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tntkng Blog

Games That Changed the Industry #3

Well hey guys! You think I was dead or something? :P Well sorry for not continuing these blogs sooner,but I haven't been feeling well and I had to go to the doctor. Anyway I'm feeling good today so I'm going to get right into the blog!! So here is #3 on my list! Hope you guys like it! :D

#3- Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare- Xbox 360, PS3, PC.

Ok Everyone who knows me here saw this one coming a mile away lol (theslimdavylp somehow guessed it would be here :P) Well this game changed the FPS and multiplayer expierences in general! If you have ever played it, then you are familiar with the incredible set pieces of the single player campaign and the amazing, revolutionary multiplayer! This game has helped shape FPS gaming forever and multiplayer on a console will never be looked at the same way again! Its Simply incredible and a legendary name in gaming, that will never be forgotten!

So there it is guys! Kind of expected huh? Hope you guys thought it was a good picks and I will see you all later! Thanks for reading!

~Mike 8)

Games That changed The Industry #4

Hey, guys and girls! Mike here to bring you all the next installment in my "Games That Changed The Industry" blog series! Yesterday we took a look at Resident Evil and how it changed the gaming world! If you missed that blog here is a link to go check it out!tntkng's Blog: Games That Changed The Industry #5. So today we take a look at another industry changer! This game is......

#4- Wolfenstein 3D- PC

Possibly the biggest reason that we have so many amazing FPS game today! Wolfenstein 3D was groundbreaking and innovative, that it is still considered by many to be the grandfather of the FPS genre. This game changed the industry forever and shaped the FPS genre all at the same time, and for that reason it easily makes my list! Oh and who could ever forget Robo Hitler?

So there is my #4 choice guys! What did you think of it? Well I hope you enjoyed it and thanks as always for reading! Check out tomorrows's blog for my next choice!

~Mike 8)

Games That Changed The Industry #5

Hey, Guys! Mike here tonight, to bring you the first game of my 5 part series highlighting Games that Have Changed the Industry. So without another delay I bring you #5 in my list! This game is.......

#5- Resident Evil 4- Gamecube, Playstation 2, and PC.

Not only was Resident Evil 4 a great game, it brought innovation on such a high scale that its gameplay elements are still being put into games now! The "over the shoulder" camera angle was innnovative and has been implemented in great games such as: Gears of War, Mass Effect, Dead Space, and so many other amazing games! Resident Evil's horror elements were also in full swing and the way that you had to conserve you ammo, gave you something to think about each time you fired a shot or bought a new weapon! Never have I felt this in any other game I have played! These are just a few of the innovations that made RE4 an amazing game and one that changed the industry and the way we play games today! My hats off to you RE4 for making a lasting impression on the gaming industry!

So there is my #5 pick guys! What do you think? Good choice? Bad choice? Innovative? What are your thoughts on my pick here? Let me know guys! Thanks as always for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! :D

~Mike 8)

Games That Changed The Industry (An Introduction)

Hey,guys Mike here! Sorry I haven't been blogging these last few days, my grandmother had surgery and that has been keeping me away from my computer a lot lately, so I'm sorry if I missed some of your guys blogs or haven't been posting in your unions. If I missed one of your blogs just pm me a link and will check it out right away! :D Well now to get on to the real reason I'm writing this blog tonight, and that reason is that my next few blogs will be focusing on Games the changed the gaming industry forever! I'm taking the advice of my friend @buft and taking a look at the industry a bit more, over these next few blogs! Thanks for the advice man. :) So I will be doing 5 games, one per night and giving a description of how they changed the industry forever, I will also be including pictures (Cause everyone loves to look at somethin pretty right):P Also some videos if I can get them in there. So I hope you guys will enjoy my little take on gaming's most innovative games ever! First game will be tomorrow so make sure to check that out. :P :D

Thanks for reading guys and I will see you all tomorrow. :D

~Mike 8)

My Shopping List

Hey, guys! Its your boy Mike here to give you guys a little look at what my next little shopping list is. Most people's shopping lists may have food, drinks, clothes, stuff like that on it. Well my list has nothing,but games on it. :P So here a look at what I want to get next! Let me know if these are good or bad choices please! If there bad I don't want to waste any money on them lol! So lets begin......

I definately want this game! I mean come on, i'm the kng of tnt :P If I don't get this game it makes me look bad :lol: It might even pry me away from MW2 for a while!

I haven't played a JRPG in forever and this one looked pretty cool! Its turn based which isn't really my styl*but it looks really good and the reviews were pretty good from what I saw.

Its only $4 bucks at my local Gamestop and I wanted to play a good baseball sim until I get more money for 2K10.

Loved this game,but I never got a taste of the multiplayer side! Now that I have live maybe I will have even more fun :D

Last,but not least, I need to get another one of these babies, so I can keep playin with you guys online! :D

So there is my shopping list guys! I'm going sometime next weekend (hopefully Friday), so let me know if some of these games are good please. :) Thanks for reading!

Mike 8)

All Questions Will Be Answered!

Hey, guys Mike here! I'm not feelin to good today,so I didn't go to school,but thats not going to stop me from blogging.:P So last blog I had you all ask me whatever you wanted and I got tons of questions, so I'll get right into it!

1. SadPSPAddict asks:

Whats the hardest game you ever completed-Well I would have to say Far Cry 2 for Xbox 360 on hard! (A.I is fierce and really hard to kill)

2. Lauren aka BlazikenTails64 asks:

Cake or Pie- Pie (especially Peach and Key Lime) :D

Fave Movie- At this point I would say Rocky or The Departed!

Fave TV Show- Right now its South Park or The Office!

Did you know everyone starts out life as a girl?- Yes......Yes I did :P

Cats or Dogs- Dogs FTW! I have 3 :D

Fave Color- Blue or Yellow!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years- Just getting out of college and working at something I love! :)

What country do you want to visit most- Australia! I here it is beautiful there :D

Fave Number- 7!

3. Darkman2007 asks:

Do you like cheese on your toast- Yes I love american and cheddar cheese on my toast :D

4. Kate aka sirracannal asks:

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck would- A Damn lot I would image:P

Was my last post actually a question- Yes it was :)

5. hassanfadil asks:

Where are you from- The good old USA :)

A country other than your you want to live in- Australia or Italy :)

6. Scott aka M0wen10 asks:

What is your lucky number- 7 its also my favorite! :)

What sort of Job do you want when you get older- I would love to do something within the video game world, possibly something with the graphics and art styl* in games. :)

How many hours of gaming do you roughly do in a week- About 3 hours a day (more or less) I'd say on average about 15-20 hours a week. :)

7. minimme asks:

How are you and how hot do you like your showers- I'm fine, thanks for asking :) I like really hot showers, especially after a long day of school then working :D

8. Kats_RK asks:

Whats your addiction- If I had one I would say its an addiction to Soda and Vitamin Water, especially Mountain Dew and Power C Vitamin Water :D

9. ShootumUP26 asks:

Nothing- :P Just wanted to mention ya so you wouldn't be left out :P :)

10. sina69 asks:

What is you major- Don't have one yet.

What High School or College do you study in- Well I'm a senior in High School, so I don't go to college yet..... Sorry I can't really say what High School I go to :|

11. infamous13579 asks:

Where Do You live- In the US in the state of Virginia :)

Whats the craziest thing you have ever done- Um haven't really done a bunch of crazy stuff in my years, but I would have to say setting my fingers on fire (by accident) was pretty crazy of me. :P

12. Wolfman_Chopper asks:

Whats you favorite things in the world- Video games or food :D

13. gubrushadow asks:

What is your religion- I'm Christian :)

Do you prefer Pixar or Anime- I have to say Pixar for sure! Never really got into much anime.

Whats you favorite blog to read on GS- Yours of course,M0wen10, ShootumUP26, grunt1096, WeaponXY, blazzingsaddle95, emeraldhillzone, buft, and Munchgun's blogs among many others! :)

How old are you- I'm 17 and will be 18 in a month and a half :D

Whats your favorite food- Steak and french fries!

Whats your goal in life- To be successful at everything I do and to be an honest hard working person who earns all he gets :)

Who is the most lovable person in your life- Well it used to be my GF,but now that we broke up its my mom and dad for sure :D

How did you start gaming- My dad introduced me to Pac-Man on an 80's arcade system when I was 6 or 7!

If I could be someone else who would it be- I would have to say my favorite Baseball Player Derek Jeter

What will you do after college- Hopefully something in the video game world like graphic design or something like that :)

14. ebbderelict asks:

What do you feel are the conditions for someone to be considered as having a game addiction- Thats a great question! I personally play games for about 15-20 hours a week. I would think someone who neglects all other aspects of there life, just to play video games would be considered to have a game addiction. I go to school and I work at my job, then I come home and relax by playing some games, I see that as normal. :)

15. Makan aka syler4815162342 asks:

Why do we love video games so much- Because we are all gamers and we know video games are awesome :D

What do you study- As far as school goes I study American Government, Algebra, Spanish, Biology,and English

what do you like to be in the future- I would like to be a graphic designer for a Video game company or play Baseball in the Major Leauges (kinda kid-ish I know,but I have a shot) :)

16. theslimdavylp asks:

Do you have Gears of war 1 or 2- I did have both of them,but I traded them in to get Fallout 3 a while back.

Have you ever been to Disney World- Yes 2 or 3 times actually,but it was when I was younger (like 3 or 4 years old).

Do you have a GF- I had one for about 6 months,but then she dumped me with a text message and called me a liar :P (she still wants to be friends though) :P

17. heds777 asks:

If you could have any 2 other people as parents who would they be- Thats a hard question,but I really don't think I would want any 2 other people for parents. :) Sorry if thats not the answer you were looking for. :)

18. Mike aka EHZ aka emeraldhillzone asks:

Is Mike the coolest name in the world- YES IT IS :D

What do you aim to get out of life- A good job that allows me to live comfortably, a garage full of cla$$ic muscle cars, and a nice girl that loves me. :)

Do you have an Idol- Yes i do, I actually have 2: My dad and Derek Jeter (My favorite baseball player). :D

19. resident4evil05 asks:

How addicted to MW2 are you- Not very, I just am enjoying it more than any other game right now :)

If you where lost right now with one famous person, who and why?- I would have to say, I would like to be lost with Derek Jeter (my fave baseball player and one of my Idols). I love baseball and being able to just speak with my favorite played ever would be an amazing experience for me :)

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop- 2,001,789 (prove me wrong, I dare ya) :P

Do you play an instrument- I played the guitar for a long time and I have just recently thought about picking it back up and playing again :D

If Zombies took over right now what would you do- Go to a gun shop, grab all the guns and ammo, then lock myself in a grocery store until help came. :D

20. Caleb aka grunt1096 asks:

Who would you rather kill? Soulja Boy or Ke$ha- OMG they both are horrible,but I'm not sure I would kill either of them, maybe they could just go walk of a bridge though and do us all a favor :P

21. Rpger79 asks

Is there a reason behind your username- Yes! I love to use grenades and explosives in video games and I always used to be unstoppable when using them, so tntkng was born :lol:

What was the last book you read for enjoyment- I'm not much of a reader,but the last book I read for enjoyment was The Lost Spy ( An American in Stalin's Secret Service) by Andrew Meier! :)

22. King Home Skillet aka Out-Of-Ammo asks:

Which are better Ninjas, Kittens, or Ninja Kittens- Ninja Kittens without a question 8)

Legos or Mega Blocks- Legos FTW!

Whats is the square root of Pie- Ask Albert Einstein :P

Can you balance a pair of scissors on your tounge, nose,big toe,pinky toe- Never tried, hold on.........*tries* Crap I cut my tounge!!!! Nope can't do it :P

23. Spartan-1775 asks:

Whats the first game you ever remember playing- Pac-Man on an 80's Arcade machine :D

24. oceanbacon asks:

Do you like hockey- I watch the occassional match, and enjoy it :)

If so whats your favorite team- Washington Capitals :D

Favorite food- Cheeseburgers :D

Favorite season- Spring for sure!

25. yeahtoast26 asks:

Do you want to kill Miley Cyrus- Not kill,but I really hate her :P

26. Jak_Napier asks:

Where do you live- I live in the US in the state of Virginia :)

How old are you- I am 17,but I am turning 18 in a month and a half :D

What consoles do you own- I currently own a Wii (broken), Xbox 360, My Laptop (if it counts), and a Nintendo Gamecube.

Marvel or DC- I gotta go with DC here :D

By the way how ya been Jack? Haven't seen ya here in a while!

27. RobboElRobbo asks:

Are you getting Bad Company 2- Yes in the next week or so :D

28. dan_scfc asks:

Favorite Pixar Movie- I'd say The Incredibles is the best I've seen so far :)

29. LordKingboat asks:

2 ply or 3 ply toilet paper- 3 ply is the best :P

30. brotherinarms44 asks:

Whats your favorite sport- Baseball FTW!!!

31. Kratos2030 asks:

Favorite Movie: Rocky, The Departed, or Saving Private Ryan are some of my faves :D

Favorite tv show: The office or South Park right now.

Favorite game: Fallout 3 (All Time) MW2 (Right Now)

Favorite Food- Cheeseburgers :D

Favorite Animal- My Dogs :)

Favorite Country- The good old USA :)

Favorite Sport- Baseball

32. Nickosaurus -Rex asks:

Where do you keep the coffee- In the middle drawer of my kitchen's pantry :P

33. Laren aka BlazikenTails64 (again) asks:

What is the square root of cake and the right angle of it- Well the right angle of it is the part I ate first :P The square root is still unknown today :P

There's all the answers to your questions guys! I hope you enjoyed asking me and I appreciate all of you leaving me you questions. :) See ya next time!

~Mike 8)

Why Not Join in on the Fun?

Hey, guys its Mike! Well all my friends have been doing these "Ask Me" blogs, so I have finally decided that I'm going to do one! Yep, you can ask me anything you want!! I will answer any questions! All your questions will be answered in my next blog!

I hate to make this such a short blog though, so I am going to give you all a little update here. I have been working really hard lately both at work and school and haven't had much time for anything else.:( So sorry if I haven't read your blogs,but at least you know why now. :) I have just gotten to level 67 in COD MW2 and i'm about half way to level 68 (I'm getting ever closer to prestiging)! Also in MW2 my Kill/Death Ratio is just over 1.00 now! Took me a while,but I now have more kills then deaths! :D

I have yet to complete a lot of my games because of my MW2 playing or as my parents like to say my "addiction" ( I play 3 or 4 hours a day! Thats not addiction):P The games I haven't finished are: Tomb Raider Underworld, Left 4 Dead 2, Mass Effect 2, and Assassin's Creed 2! I guess I need to get crackin huh? :P Well thats it for my gaming update.

Oh before I finish this blog here is some funny pics I found online! Hope you all find them as funny as I did! :D

Hope you guys enjoyed the blog and make sure to leave me all your questions! Thanks for reading!

~Mike 8)

Revisiting My First Blog!

Yo guys, Mike here! Well a little update before I get started on this blog. I just hit 10,000 posts here on Gamespot! WoHooo Party. :P I also now have 200 friends,(popular aren't I):P I also just got to level 64 in Call of Duty MW2! Only 6 levels from my first Prestige baby!! Ok, now back to the blog! I decided today that I wanted to revisit the first blog I ever made here! It was made all the back in October and it only got one comment! The person who commented on my first blog was......My best friend here ShootumUP26! Yep, he was one of my very first friends and he was the only one to comment on my blog! So thanks Ryan! Anyway here is my first blog "word for word"! I hope you enjoy it! :D

Title- "Cla$$ic Games with Crappy New Sequals or Remakes"

Hey, gamers tntkng here starting my weekly blog. Have you ever played a cla$$ic game and then be dissapointed when the sequal or remake came out? Common offenders of this are: Bionic Commando, Alone in the Dark, Wolfenstein, Perfect Dark Zero, and Turok. The originals were cla$$ics and some revolutionized the way we play games today, but the less than average remakes or sequals seem to me to diminish the reputation of these cla$$ic franchises. Perfect Dark first came out on the Nintendo 64 and was one of the best FPS games of its generation, however the remake was a mess of tired FPS gameplay elements and weak graphics. Turok was a cla$$ic PC shooter and immediately made me a fan of FPS game, but after playing the sequal last year I was dissapointed that there was such little polish was given to the game. The game was not bad,but it could have been better. Alone in the Dark was a cla$$ic and inventive game with a scary as hell atmosphere. The remake is among my worst games of all time, it was just a mess, the controls didn't work, the graphics were bad, and the combat and driving were just broken. Is this the way to treat remakes and sequals of cla$$ic games that were loved by so many? I don't think so. How long have fans waited for a great Spyro or Crash Bandicoot game? Well thats it for this week's blog, if you liked it check out next weeks. Thanks,tntkng.

So there it is! What did you guys think of it? Have my blogs gotten better? Thanks for reading guys! :)

~Mike 8)

In Hell There is a Hole to Tokyo That Leads to a Baseball Field........

Hey, guys Mike here! Sorry for the total lack of blogs this week,but I have been either really busy or not feeling well enough to spend the time on a blog. Anyway getting to the title of My blog here (similar to the one my friend grunt1096 had) I will be giving my impressions of some recent game demos I have played, over the last week! So lets get right to it!

First up we have Dante's Inferno! At first I wrote this game off as a God of War/Devil May Cry clone,but truth be told, thats not a bad thing! Its a great game and a really good alternative for the 360 owners out there that can't get God of War! I have to say the cutscenes look great,but overall the graphics are not the best. The Art Styl* is great however and it more than makes up for the graphics! The Combat is also incredibly gruesome and satisfying! Overall Dante's Inferno is a good game from what I played,but it doesn't innovate when it should. My Score-7.5.

Next Up is Army of Two: The 40th. Day! I was really excited to play this game,but as soon as I started moving my character around it went downhill. All my excitement diminished immediately. The movement is very clunky and the aiming is slow. I also had problems with the way the cover system was set up, you click the left thumbstick up to move into cover. (this is not a smart way to do a cover system) However I did like the weapon variety and customization a lot! Overall I was very dissapointed in the demo. My Score-6.0.

Now for the last and most enjoyable demo I played, MLB 2K10! I have been a fan of Baseball and an avid player since I was 5 years old and my love has extended into the world of Baseball sims. I have not however been impressed by a Baseball sim since MVP Baseball 2005, this game may just change that! This demo featured 3 innings of play where you can play as The New York Yankees or The Philidelphia Phillies. I chose to play as my favorite team (the Yankees) and I was off! First I noticed how much easier it was to pitch (a major problem with the 2K baseball series) and I loved the change! The hitting was equally as fun and exciting! As far as the graphics go, The character models looks quite good,but the rest of the game doesn't look as good. It still looks great, its just not amazing! Overall I am really looking forward to this game and I was very impressed by this demo! My Score-8.5.

So there is tonights blog guys! Hope you enjoyed it and as always I appreciate you guys reading. :)

~Mike 8)

My Top 10 Favorite Albums of All Time!!!

Hey, guys Mike here, bringing you yet another list of mine! By now you could probably just call me "the List man" with all these lists I do lol! You guys seem to enjoy them though, and I love making them so here is another.:P This is a list of My Top 10 Favorite Albums of All time! I was going to do my favorite game characters of all time, but my bud dan_scfc beat me to it. :P Anyway here is the list!

#10- Swan Songs- Hollywood Undead

I just recently got this album and I loved most of the songs on it! The real standouts are: Undead, No. 5, Young, City, and Black Dahlia! Excellent Album overall! My Score-8.5.

#9- Toxicity- System of a Down

One of my favorite bands and a great Album by them! Not all the songs were amazing,but there were a couple of huge standouts including: Chop Suey!, Toxicity, and Atwa (my personal favorite)! My Score- 8.0.

#8- Back in Black- AC/DC

I know one person that posts on my blog will hate this choice :P,but its one incredible Album! I loved almost every song on it and its my favorite AC/DC Album! My Score-9.5.

#7- Phobia- Breaking Benjamin

I love me some Breaking Benjamin and my 2 favorite songs by them are on Phobia! Great album,but the real standouts are: Diary of Jane and Until the End! My Score-8.5.

#6- Relapse- Eminem

Probably my favorite Rapper ever, Eminem made on outstanding Album with Relapse! Songs like: We Made You, Crack a Bottle, Beautiful, 3 A.M, and Insane were all fantastic songs! A must buy for Rap fans! My Score-9.0.

#5- Ten Thousand Fists- Disturbed

Great Album with some really good songs! Some of my favorite songs from the album are: Stricken, Land of Confusion, and Ten Thousand Fists! My score-8.5.

#4- Appeal To Reason- Rise Against

Amazing Album! Songs like: Re-Education Through Labor, Savior, and Hero of War were all amazing songs! As a matter of fact I loved the whole Album! My Score-9.5.

#3- American Idiot- Green Day

Every song on this album was simply amazing! Never before has a album, created a story that made you listen to the songs and understand what was happening to the people involved in the songs! Amazing Album from beginning to end! My Score-10.0.

#2- IV- Led Zepplin

By far one of my favorite Albums and almost ever song on it is amazing! Stairway To Heaven, Rock and Roll, Misty Mountain Hop, When The Levee Breaks, and Black Dog are all cla$$ic songs! Just a brilliant Album. My Score-9.5.

#1- One X- Three Days Grace

I figured that this one will be a little controversial as a #1 on this list,but I have enjoyed this Album more than any other I have ever listened to! Thats why Its My #1! Not to mention Amazing songs like: I Hate Everything About You, Never To Late, Pain, Time of Dying, Animal I Have Become, Riot, Gone Forever,and Its All Over! I loved every song on this album and still do! Thats why its my #1! My Score-10.0.

So there is the list guys! What do you think? what would your #1 pick be? Hope you enjoyed it and thanks again for reading! :D

~Mike 8)