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tntkng Blog

Tntkng's Top 50 Greatest Artist and Bands of All Time #50-46

Hey, guys and girls its Mike here to start up my next set of blogs! Before I begin I just want to say that I will take a break from these blogs on Wednesday and there will be a different blog that day. :) So withought anymore delay here are #'s 50-46 on my list! Enjoy! :D

#50- Finger Eleven- Genre (Rock)

Great band and they deserve to be on this list for just one of their songs!

Songs I recommend From Them: "Paralyzer" and "Lost My Way".

#49- Lupe Fiasco- Genre (Rap)

This guy is one of the most underrated Rappers I've seen and he deserves far more credit for his work!

Song I Recommend From Him: "Superstar" and "Kick-Push".

#48- Bruce Springsteen- Genre (Rock)

This guys has been just great for as long as I can remember and he is still incredibly awesome today!

Songs I recommend From Him: "Born To Run" and "The Wrestler".

#47- 50 Cent- Genre (Rap)

This guy would make a lot of Rap fans top 10 and rightly so. He's an incredible rapper and he deserves every bit of hype he gets!

Song I recommend From Him: "In Da Club" and "Candy Shop".

#46- Puddle of Mudd- Genre (Rock/Grunge)

Great band and I love to listen to them any time I can! They come off sounding like a mix of Nirvana and Pearl Jam and what a mix it is. :D

Songs I recommend From Them: "Blurry" and "She Hates Me".

Alright guys and girls! I hope you enjoyed the list and the next will be up tomorrow! Thanks for reading ya'll oh and a quick welcome back to my best bud ShootumUP26 (Ryan)! Good to have you back bud! :)

~Mike 8)

Sheng Long,Stats and The Start of Another List.....

Hey guys! Mike here bringing you a blog full of nothing important yet again. :P It may not be important,but I think its cool! I have just leveled up on Gamespot, and am now Level 27 (Sheng Long)! Kinda funny that I was a measley level 6 about 6 months ago and now that I've become a little popular and have been posting in a lot of unions I seem to be leveling up pretty quickly! :D Pretty Cool if you ask me. :)

Well I don't like making short blogs so I am going to announce my next list tonight and I'm going to post my MW2 stats tonight!

My Next List:

tntkng's (Mike's) Top 50 Favorite Bands and Artists of All Time!! Oh how I've missed my List blogs,but there coming back. :D Hope you guys enjoy them as much as you did before! :D

My Current MW2 Stats:

Level: 35

Prestige: #2



Wins: 586

Losses: 755

Ties: 3

Win Streak: 13

Headshots: 1,155

Assists: 1,247

Kills Streak: 26

Tactical Nuke: 1

Kill/Death Ratio: 1.13

Wins/Losses Ratio: 0.78 (Thats not horrible) :P

Accuracy Rating: 17.54%

500 Kills Titles: 4 (ACR, M4A1, SCAR-H, UMP45.)

1,000 Kills Titles: 1 (M4A1)

Time Played: 6 (days) 9 (hours) 31 (minutes)

So there are my stats guys and I have announced my new set of lists, so thats it for me tonight! Thanks for reading and make sure to check my blog tomorrow for the first 5 bands and artist!

~Mike :D

Can't Get Em Outta My Head!

Whats going on guys!?! Well I didn't feel up to making a blog of impressions so I thought I would blog and list 10 songs I can't get outta my head! I'll even put links to them so you can listen! :D If you want, (no pressure) :P No I'm kidding listen to them! :x :P Ok hope you enjoy and here ya go. :)

#10- Addicted- Saving Abel

Great song from a great band! :D


#9- You Gonna Go Far Kid- The Offspring

Not a fan of any other songs from them,but this song is great! ;)

You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

#8- Hero of War- Rise Against

This is just an amazing song and one of my all time favorites! Just amazing! :)

Hero Of War

#7- Till I Collapse- Eminem

I love this song! (Yep thats all) :P 8)

Till I Collapse

#6- Let It Be- The Beatles

I'm glad I gave the Beatles a second shot,because this song is just beautiful! :)

Let It Be

#5- Gone Forever- Three Days Grace

My favorite band and a song thats dedicated to my ex. Listen and you'll get it. :P

Gone Forever

#4- Greed- Godsmack

Love this band and this is my second favorite song from them now! :D


#3- For Whom The Bell Tolls- Metallica

I love this song and I keep hearing it when I watch Zombieland, so its in my head good right now. :lol:

For Whom The Bell Tolls

#2- Heart Shaped Box- Nirvana

I keep hearing it on the radio and I just love it! :D

Heart Shaped Box

#1- Cryin' Like a B*tch- Godsmack

God I'm hooked on this song! I'm singing it at work, at school, and at home! Now I just need a Ipod to download it to. :P

YouTube - GodsmackVEVO's Channel8)

So thats my list guys, hope you enjoyed the music and I will be back blogging tomorrow about whatever I feel like. :P Thanks for reading!

~Mike 8)

My Gaming Weekend and More Impressions

Hey, guys! I know I was supposed to blog a couple of days ago about the MW2 Stimulus Package,but I had to work on Friday and didn't feel up to that night. Anyway I will today and I also want to tell you guys a little about my weekend of gaming! So here it goes!

My Weekend In Gaming.....

Well I had the whole weekend off this week, and I had no plans so I thought "What the hell, I'll play some games". So I started out with The Saboteur, after about an hour or so of that I moved on to a little MW2! Where I found out that the RPD Light Machine gun is beast and is now my weapon of choice! :D Oh and I finally got a.........

Except I got it on a 360 and it took me 25 kills! Still My first ever Nuke which is really cool! :D After that exciting afternoon I took a break then came back to MW2 to play with a friend, where I got 3 Pavelows in 3 straight games and did really good! :D Today I finished up the campaign for COD 4 Modern Warfare....again (I think its the 6th time now) and played some more MW2! I think I'll play some Borderlands tonight or just lay off the games for tonight. :)

MW2 Stimulus Package Impressions.........

So now on to the real reason I'm making this blog and that is to outline and give basically a mini review of each map in the MW2 Stimulus Package and give out scores for each map! First lets start with the returning COD 4 maps!

#1- Overgrown

Ok Now I really like this map,but its a campers paradise! I like to snipe,but I'm always moving while I snipe, not just sitting in the corner of a building picking people off constantly. I got very annoyed fast by this,but overall my score have been good on this map and I have fun playing on it. My Score- 8.0/10.0.

#2- Crash

Now this is my kind of map! Not a whole lot of places for campers to hide and the action is intense and fast paced on this map! I really like the fact that there aren't many snipers on this map and any campers are usually killed off pretty quickly! Overall my scores have been fair to good on Crash and I have been loving this map! My score- 9.0/10.0.

Now to the New Maps......

#1- Bailout

I really have mixed feeling about this map. Its to easy for people to gang up in one area and it can be annoying if your on the opposing team. There are a lot of small hiding spots for snipers and they can be hard to find. Definately a hard map to get a good score on and I haven't done to well on it so far. :( My Score- 6.0/10.0

#2- Storm

Probably my favorite map from the map pack, it does have some small hiding spots for campers,but I have gotten some really good scores from it and I always play well on it!! Overall the best map of Whole Map Pack! My Score- 9.0/10.0.

#3- Salvage

This is the map I was most excited for,but I was quickly dissapointed with it! Overall this is the worst map in the pack. Its just to small and clausterphobic (I spelled it wrong sorry), theres no room to shoot down air support and if the other team gets a Chopper Gunner or AC-130 its an automatic game over basically. I want to like this map,but I have to say I hate it. My score- 4.5/10.0.

MW2 Stimulus Package Overall Score.......


The best part about buying it first day was the fact I got a free week of Xbox Live, if it weren't for that I would have regretted buying this!

Is It Worth $15 bucks? No! Simply put its not worth it! Stick to the maps on the disc and wait for it to come down in price!

So thats all for today guys! Thanks for reading and I'll have more of the impressions coming soon! :D

~Mike 8)

I'm Back From the Dead.....With Impressions!!

Whats up guys!?! Yes I am back from the dead and I come bearing gaming impressions! :D I've been busy as usual,but today I have some time to start talking about some games I have been playing lately. So Today I will be talking a little bit about..... The Saboteur. :)

First off I have to say the The Saboteur has an incredible art s t y l e, that is just amazing to look at! Now I have heard a few negative things about this game, (driving is messy, platforming is clumsy, and the game is just to easy) I however only have one thing in common with these complaints. That is that the game is very easy! If all soldiers were like this, nobody would have died in WWII. :P You can literally take a hundred or more bullets before you die! When I first started playing I thought, "I play for a half hour then go to bed", 4 hours later I was still playing! The game is very addictive and has the tendency to draw you in with its, great story and incredible graphics! I am not crazy on the script,but the voice acting is very solid and believable. I am really enjoying this game and its the only game in a while to keep me from MW2, (so you know its good :P ). Overall I give The Saboteur a 8.5/10 so far! :)

Hope you enjoyed my impressions of The Saboteur guys, and I hope you will check out my next blog in which I will give my impressions of The MW2 "Stimulus Package"! Thanks for reading guys! :D

~Mike 8)

A Thanks to All My Friends (Part 2)

Hey, guys! Sorry I haven't really been on much,but I'm trying to catch up on some game I got, so I haven't really been on much. :P Anyway on to the point of this blog, which is to continue thanking the rest of my great friends here on Gamespot, since I couldn't finish it last time. :) So here we go.......

@TriniPlayer- One of the coolest people I have ever talked to here. Awesome guy and he's always been nice and a great friend to me! Oh and if your a RE fan check out and join his awesome union:Resident Evil:Virus Outbreak - GameSpot. :D

@emeraldhillzone- Your pretty much known as "the banner guy", but your just a great friend to me! I love your "I want" blogs and you have made me some awesome banners and sigs :D Thanks for being a great friend bro. :D

@chumchummaster- Dude I thought you left so I didn't mention you at first :| I'm really glad you didn't leave cause your one of my best friends here and always have been! Thanks man :)

@cheesyjon- Well first off, your sense of humor is fantastic :lol: You always have me laughing and your a ton of fun to talk to! You've been a great friend to me dude! :)

@LordKingboat- Oh Kingboat how you Muse...... I love all your blogs bro! You always comment on mine and your always kind to me! Your a great friend bro! :)

@Wolfman_chopper- Great guy, super active in my union, and just damn awesome in every way! Thanks for being a great friend bro. :)

@ErkiB- One of my best bud's here, Erki is just a great guy and is always honest and up-front about everything with you! Did I mention he has great taste in music and women?! 8)

@sirracannal- One of the coolest gamer girls I know here and probably the biggest Leon Kennedy fangirl ever lol! Or is it Beatles fangirl now?? I lose track sometimes lol :P Anyway your so awesome and such a cool friend here! :)

@Blazikentails64- Its Wally!! :x One of my first friends was Lauren and she is so cool! Her blogs are full of pure Randomness and pure awesomeness (if thats a word) :P Anyway your an awesome friend Lauren :)

@infamous13579- Couldn't make this list without you on here dude!! You such a cool guy and a great friend man! :D

@CptMactavish- Your a really cool guy James! I'm sorry I forgot to mention you :( Trust me though, your one of my best friends here and I hope we can stay friends for a really long time. :)

@heds777- Your such a great guy Harry and you always have something nice to say! Your really cool and I'm glad we are friends :)

@resident4evil05- Your love of anime confuses me dude, but your taste in music is awesome! Your such a fun person to talk to and a great friend! :D

@JordanizPro- Great guy and fun to talk to! He always makes great blogs and posts on mine! Thanks for being a great friend man! :D

@buft- I'm really glad you started tracking me dude! You write very interesting blogs and always have posted on mine! Your a great friend man! We need to get some MW2 in some day or I need to buy BC2, one :P :)

@_Sharpshooter_- Just a great guy,who always writes great blog and posts in mine! Thanks for being a great friend bud. :D

@Out-Of-Ammo- The Lord of Home Skillets 8) Your awesome Home Skillet and you know it :P You also have one of my fave unions on GS and are a ton of fun to talk to :D

@djmellstrom- Just getting to know you dude,but your really cool and always have something interesting to blog about! I find myself always reading your blogs and loving them! :D

@alexr3000- Awesome guy! Could use a little work on the spelling,but your a really nice guy and fun to talk to! :)

@gubrushadow- You've always been one of my best friends here dude! You really cool and I always read your blogs and you do the same for me! I hope that we can stay friends for quite a while :)

@MJoanne- You always read my blogs when you have time and your a really good friend! You're also a gamer girl and you always have awesome impressions of games you've played!! :D

@syler4815162342- Makan! Your a great friend bro and you write some of my favorite blogs on GS! You have always commented on mine and I always enjoy our conversations! Thanks for being one of my best friends dude :)

@theslimdavylp- Your a awesome guy dave and your probably the only one who sees how much I play MW2 :P You always comment on my blogs dude and your just a great guy! thanks dude :D

@Mr_fujiv1- You have one of my favorite unions dude! You are so awesome and always have cool blogs and make really cool sigs!! You also have a love for WWII weaponry like I do! Your a great friend dude. :)

@Bioshockraptor- You've always been a great friend dude! You have had some really cool unions and I hope I can join you GOW soon!! :)

@Kratos2030- I just met you a couple of months ago man and you've become a great friend! You always comment on my blogs and always say something nice. :D thanks for being a great friend man. :)

Well I think I got everbody in there! :P If I didn't get you in the blog, I'm sorry, just say if I didn't and I will make sure to mention you. :) My next few blog are going to be some of my recent gaming impressions! So I hope you enjoy those. :D

Thanks for reading guys!!!

~Mike 8)

Happy Easter to All!!

Hey, guys! Mike here to make a really quick blog since its Easter Sunday. I will make my friends blog next, I promise, i just wanted to get a quick blog in here today to wish all my friends a happy Easter and to my Jewish friends out there I hope you have a good Passover. :)

Also my Easter Sunday is going great! I always get a movie every year (don't know why, but hey I'm not going to argue :P) and this year I got........

So I'm going to go watch that now. :P Later guys and have a great Easter, and Passover. :)

~Mike 8)

Tnt's 100th. Blog!!! A Thanks To All My Friends, dedicated to M0wen10.....

Hey, guys! Mike here tonight with a little something special for my friends! First off I want to dedicate this blog to my great Friend M0wen10 (Scott), who has just left GS. Hopefully he will be back soon,but I was great friends with him and I will miss seeing him around here. :( Anyway this is not a sappy blog,so lets get to the happy. :P Ok I wanted to make this blog to thanks all of my friends that have made my first 100 blogs and my time here on GS so enjoyable! So...... here we go. :)

A Thanks....... to......

@ShootumUP26 (Ryan)- Dude your my best friend here lol! I have like 10 pages of my inbox still filled with messages from talking with you! You've read all my blogs, got me to reach out to others here, and you've been such a great friend to me. Thanks bud! :)

@M0wen10 (Scott)- I know you probably won't be reading this Scott,but you have made my time on GS so much fun! I love how brutally honest you are and I really hope you come back soon! Oh and I think your the only person that loves Three Days Grace more than me lol! :D

@Pendal18 (Dante)- Such a great guy! He's not on here anymore,but he was the first person to be my friend on GS and he was so much fun to talk with!

@jakethesnake- Anybody who is a friend of Jake's knows that he is just......awesome. :P So much fun to talk to and just a great guy and friend. :)

@Msteele48- Megasteele lol! Great guy and former Leader of my favorite union! If you don't know him, your missing out on knowing a great guy.

@grunt1096 (Caleb)- just started talking around the unions with him a couple months ago and he quickly became one of my best friends! Such a great guy and he really has made my time here so much fun! Thanks man for being such a great friend. :)

I would continue tonight guys, but my parents want me off the computer :P I will finish up tomorrow!! If you weren't on here thats because of my parents :lol: you will be on here trust me. :) Thanks for reading guys :D

~Mike 8)


Hey, guys its Mike. Well I'm not doing a regular blog today because something really odd has happened!! I came home today and signed in, I went to check my messages and 2 of the messages I didn't understand! I don't know what happened,but These were the messages I got and who I got them from. I'm not saying who to call anybody out or anything I just want to know why it was said because I can't go to where the message originated. It also worries me a little :( Well here they are....

ErkiB said:

@tntkng- you seriously respect this guy right here? you got to be kidding me, the guy disrespect all of us by saying "don't care what you think",thats just low, if he doesn't care then do as your told and don't post, don't feed his ego, disagree with him once and he will report you and start acting like a child, there is a difference between insulting someone and just constuctive critisism.

I work as a review so all of my comments are straight forward, I have never once insulted this guy,but in return he stabs us all in the back just like that.

dahui58 said:

@tntkng- Remember there is a difference stupid and people who think differently. Anyone should be able to take a bit of critisism, or debate in their blogs, granted they don't have to put up with it, but sticking up an angry 6 rant basically saying you don't care what people think isn't the right way to go about it.

Needless to say these comments worry me, cause I don't know where they came from and why my friends seem to be mad at me. I don't want to lose any friends, so if anyone can tell me where these comments came from it would be helpful, cause I can't respond to them. Sorry for the kinda wierd blog today guys,but it kinda had to be done. This is my 99th. blog to so, make sure to check the next one out for my special 100th. blog I talked about 20 or so blogs ago. :) Thanks for reading guys!

~Mike :(

Games That Changed The Industry #2

Hey, guys! Mike here continuing my Game That Changed the Industry Blog series tonight with my number 2 pick! So without further delay here is my number 2 pick!

#2- Tetris- To Many Consoles To Name :P

I'm sure you guys probably thought that my list was going to be nothing,but shooters. Well nope, Tetris is a game that single handedly changed all puzzle games and spawned its own genre! Its one of the most popular games ever and it was without a doubt innovative! Its one of the highest selling games of all time as well! If this game doesn't deserve a spot I don't know what game does! Thank you Tetris for creating the Casual game genre and changing puzzle games forever!

So there it is guys! Good or bad choice?? Well thanks for reading guys and leave any comments below! :)

~Mike 8)