Here is my movie review:
The Grey- First of all, I didn't expect my family to take me to see this film after I came back from my sleepover but my family planned this at the last minute and I was pretty excited since this movie looked very interesting to me. If you're a Liam Neeson fan, then you will really enjoy this movie. This movie was really good and I loved the plot to it. It was very interesting and it was intense in some parts. The film is Rated R because if it does has violence that are bloody. Not like extremely bloody because I have seen bloodier films than this one but it was still bloody. You do see a tiny bit of guts in one or two scenes as well but they are shown very briefly though. Now I wouldn't say that this is my favorite Liam Neeson movie but I still really liked it. "Taken" still remains of my favorite action movies from Liam Neeson. :) The scenery of snow in this movie are beautiful. The wolves also look very cool in this movie. There might even be a few scenes where you jump out of your sear (Even if you expect it). This is probably a movie that will you might find BORING or NOT BORING. The movie didn't bore me but I know that it might bore some people though as I seen like 5 people walk out of the theatre as the like the first 1 hour of the movie. But yeah, in my opinion.... it's a very good movie and Liam Neeson was fantastic in this movie and NEVER disappoints me with his acting.
REMEMBER: This film is Rated R for bloody violence, disturbing images, and pervasive language (a.k.a. tons of cuss words).... just thought I give you that warning in case you are under 17 years old and want to see the movie. :)
My Day (last night at the Sleepover and today which is Saturday):
So did you guys miss reading new reviews from me last night?
I told you all in my previous blog that I am going to spend the night at my best friend's apartment on Friday Night. That's why I didn't review anything last night. :)
Anyways, the sleepover at my best friend's apartment was really fun. First of all, there was no adult supervision since my best friend's mom is out of town. :)
This is what my best friend, my other best friend, and I did at the sleepover. When I arrived at the apartment, my best friend was watching "Jersey Shore" (a reality show that I really HATE and wished it was canceled... read my review of it) but I was watching it because I didn't want to sounds rude and ask my friend to change the channel so I suffered a whole 30 minutes watching an episode of "Jersey Shore" :( After that was over (THANK GOD), my best friends changed the channel and they were showing "American Dad" on Adult Swim so we watched that show for about an hour of that show since Adult Swim were re-running two episodes. Then, we started to play some video games like a gangster video game (I forgot the name of it), "Halo: Reach","Call of Duty: Black Opts", and "Gears of War 3". So are the video games that we played. :) Around 10:00pm, I brought over the movie "Kung Fu Panda 2" (my favorite movie) because my best friends have never seen the movie so we watched it. :) My friends really liked it and they were surprised with the ending of the movie as well. :)
After watching "Kung Fu Panda 2", we played some even more video games. :) After that, we went to sleep because we were all so tired. :) My best friends' couch was so freakin' comfy and I'm not lying. I slept so good and didn't want to get up... one of the greatest sleeps that I've ever had. :D haha Then my best friend's older brother dropped off me and my other best friend at our house. :) When I came home, my mom planned for us to go to the movies at the last minute (which usually happens) and everyone has to choose either "Man On A Ledge" (that movie looks stupid in my opinion), "Red Tails" (that movie looks pretty awesome), or "The Grey" (Of course, you know we picked this movie and we chose this movie because it had Liam Neeson and the plot itself looked interesting). :) Also, my cousins are moving to Austin, Texas tomorrow morning :( Before we went to my cousins' house to say good-bye to them and go to the movies to watch "The Grey", I went through my Recording Log and watched the NEW episode of "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" (I'm gonna review that after I'm done making this blog) before we even left. After the episode ended, we left the house two minutes later which was a perfect timing. :) We were at my cousins' house for about 20 minutes and were saying our good-bye to them and I'm very sad they are moving to Austin, Texas tomorrow morning since they are the ones that visit us the most at our house. :( On the bright side, we already planned on going to Austin, Texas to visit them during Spring Break... that's right, I now plans for Spring Break which is awesome. After our good-byes, that's when we went to the movies and saw "The Grey".
After we saw "The Grey", my aunt wanted to treat us to go eat at "Whataburger" so we all went to "Whataburger" and ate inside. :) That place is my favorite burger place to eat at. :)
After that, we all went home and I just decided to go home and watch television. :)
Also, about three weeks ago, I promised my good friend mahesh2001 that I would review "Dan Vs." so I went to my Recording Log and watched about 4 episodes of "Dan Vs." including the NEW episode that aired today at 6:00pm called "The Neighbors" (I believe that's the name) here in Texas. :) I'm gonna review the show once I watch about 3 or more episodes of that show then that's when I decided to make this blog afterwards. :)
So that is my entire day and that is what I did at my best friend's sleepover last night. :)
Also, most of you are probably friends with pudgebyrd722. :)
Well, remember... how all this week, we've been nominating users to the categories that fit them. :) Well, today.... pudgeybyrd722 announced that we can now officially vote for which users deserves to win that category :)
The voting will go for a 2-week period according to pudgebyrd722. :)
CLICK HERE to see pudgebyrd722's blog about how you can now VOTE for the Users' Choice Awards:
That's all for my blog :) I hope to read more reviews this weekend from other users and have a good weekend!!! :)
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