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tigerdude22 Blog

Lilo and Stitch: The Series vs. Kim Possible

WINNER for Monday for week-long Disney Channel week is.....

Good Luck Charlie

Pick which shows that you think deserves to win.....

Lilo and Stitch: The Series vs. Kim Possible

Thank you and I hope everyone has a nice Tuesday!!! :)

Good Luck Charlie vs. Austin and Ally

VERY QUICKLY: What did you think of the 500th Episode of "The Simpsons" last night? (if you watched it)

I thought it was a very good episode and it proves why I still love this show. The jokes were excellent, the characters were funny, and BEST OF ALL... the introduction was AWESOME and it's possibly my all-time favorite introduction of "The Simpsons". So yeah, I will review this episode when I get a chance. MAYBE I'll review it today or tomorrow but we're gonna have to see.

Good news is that I'm feeling better so I will review again and I'm behind on that so yeah so I'll get to that. :)

Okay, please pick the shows that you think deserve to win:

Good Luck Charlie vs. Austin and Ally

Whichover show wins will make it in the FINAL FOUR showdown. :) Have fun!!! Also, Happy Presidents' Day :)

Anyone gonna watch the 500th episode of "The Simpsons" tonight?

Hey everyone,

It's Sunday, February 19th, 2012 and that means today is the 500th hundred episode of "The Simpsons"

I can't believe that it's the 500th episode already. :) The years go by really fast.... I've watched this show for so so long and it's finally here. :)

So yeah, anyone gonna watch the 500th episode of "The Simpsons" tonight?

POST in the comments please!!!

I'll definitely be watching the 500th episode of "The Simpsons" but I'm probably not gonna be able to watch it when it's airing because I have plans to celebrate my two cousins' birthdays by going to the movies then eating at Peter Piper Pizza then going to their house and to just have fun and sing happy birthday plus eat cake and ice cream. :)

I do have a DVR because I have Time Warner Cable and I've already set up the episode to record tonight so I can just watch it when I get home tonight. :)

By the way, remember I told you all that a few weeks ago that my cousins moved to Austin, Texas and that we won't be able to see them til' Spring Break.

Guess what? my cousins who moved a few weeks ago are here right now. They came here in El Paso to celebrate their birthdays for this weekend so I thought that it's very cool to see them again this weekend plus we still get to see them in Spring Break which is not too long away. :) I just gotta make the weeks go by fast. :)

So yeah, I hope everyone is having a nice 3-day weekend (that's if you have it or not) :) I also hope you enjoy the 500th episode of "The Simpsons" tonight if you do plan to watch it :) Until then, have a day!!!

Disney Channel week starts tomorrow on Presidents' Day

Underworld: Awakening/Man On A Ledge/Chronicle movie reviews

The show that TAKES IT ALL and brings home the trophy for being Cartoon Network champion is.....

Regular Show

POST in the comments and tell me what you think of the Cartoon Network champion!!! :)

Alright everyone, I'm finally doing my movie reviews so I hope you enjoy my movie reviews. :) I know not every user cares about my movie reviews but I just love to do this because sharing my opinion is fun just like how I share my opinion for TV shows. :)

Okay, I saw "Underworld: Awakening" and "Man On A Ledge" two weekends ago on a Saturday. I saw "Chronicle" last weekend on a Sunday. :)

Here are my movie reviews:

Underworld: Awakening- Now, I'm not a big Underworld fan but they're entertaining movies. My mom really likes the trilogy for Underworld so I decided to watch it with her. This movie was very entertaining... I mean, it's not like the best movie I've ever seen but it's overall enjoyable. Some scenes can drag and get choppy but for the most part.... it's not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. So yeah, this is one of those movies where it's NOT good but it is entertaining. The acting in this movie was pretty good and some of the action sequences in this movie were pretty awesome. This movie is rated Rated R so it was a little bloody and they say the F word at least 2 or 3 times in this movie. Not bad though so I say if you're into these vampire-type movies and you enjoy the Underworld trilogy then I think this is the movie for you. :)

I rated this movie:

Man On A Ledge- When I saw the trailer for this movie, I didn't even want to waste my time with this movie because it just looked dumb and stupid. I know some of the people are going to say that this movie looks awesome but this movie honestly didn't good. I decided to watch this movie after "Underworld: Awakening" and it was just okay. It's not terrible movie just I thought it would be but it's still not a good movie either, it's just in the okay range. Sam Worthington's character being on the ledge throughout the whole movie was just boring and a waste of time. The heist scenes in this movie made no point either. Just seriously? what does a stupid heist have to do with a man on a ledge. The storyline in this movie just started to drag and get boring. Around maybe the last 25-30 minutes of the movie is where it probably got a little more entertaining and not very dragged. Some of the scenes in this movie were pretty cool though. The acting was either pretty good or average. So yeah, this movie was just okay but the storyline made no point and it's pretty lame seeing Sam Worthington being on the ledge throughout the whole movie. Also, Sam Worthington uses some of the same ol' lines that he uses in his other movies which does get very old. I think is a movie that you should probably wait til' DVD to see though.

I rated this movie:

Chronicle- When I saw the trailer for this movie, it looked interesting but not good. I didn't know if I should watch this movie or not but my friends at school that it's awesome and that I must watch it. So my family and I decided to watch it. I was gonna watch it at the 8:15pm showing but it SOLD OUT so I went on Sunday at the 1:45pm showing. Anyways, I watched this movie and I thought it was AWESOME. It completely blew me away all the way through and it really surprised me. The actors in this movie were very good and it's just a very cool movie. SO FAR, I gotta say that this is The Best Movie Of The Year 2012. This movie does show you reality though because the movie is about this kid who gets abused by his stepdad plus the fact that he has to deal with other kids at high school picking on him. He, his cousin, and this cousin's best friend (that African-American dude) one night go inside this hole and they see this weird alien shaped thing that gives them powers so the movies shows them using their powers to do some pranks on people which is pretty funny and they use their powers to fly. Then again, their powers do mean that their must be rules to it. That's all I'm gonna give you for the storyline but all I can say is that I loved this movie and it's definitely a MUST-SEE.... please go see this movie because it's definitely worth paying your money for it. Holy crap!!! this movie was awesome, no joke. :)

I rated this movie:

I hope you all enjoyed my movie reviews :) I also hope that everyone has a wonderful 3-day weekend :) Also, Disney Channel week will start on Monday :)

FINAL FOUR showdown on Friday

Hey everyone,

did you miss me yesterday? (which was Thursday)

I haven't been on this website ONCE yesterday because by the time it was the last 25 minutes of my last period. I started to get a horrible headache and it's possibly the worst headache I've ever gotten in my whole entire life. :(

It was hard handling my headache in the last 25 minutes of my last period yesterday because I seriously felt like passing out.

Not only that but I also had to walk to my house after school which is about a 10 minute walk so it was really hard to handle my headache walking home.

All yesterday long, I've been resting in my bed because I had a horrible headache, I felt very cold, and I was coughing a lot. It was horrible :(

This is pretty much my day from yesterday (which is Thursday):

-I went to school

-In the last 25 minutes of my last period, I felt horrible

-School was over at 3:45pm so I had to walk all the way home for 10 minutes which was hard because of my headache

-As soon as I came home, I went straight to my bed and started from 4:00pm-5:20pm

-My mom came home at 5:20pm and bought me "Jack In The Box"

-I ate my "Jack In The Box" dinner from 5:20pm-5:35pm

-After that, I continued to rest which went on from 5:35pm-8:40pm

-I decided to take a shower to hopefully better so I went to take a shower at 8:40pm.

-After that, I was taking my medicine

-Also, I felt like watching television but the medicine made me feel drowsy so I only watched the first 12 minutes of "CONAN" and then went to sleep.

That's pretty much what happened in my day yesterday.

Right now, I'm still sick so I told my mom that I don't want to go to school and just stay home and she said that it was okay. My mom is gonna work for a half day today so she can come home at 12:30pm and take care of me.

So yeah, I didn't go to school today and I'm still sick so I'm gonna go back to resting after I'm done making this blog but I'm feeling a little bit better though.

Hopefully, I'll do reviews later on depending how I feel

Okay... I'm gonna just rap this up so I can go back to resting and hopefully get much much better later on

Ed, Edd, n' Eddy is the winner of Thursday

Okay it is the FINAL FOUR showdown

ONLY pick ONE show that should take it all


Regular Show vs. Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends vs. The Amazing World of Gumball vs. Ed, Edd, n' Eddy

Which show will TAKE IT ALL... winner will be announced somewhere around this weekend. :)

Okay everyone, thank you so much :) Now I'm really feeling sick so I'm gonna go back to bed and rest some more :) Hopefully I'll feel much much better later on and will be able to do reviews... until then, bye everyone!!!

Ed, Edd, n' Eddy vs. Codename: Kids Next Door

WINNER for Wednesday for the week-long Cartoon Network week is.......

The Amazing World of Gumball

Gumball will now be in the FINAL FOUR showdown on Friday :)

For today's (which is Thursday) competitors, we have both of these shows :)

PLEASE pick the show that you think deserves to win

Ed, Edd, n' Eddy vs. Codename: Kids Next Door

REMEMBER: whichover show wins will be in the FINAL FOUR showdown on Friday :)

Be prepared for FINAL FOUR showdown tomorrow (which is Friday) :) Until then, have a nice day!!! :)

The Amazing World of Gumball vs. Chowder

READ my small set of Valentine's Day reviews whenever you want. I reviewed 11 Valentine's Day reviews so I hope you all enjoy them. I would review more but we sadly don't have a day off on Valentine's Day so that's all I had time to review on this ONE day but I hope you all enjoy it. There is always a next year though so look forward to next year. Don't forget to click "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" so I know that you read them. :)

WINNER for Tuesday (a.k.a. Valentine's Day) of the week-long Cartoon Network week is....

Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends

Foster's Home will now be in the FINAL FOUR showdown on Friday :)

Today (which is Wednesday) will be these two shows competing :)

PLEASE pick the show that you think deserves to win

The Amazing World of Gumball vs. Chowder

Whichover show wins will make it in the FINAL FOUR showdown on Friday :)

Until tomorrow.... I hope everyone has a nice day!!!!!

Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends vs. Camp Lazlo (On Valentine's Day!!!)

Hey everyone,

Although I hate Valentine's Day so I'm NOT gonna even say HAPPY ___________ _____!!!!! (you already know what the blanks are anyways)

So what is everyone doing on Valentine's Day?

All I'm gonna do is just pass out candy to all of my friends at school tomorrow SO

1. I can get through the horrible and annoying day

2. It really helps me out and I'm less tortured by this day by doing that

I will also be reviewing a SMALL set of Valentine's Day reviews today so be prepared to read some Valentine's Day reviews :)

My aunt has also NEVER seen "Crazy Stupid Love" and since I own the movie on DVD. We're gonna watch it together tomorrow. :) I LOVE that movie so that should be nice

That's pretty much gonna be my day today which is Valentine's Day

So I hope everyone has a Happy _____________ ______!!!!! :)

WINNER for Monday for the week-long Cartoon Network week is......

Regular Show

Regular Show is now gonna be in the FINAL FOUR showdown on Friday :)

On Valentine's Day, these are competitors for today (a.k.a. Tuesday)

PLEASE pick the show that you think deserves to win :)

Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends vs. Camp Lazlo

Let's see which show wins Valentine's Day and which show will make in the FINAL FOUR showdown on Friday!!!!

To end this blog..... Happy ____________ ______ To All Of The Users!!! :)

Regular Show vs. Adventure Time

CLICK HERE to read my blog about My 1 Year Anniversary on (if you missed it)

Hey everyone,

it's a new week and we are now beginning with Cartoon Network week :)

Let's see how this week goes and see who will TAKE IT ALL on Friday FINAL FOUR showdown. :)

Also, I know I promised that I would make a blog for my movie reviews for "Man On A Ledge" and "Underworld: Awakening" on Saturday but I completely forgot. :/

I also just saw "Chronicle" this weekend so it looks like I will FOR SURE (no excuses) make a blog on my movie reviews for "Underworld: Awakening", "Man On A Ledge", and "Chronicle". I'm sorry for those of you that were looking forward to it.

I know some of the users don't even care about my movie reviews but this is just to remind to some of the users that do care about reading my movie reviews :)

Okay, it is Monday for Cartoon Network!!!

PLEASE pick the show that you think deserves to win

Regular Show vs. Adventure Time

REMEMBER: whichover wins will make it in the FINAL FOUR showdown on Friday :)

Have fun with a new week and a new channel for shows that are competing :)

That's all for today until tomorrow everyone!!! :)

My 1 Year Anniversary on :)

Hey everyone,

Well, before I get to the main thing which you already know it's gonna be since the title gave it away which it was suppose to do... Just wanted to say the winner that TAKES IT ALL

The ULTIMATE Nickelodeon week WINNER that takes it all and brings home the trophy is......

SpongeBob SquarePants

How do you guys feel about the Nickelodeon week WINNER?

POST in the comments please!!!

Also, I will be doing Cartoon Network week ON.... Valentine's Day week (February 13th-February 17th) since that's what the votes got. :)

It is February 12th, 2012 which means that it has been EXACTLY 1 Year since I have joined this wonderful website for what it is called

I've joined this website on Saturday, February 12th, 2011 and it was one of the greatest and happiest days of my life.

Ever since I joined this website that day, I have been reviewing because I love to do that... I gotten to meet and talk to most of the users from that day all the way to NOW. :)

Also, since it is my 1 year anniversary today :)

What was YOUR first impression of me when I first joined?

You can be honest with me by the way... did you think I was mean? I was annoying?

What was your first impression of me when I pressed "Start Following" on you so you can become my friend or when YOU press the "Start Following" button on me so you can become my friend :)

Anyways, just wanted to know what your first impression of me became when I first joined this website?

POST here in the comments please!!!

Thank You To All Of The Users Who Have Been So Nice and Made Me Feel So Welcome This Past Year!!! I Am Gratefully Appreciative Of That!!! :)

I Don't Know How I Will Celebrate My 1 Year Anniversary though but I guess reviewing and all that stuff is the closest I can do to celebrate :)

Thanks So Much Everyone and Be Prepared for Cartoon Network Week starting this Monday :)