Hey, guys! Sorry I haven't really been on much,but I'm trying to catch up on some game I got, so I haven't really been on much. :P Anyway on to the point of this blog, which is to continue thanking the rest of my great friends here on Gamespot, since I couldn't finish it last time. :) So here we go.......
@TriniPlayer- One of the coolest people I have ever talked to here. Awesome guy and he's always been nice and a great friend to me! Oh and if your a RE fan check out and join his awesome union:Resident Evil:Virus Outbreak - GameSpot. :D
@emeraldhillzone- Your pretty much known as "the banner guy", but your just a great friend to me! I love your "I want" blogs and you have made me some awesome banners and sigs :D Thanks for being a great friend bro. :D
@chumchummaster- Dude I thought you left so I didn't mention you at first :| I'm really glad you didn't leave cause your one of my best friends here and always have been! Thanks man :)
@cheesyjon- Well first off, your sense of humor is fantastic :lol: You always have me laughing and your a ton of fun to talk to! You've been a great friend to me dude! :)
@LordKingboat- Oh Kingboat how you Muse...... I love all your blogs bro! You always comment on mine and your always kind to me! Your a great friend bro! :)
@Wolfman_chopper- Great guy, super active in my union, and just damn awesome in every way! Thanks for being a great friend bro. :)
@ErkiB- One of my best bud's here, Erki is just a great guy and is always honest and up-front about everything with you! Did I mention he has great taste in music and women?! 8)
@sirracannal- One of the coolest gamer girls I know here and probably the biggest Leon Kennedy fangirl ever lol! Or is it Beatles fangirl now?? I lose track sometimes lol :P Anyway your so awesome and such a cool friend here! :)
@Blazikentails64- Its Wally!! :x One of my first friends was Lauren and she is so cool! Her blogs are full of pure Randomness and pure awesomeness (if thats a word) :P Anyway your an awesome friend Lauren :)
@infamous13579- Couldn't make this list without you on here dude!! You such a cool guy and a great friend man! :D
@CptMactavish- Your a really cool guy James! I'm sorry I forgot to mention you :( Trust me though, your one of my best friends here and I hope we can stay friends for a really long time. :)
@heds777- Your such a great guy Harry and you always have something nice to say! Your really cool and I'm glad we are friends :)
@resident4evil05- Your love of anime confuses me dude, but your taste in music is awesome! Your such a fun person to talk to and a great friend! :D
@JordanizPro- Great guy and fun to talk to! He always makes great blogs and posts on mine! Thanks for being a great friend man! :D
@buft- I'm really glad you started tracking me dude! You write very interesting blogs and always have posted on mine! Your a great friend man! We need to get some MW2 in some day or I need to buy BC2, one :P :)
@_Sharpshooter_- Just a great guy,who always writes great blog and posts in mine! Thanks for being a great friend bud. :D
@Out-Of-Ammo- The Lord of Home Skillets 8) Your awesome Home Skillet and you know it :P You also have one of my fave unions on GS and are a ton of fun to talk to :D
@djmellstrom- Just getting to know you dude,but your really cool and always have something interesting to blog about! I find myself always reading your blogs and loving them! :D
@alexr3000- Awesome guy! Could use a little work on the spelling,but your a really nice guy and fun to talk to! :)
@gubrushadow- You've always been one of my best friends here dude! You really cool and I always read your blogs and you do the same for me! I hope that we can stay friends for quite a while :)
@MJoanne- You always read my blogs when you have time and your a really good friend! You're also a gamer girl and you always have awesome impressions of games you've played!! :D
@syler4815162342- Makan! Your a great friend bro and you write some of my favorite blogs on GS! You have always commented on mine and I always enjoy our conversations! Thanks for being one of my best friends dude :)
@theslimdavylp- Your a awesome guy dave and your probably the only one who sees how much I play MW2 :P You always comment on my blogs dude and your just a great guy! thanks dude :D
@Mr_fujiv1- You have one of my favorite unions dude! You are so awesome and always have cool blogs and make really cool sigs!! You also have a love for WWII weaponry like I do! Your a great friend dude. :)
@Bioshockraptor- You've always been a great friend dude! You have had some really cool unions and I hope I can join you GOW soon!! :)
@Kratos2030- I just met you a couple of months ago man and you've become a great friend! You always comment on my blogs and always say something nice. :D thanks for being a great friend man. :)
Well I think I got everbody in there! :P If I didn't get you in the blog, I'm sorry, just say if I didn't and I will make sure to mention you. :) My next few blog are going to be some of my recent gaming impressions! So I hope you enjoy those. :D
Thanks for reading guys!!!
~Mike 8)
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