of Kagutsuchi are preparing for the final battle with Amaterasu on the part before the chamber, but first, Zola and King Jibral bring out their guitar to make a magical bridge to Amaterasu and the gang go inside her chamber. Their final objective is defeating Amaterasu so the citizens of Kagutsuchi can rest easy some more. It would appear that the chamber's scenic route may look like the Room of Nothingness from Grandia III where they have to defeat Xorn in that final battle. It's sure is nice, but it's a touch to the showdown. Once they played their cards right, they'll be heading home once Amaterasu was finished. Bang and Litchi figured a new way to easily slay her, by using romantic abilities. And so, Amaterasu has been slain, thanks to the Defenders of Kagutsuchi and the romance of Bang and Litchi. Once Amaterasu was finished, they head back home to Kagutsuchi and the citizens are having #1 foam hands because they managed to defeat Amaterasu. The party begins at the end of the episode on each part of the city. This has been BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi. The End.

BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi - Episode 40: The Final Showdown Awaits

Time to get down to business. Before the showdown, the warriors came across a puzzle where they have to connect pipes and identify some conjectures. The puzzle's situation took a turn for the worse, that is, until Platinum figures it out. Platinum uses the natural ability called the Armagus Control. One of the abilities that can control that seithr and can suck it. Noel gets her head in the adventure with any lack of brains. As soon as the conjectures identified and the pipes are are connected, the door to Amaterasu's Chamber opens. But it needs a bridge to enter it. The final conclusion is in the next episode.

BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi - Episode 39: Heart of Stone

As they got out of the Amaterasu Shell, the defenders found a high tech place that can act as an access to Amaterasu, but they must keep their eyes open for traps. Some sore of trap door was found by the heroes. As the trap door opens, everyone except Carl kept their eyes open. It seems like Carl fell down that trap door. As soon as he fell, he encountered Relius Clover and both Carl and Relius are in a heart of stone of the music battle. They both used music abilities and this battle comes to a draw until Carl won the battle.

BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi - Episode 38: Footsteps to the Finale

As mentioned, the Defenders of Kagutsuchi are headed back to the Amaterasu Shell for the ultimate showdown. As they advanced, a giant monster has been found. The defenders are having a chance of slaying that monster to move on. As a fact, Valkenhayn tries to inform them that a monster has a weak spot on its back and they have a chance to easily slay that creature. Just as the monster has been slain, the gang including Zola and King Jibral, the guests move on from the Shell's scenic route.

BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi - Episode 37: The Aftermath

As they were headed home, the gang part ways for the ultimate showdown during the aftermath before the ultimate battle. It's night time at Kagutsuchi and the people are preparing the final battle. Here in the Military Academy, Jin is teaching Noel and her classmates how the showdown works. Here in Ronin Gai, Bang told his assistants about the fight with Amaterasu. Here in Orient Town, Litchi and Linhua are conversating about the ultimate battle with Amaterasu. That'll make guardian angels wish them luck. Carl and his puppet Ada are also preparing for battle. Here in the Kaka Village, Taokaka and her fellows are kicking in before the final battle tomorrow. Platinum and Jubei are having fun before tomorrow's final battle. Finally, Valkenhayn and Rachel are kicking in while serving tea before the ultimate batle. As the sun roses, they are headed back to the Amaterasu Shell for the ultimate fight.

BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi - Episode 36: Inside the Amaterasu Shell

The Defenders of Kagutsuchi are making preparations before entering the Amaterasu Shell. Another one of the Nox Nyctores user was named Relius Clover supports for Amaterasu's trust and bond. He was a father to Carl Clover, which is obviously a fact. As the preparations the complete, they have entered the Amaterasu Shell to take out that Amaterasu curse so they can take out Amaterasu herself. One of the heroes can break that structure. Just as the others tried any moves, but not breaking. If it's not for Jin, who uses his Nox Nyctores Yukianesa, then they can't break it. It was Jin, who managed to succeed in breaking that structure. The curse has been broken and the citizens of Kagutsuchi can rest easy once again. The defenders are headed to Kagutsuchi for tomorrow's battle.

BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi - Episode 35: True Colors

As the Defenders of Kagutsuchi continues on, they are in the bottom part of the Librarium where they have to defeat the enemies along the way. Back in Episode 19, Bang was very tired of the endless and sensitive battles and had to suspend himself from the team. But in this episode, Bang must show his true colors without quitting the team and the others should do that too. And so, all the tasks of advancing are completed. Thanks to Bang, who showed his true colors for knowing whenever he's not quitting the team. Not only that, the sixth and final Runestone has been found as well. As they're reporting this to Lorelei, he informed that the Amaterasu curse was held by Amaterasu herself. The gang put all six Runestones and have discovered a warp zone to the Amaterasu Shell, a sacred place where the structure that she holds. That's the only task that they have to take before the final battle.

BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi - Episode 34: Crisis of the Amaterasu Curse

The gang are having a crisis of the curse because Hazama returns with revenge by starting up that Amaterasu curse. This could be the trouble of the people of the city. However, the gang needs to find a couple of the Runestones to move on. It would appear that King Jibral acts more with overconfidence on a crisis. Just as the fifth Runestone is found, the gang quickly returns to base for the sixth and final Runestone, which is located on the top of the Librarium and they must find the last one and report this to Lorelei right away!

BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi - Episode 33: Curse of Amaterasu

Kagutsuchi Inc showed their true colors once the fourth Runestone is found. As they are headed towards the location where the fifth Runestone is, the curse of Amaterasu has begun. Hazama's true colors made him return with the revenge of the Defenders of Kagutsuchi. In their brave bid to defeat Hazama, it would appear that the Defenders of Kagutsuchi are bitten off with more than they chew! With the Amaterasu curse in progress, they'll never find that fifth Runestone at that rate. What is the secret to Hazama's true amazing revenge potential? Or have the defenders' guardian angels would surpass this demonic super soldier? The next episode will reveal them all.

BlazBlue: Defenders of Kagutsuchi - Episode 32: A Cold Resort

After a countless and long quest for the third Runestone is resolved, the fourth Runestone lies somewhere in Kagutsuchi. It seems like the Defenders' helpers were inevitable. Now moving on, the monitor in the base indicates that the next Runestone is in Ronin Gai. Bang's situation took a turn for the worse because of the Runestone lies in his hometown. As they're headed for Ronin Gai, the Defenders of Kagutsuchi came across a priceless gemstone. It belongs to someone else. A strange man appeared out of nowhere looking for a gemstone. The Defenders are asking why is he going crazy. Just as the man found that fourth Runestone, but he can't give it to them until they found that gem. The Defenders and that man are trading that gem for the Runestone. The mystery has been solved. Now, all they have to do is to return to base for the fifth Runestone. Their quest has a cold resort for Bang's hometown.