@Saidrex @beast70 actually gun bans only disarm law abiding citizens. Mexico has a gun ban, just read a story about 6 spanish tourists raped by *gasp* automatic weapon wielding criminals.
@Phazevariance @timoteo2k1 @tuzem2 @beast70 @lukewallwork The laws intent was to guarantee the citizens right to protection against a usurper of rights, be they foreign or domestic. As such it's working as intended.
@tuzem2 @beast70 @lukewallwork @timoteo2k1 @Phazevariance not to mention Heller vs DC, which guarantees Americans the right to the common defensive firearms of the day- the 3rd most common defensive firearm of the day being the AR-15 and it's standard 30rd magazine.
@tuzem2 @beast70 @lukewallwork @timoteo2k1 @Phazevariance actually, no. 250 years of court opinion has defined "well regulated" as meaning "using similar weapons to the military standard of the day". The "well regulated" phrase actually bulwarks against a sporting rifle ban.
In Connecticut, where the shooting took place that Obama and his authoritarian lackeys are trying to use a pretext to strip us of our rights, there was a law offered that would allow schools/ doctors who noticed mental illness to petition the courts to have that person treated against their will.
Surprisingly, the same Democrats/ ACLU lawyers who want to strip us of our rights opposed this bill. Which was the only thing discussed that could have stopped the shooting.
@wwlettsome @timoteo2k1 @NetBiosError they have 2/3rds of the govt... and no, they won't be successful in this attempt to strip the 2nd amendment.
Thank god, seeing as how they already have taken so much from us in the past years. America today, thanks to the progressives is less economically free than the 3rd Reich.
@Phazevariance @beast70 @timoteo2k1 Atheism is fine as a belief system as long as you understand that's what it is, just another belief system, and you understand that like all belief systems it may be good for you, but not your neighbor.
When it's not fine is when those who follow it believe it empowers them to do things outside human morality- like strip people of their rights for their view of "the greater good".
@wwlettsome @NetBiosError Pelosi and the rest of her ilk in that party begin the inexorable march toward stripping us of our rights every time they get power.
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