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tiggerboy Blog

A little good news in the midst of all the bad news.......

First off, my friend, Chris Williams, that goes to VT was NOT in that classroom when the hell freak mindlessly shot all those people.  Thank god, cause I could not handle another friend dying on me this week.

I am having my gaming weekend this weekend since last weekend was horribly cut short...

I reached 11,000 GS last night with the help of BigC and Dead Rising, which I had not played since last August!

Thanks guys for all the kind words. You guys have made it a little easier to cope with.

Its been hard working out the funeral prep. with Dan's mom (his dad died of lung cancer about 5 years ago).  We were real close, so his mom asked me to help.  I was a little hesitant, but decided to.  The funeral is on Friday at 10 a.m.

As a side note, I bet that in about 2-4 years there will be a movie about this incident.  The VT one, not my friends of course.



Today was a bad day....

A friend of mine was hit last night by a drunk driver and died this morning at the hospital.  He was married and had a little girl.  Please do not drink and drive guys...

I will be back in a couple of days.

I proclaim this weekend my gaming weekend!

If you see me on live for most of the weekend, thats because I am gaming the entire weekend, with short sleeping breaks in the middle.  I also have to go to Tacoma to see our wedding photographer about our wedding book.  Other than that I am sitting on my fat lazy butt and gaming it up, so if you see me on there and wanna kick it Live style, hit me up!



Big doin's for the union! I am back gaming more regularly!

Whats up people!  I have got into gaming on the regular (thats so '80s) and starting so see it in my gamerscore!  I have a LOT of games to complete.  I thought about actually trading some in, and thought about how dumb that would be and didn't.  It's dumb for me because I collect games, so why not just archive them! 

Got some mind blowing ideas for the union!  Yes, mind blowing, I am still cleaning up the mess!  I am not telling, so you will have to wait, HAHAHA!!!

Anyways, I notice a lot of gamers stop to read my blogs (thanks guys, I feel special) but rarely post.  So maybe you can answer a question for me.


Didnt you hate those type of questions in school.  You know the ones that lead you to believe that its a simple one word answer, then BAM they throw in the WHY!!! 


Hey, while you're here, check out my union!

Thats all for now, Peace!


Finally some nice weather in Seattle! Starting to plan out the summer.

Finally.  It's been spring for what a month now, and Seattle is just now starting to show it. It's awesome outside!  I love video games, but sometimes you need to go outside and get some fresh air in your lungs, at least between loading times.  I guess I really have not did a lot of planning for the summer.  I know that June 7th I am taking my wife to St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands for ten days.  That will be fun. 

I finally picked up my reserved copy of GH II.  I have been so busy between school and work, I actually forgot to pick it up on the 3rd! It's not really suprising that I forgot though. This quarter of school has been pretty crazy.  I have to learn Adobe Premier, Adobe Audition, and Adobe 3DS Max.  All in 11 weeks!  3DS Max alone has over 85,000 commands!  I have the same instructor for two of the 3 classes, and he's pretty tough.  If we do what we learn, we get a C, we have to study and do stuff on our own to get an A!  I think thats a load of crap, but whatever, I have an A right now anyways. 

I hope that I get some time this weekend to actually open the package and hold the guitar, i dunno about plugging it in and turning in on or anything like that.....

**** it, I am gonna make time!

I am having a blasty blast with Shivering Isles!  It's so damn wierd!  The things the people say make me laugh out loud sometimes!  My wife hears some of things they say from the other room and has to come in there to hear it again, because she thinks she misunderstood them, realizing they said exactly what she heard!  If you ain't got it yet, you're missing out!  I know I sound like the official spokesman for Shivering Isles, but I can't stress enough how good it is.  I also bought the biggest MS points bundle you can buy, the 5000 pack.  I didn't realize just how many points that was till I purchased Shivering Isles and still had 2600 points! 

Well, I gotta get back to work.

Finished Knights of The Nine, Started Shivering Isles

So I finally finisheed KOTN last night and have to say, it was really fun.  It went pretty in depth, and the stroy was good.  Not to big though.  There were also several times that I found myself rather "lost" and not knowing what to do.  There wasn't as much direction as there was in the other "missions".  Overall a great expansion.  The fight scene at the end was very cool, but I wont blow it for those that have not beat it.

I also started playing Shivering Isles.  What a freak fest!  I had to talk to people twice because the things they say are whako!  It reminds me of like Alice in Wonderland or something.....Its really cool though.  A great buy for those wondering.  I will update more tonight.



Xbox Live Gamenight!

Tonights union gamenight was a hit!  It was a blasty blast! I had a good time playing with everyone.  Thanks to all the XBLGU members who participated.  If anyone wants to join in on the fun, be a member of either the XBI or XBLGU and hit me up so that I can send you a friend request.  Cant wait for next week!!!

Sorry about the unexpected absence......

This last weekend I had some personal issues that came up out of nowhere, literally.  While there are many things that I will keep personal, there are a few things that I feel I can express with you guys.

I have been a gamer almost my entire life.  I was 4 years old when I got my first game console, the NES.  I actually have the same NES I recieved when I was 4!  I played that machine for hours.  I remember getting up when I was little and silently playing it because I could not sleep. 

Anyways, I have been going to college for Digital Entertainment and Game Design for almost a year now.  I figured if I could take what I love and make a GOOD living out of it, then why not go for it!  Well, I have some backwoods rednecks in my family that have not done anything with there lives.  My Aunt has not had a decent job in god knows when, and her daughter (my female cousin) is jobless, and her stupid husband is a jobless idiot also.  My cousin, her brother, is a drug abusing punk who had never done anything with his life.  He dropped out of school in the 9th grade!!!

I tell you this to let you know how pissed the made me.  My mom was talking to my grandpa the other day, telling him how happy they were for me because I have done so much with my life.  I have a family (wife), a home, a great job, and going to school to have a career.  Well, I guess my good for nothing Aunt got pretty jelous and went off on both my grandpa and mom, telling them that I have just skimmed by in life and that now I am doind nothing more than wasting my education to play video games!!!!

Needless to say, I went off, I said to my grandpa;


Well, even though I know that she just said that because she is just jelous that her sisters one son is doing better than her whole family, it still hit me pretty hard.  I thought'"am I just doing this because I am an immature adult?"  "what if no-one takes me seriously when I graduate?"

I couldnt keep these thoughts out of my head, then I realized, "dude!  I am living the dream I always wanted!  I must be crazy!"

Anyways, I snapped out of it and am now on the right track to greatness once again. Just a little bump in the road.



I finally got GRAW 2

Well, I have just about finished the upgrade on the union.  Today I picked up GRAW 2.  I might get to play it before GRAW 3 is released, but I don't know..... Just Kidding.  But seriously I have been REALLY busy lately.  Between Work, School, the wife and dog at home, the Union, and gaming, I cant find time to do anything.  Heres proof, I am typing this blog at 12:15 a.m., and I have to get up for work at 4:45!  I wouldnt trade this life for a million bucks.......

Not really much to post, this is kind of a small blog.  I will hopefully have something to post later.



The Xbox Live Gamers Union Upgrade is going real smooth!

I am happy to report that the XBLGU upgrading is going well.  We have a new banner and icon, lots of new content, and plenty of room for more members.  If anyone wants to join, please do so! 

I have been so busy lately, that my 360 is probably feeling a bit neglected.  I am going to have some time to play this week, though. 

I finally went and watched 300.  Just like I expected, Frank Miller did a great job again!  Its a very gory and busy movie, without one dull moment.  Frank Miller is an awesome writer.  I have his Sin City novel(s) and love reading them. 

Well, not too much to report, just have been going to school and working on the union.  Come check it out!