Nobody’s gonna buy a Switch this Holiday season, especially with the biggest titles not set for release til next year.
So if they care about being competitive at a time when ppl are still trying to get their hands on a PS5; the whole announcement thing happening this year sounds pretty plausible.. Only way I’ll personally be playing those upcoming titles as well.
Its hard for me to get behind these kind of games unless its just something to play on your phone or Switch in portable mode I guess, but 1: I hardly see a $60 game here and 2: this is the era of 8k OLED; “3D”/spacial audio etc… and I’ve always found it super annoying how game devs/consoles drag their feet for years catching up… the fact that specs like “60fps” are still being flaunted - 10 years later is pretty sad.
I’m 100% convinced I’ll be dead before we ever seen anything that comes close to todays tech or the PS5 from Nintendo; and thats coming from a pretty healthy & reasonably young dude. Still gonna get it tho.
Zelda is like in my top 5 games and its still too early to judge but the latest trailer evoked 0 excitement in me…just looked like an expansion to BoTW with minimal changes since all it did was showcase the new mechanics & few other teasers…but otherwise, all the same (largely empty, boring world, as if it has covid too & killed off all the elves).
If they don’t bring back more of that classic Zelda charm (bitching ass music, lots of good characters/NPCs, side quests & dungeons - its simply no longer Zelda.
Pretty simple really…It was still fresh, just like the 1st Fast and Furious….and more often than not, 1 sequel is enough for various reasons…no exception here. None of the other movies looked nearly as interesting from all the cast, setting, & story point of view. Basically the car version of Resident Evil.
Doesn’t sound like the best investment to me…unless its made out of some NASA shit then controllers are always the 1st thing to go or get messed up.
And competitive edge? Admittedly I don’t know anything about these extra feature packed controllers since I’ve had 0 probs whooping that ass in every genre with a standard controller so unless those extra commands border the line of cheating hard to imagine it giving you much of an edge.
Pretty sure thats less of a cause for major concern with most recent OLEDs and there’s ways to help mitigate any possible burn-in.
After a year of daily use and always keeping the settings max’d out and pushing it to its limits - no issues yet. You can’t even turn the TV on w/out having some kind of static image…my media players, apps - all do the same.
But again, more recent OLEDs from reputable companies should have either fixed or greatly reduced the issues they were having 5 years ago and even come with features just for that (I still got whatever best warranty just in case). This is all assuming you take good care of your electronics though and don’t leave them on 24/7.
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