@Crabjock DayZ.... the closest to what a real zombie experience would be like to me. Initially deadly afraid of the undead, then the realization that the humans, freed from the bonds of society are the bigger threat.... if only it was smooth and polished.
History is replete with eye witness accounts of the soviets committing atrocities against their own soldiers in WWII. The fact that dumb, young slavic gamers romanticize about a brutal, dictatorial, mass murdering regime they probably weren't even alive to witness shouldn't stop the rest of the world from telling hard truths about the string of mass murderers that they called leaders.
Next they'll be offended about people telling the truth about the Berlin Wall and claiming it was there to keep unhappy Westerners out.....
Been fishing lately? Spent the last weekend bay fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, we caught (and released) dozens of shark (bonnets and black tips). They were plenty abundant.
A note on ships: The Spanish didn't typically use a "Man of War" they used Galleons, which were bigger,lumbering ships relying on long range cannons and huge crews for boarding action. The British, the colonies, the Dutch and the French were more the users of the "Man of War".
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