@shingui5 say the guy was only allowed the 150 year old tech of a lever action rifle... or a 6 shot revolver. Would he have been any less crazy or any less capable of killing someone? Suppose he had access to oxidizer pellets or fertilizer and diesel fuel.... any less crazy or any less capable?
The problem is the crazy person, not the tool he used.
Stupid, stupid, stupid... it's not video games or semi automatic weapons that allow crazy people to commit mass murder, it's the fact that the ACLU has made it nearly impossible to get someone help they (as a crazy person) don't want.
Heller vs DC (SCOTUS 2008) has made it clear that a gun ban of the type the reactionaries are demanding is illegal, so there is really little recourse other than finding a way to help sick people, against their will if need be.
@Wizallah @ooblah @FallenOneX Hey, i get it, i'm a tough consumer. i'm not willing just to smoke bone because of a game's title. i expect games to get better, to offer more. You offer me char/ vehicle custmization, you offer me jetpacks, you offer me a Katana, you offer me a P51, a transport helo with a an electromagnet on it or any of the other 144 things (actual number) that were in San Andreas and removed from GTA4, I'm going to cry foul.
@ooblah @FallenOneX @Wizallah Yawn... you can keep telling yourself that a game that gets lesser with each version is somehow a "flagship" but you're only fooling yourself. San Andreas was the series' zenith, 4 was decline. RDR blew it away, Sleeping dogs blew it away and yes, there is no comparison, SR3 destroyed it. Full char/ vehicle/ safehouse customization should be standard at the very least.
Rockstar perhaps will turn the ship around with this one... but it doesn't sound that way.
Give me back char customization, give me safehouse customization, give me back jetpacks, warbirds, parachutes, give me a laser or two. give me bicycles, give me zombies... then we'll talk.
til then GTA has become a dying franchise, successful franchises get better with each iteration, not markedly worse.
timoteo2k1's comments