I got another emblem!
by tiggerboy on Comments
This aspiring detective went above and beyond the line of duty to provide feeback on Scavenator, GameSpot's scavenger hunt game.
Yup. School has started once again and this quarter is goona be very fun! I have a rabid visulization class (paper drawing), Computer Programming, and 3D Modeling. One of my instructors is a professional Web designer, and offered to help me with the remodelling of the XBLGU. Its gonna be one of a kind, I guarantee it!
Be sure and check out my unions!
Expect the first visual changes to the XBLGU to happen this weekend!
So last night I was working on the Wonderful Wednesdays article for the XBI Union, and when I went to post it, it was rejected with the error posted below:
You have encountered a f0rbidden .html error, and have may used one or more of the f0rbidden words while trying to include a link in your message. There are certain words, including 'cla$$ and '$tyle, that we do not allow while creating links in your messages because they are a doorway into several js exploits. Unfortunately, if you should have words that have 'cla$$ in them (e.g., cla$$ify, cla$$ic, etc), they will also be 'f0rbidden. We are looking to find the best solution for this problem, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Obviously I inserted $ for S's and 0 for O's so that I could actually post it.
So aparently GS knows about this inconvenient "bug", which is a good thing, I just hope that they can fix it. The great news about this is that it doesn't completely erase your entire post when this occcurs, it just omits the "Gamespot curse" words with (****) just as an actual curse word such as ****, ****, and ****.
Anyways, I just thought I would let you guys know! Hopefully this helps you guys post more!!
Now, go check out my Unions!
Finally! After hours and hours of playing, I found all 500 orbs, with no help at all! I was at 499 for like two hours and finally found the 500th! It was a level one orb also! I am at like 270 something with the hidden ones. Also, I turned on Live, and it worked! Yay! It has been a good day today! Also, I have been hearing reports that Worms on Live! is not that good........ Can this be true?!?
First I will start out with the good news. I reached 10,000 gamerscore last night! I got there with NBA Street Homecourt. Its a really good game if you like those games. There is not much content but its fun to just pick up and play.
As I have told you, I have not been able to get on Live since Sunday. I can see people online now, but nobody seems to get my messages and I can't join anyone! It's pretty frustrating. So to all that have sent me invites and messages, I am not ignoring you! I called Xbox Customer Support and they are helping me with this problem.
If I have to ship my 360 again I swear......
I have been pretty upset with a number of electronic devices failing on me. My Ipod locked up so bad that I had to take it to an Ipod store and they had to open it up and disconnect the battery! Of course they said that they had never seen that before. Then Gamespot had hit me with every glitch under the sun, from the disappearing post, to the forbidden monster!
Now I think that its just me, because tonight I was going to get online and play online with the XBI Union, and I logged on and everyone was offline! I thought it was strange that my near full friends list with some real hardcore gamers was completely offline. I get on my computer and check Xbox.com and sure enough, there were like 15 friends of mine online. I could not get messages or anything, but I could download stuff from marketplace, meaning that I was in fact connected!
AAARRRGGHHH! It pisses me off how I have such poor luck when it comes to electronics and programs failing on me. Its a good thing that I am going to school for Digital Entertainment and Game Design.....:shock:
Yeah, I need a hug..........
I have had enough of this bugged up crap! It took me 2 hours to post my news article in the XBI Union because I would type the whole thing up, and then select preview to proofread it and BAM!, its gone!:o "GLITCH"spot completely erases it!:evil:
So after cursing about losing what took about 45 minutes to an hour to write, I do it again. BUT, just to make sure, I copy all my work and saved it on my computer. Sure enough, it did it again!!:o :evil: What the heck am I paying $39.99 a year for dammit?!:evil: Why can't your toolshed of a site engineer fix these bugs! Earlier I was trying to post a comment and everytime I clicked submit, I would get a Gamespot custom error message saying that "my request could not be fulfilled right now, please try again" so I tried, and tried, and then gave up. Just a minute ago I tried to update my article that I had problems with earlier, and it wouldn't even let me select edit message, MY MESSAGE! AARRUUUHHHH! I am getting real bored with all this glitching CRAP! :evil:
I need to go home and play video games..........
So I have done a little testing of this hell you guys call Level 20, and came up with these facts.
1. No matter how much I post, don't post, it doesn't speed up my Level %.
2. I have gained 1.06% consistantly each day.
3. I reached Level 20 on February 25th.
So, if my calculations are correct, then I should hit Level 21 on July 3rd........WHAT!!! THATS FREAKING SUMMER MAN! THIS SUCKS!
Woah....... I gotta stay calm......
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