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Might be gone for a few days.

Well lately my computer has been slowing down and overheating far to often for my liking. So either today or tomorrow i'm taking it into Best Buy so it can be worked on. Hopefully a new battery and some other minor things will help improve it's performance so I can get back to posting like usual. Maybe i'll even be able to play a game or two. :P Anyway just a heads up for anyone I talk to on the forums.

On a side note, my E3 2011 Blogs are still a work in progress, but will be ready probably next week.


Just a Quickie.

A wuick glimpse at the title of my blog and many of you are probably thinking of something completely different. :P I just wanted to write up a quick blog since I more than likely will not be on Gamespot for a day or two. Reason for this? Felt like **** yesterday, felt no better today, so I called my doctor and I have a bad stomach virus. So having said that I probably will not be on Xbox Live tonight, though I am feeling better now. Anyway moving on to a few gaming related announcements that have me more than excited!

#1- The E3 Tomb Raider trailer!!

OMFG! I'm getting this day one for sure!!

#2- The Witcher 2 coming to 360.

An in interview with the developers of the Witcher 2 they say that they started work on the 360 version 5 months ago and plan on bringing it and all its DLC to the 360 later this year. If not it will be the beginning of next year. They also said they are aiming tomake it the best looking and best running game on the 360 ever! As you all know from my previous E3 blog I was gushing over the thought of this game coming to 360 and now I know its a reality.

So that's pretty much all from me. Check out that trailer, its awesome! And to my game night crew sorry if i'm not on tonight, but I will try to be on tomorrow night. Thanks for reading guys. :)

~Mike :)

A Missed Game from My E3 2011 Blog.

So as the title suggests there was on game that didn't get its mention in my last blog, that deserves a spot. Obviously this blog won't be very long since its only about one game, but I will include some very nice new screens for your all's enjoyment. So by now you all should be wondering what game this might be........

Tomb Raider 2011 (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

Now the original and even the updated Tomb Raider games have never really caught me eye, but this game is an exception to that. Branded as a reboot for the entire Tomb Raider series, this game introduces us to a much younger and more vunerable Laura Croft than ever before. The change, for me at least, is refreshing from the overlly busty Laura of old. Anyway, I read the entire cover story in Game Informer twice and my anticipation for this game is unbareable right now. A new trailer is already set to appear at E3 and lets hope we see some gameplay to go along with it.

Now please enjoy some new "in game" images from the new upcoming trailer. They really are amazing looking.

(The second picture is an "in game" desk. Looks real doesn't it??)

I think that's about it for now. Thanks for reading everyone and enjoy your weekend. :)

~Mike :D

My Top 10 Most Wanted Games of E3 2011.

Hello everyone. Hope you all are doing well today. Its been right around 2 weeks since I last blogged and the reason for that is just because I haven't felt the greatest lately. Not sick or anything, but around this time of year my allergies are constantly acting up. Meaning I'm always coughing, sneezing, and tired. Cause lets face it, after a whole day of sneezing and coughing like you have the Flu, your going to be exausted. :P Anyway, i'm starting to feel a bit better so I thought I would post the 10 games i'd like to see or hear something about most this year at E3. I know a lot of your guys lists consist of Dead Island, Modern Warfare 3, Uncharted 3, Resistance 3, and Gears of War 3. I to am excited for all those games, but my list will include none of them. Really my list will consist of games i'd like to hear about and see more gameplay of. So just keep that in mind while reading. So, shall we get started?

Top 10 Most Wanted at E3:

#10- Inversion (Xbox 360, PS3)

Inversion is one of those games that could be huge or an utter disappointment. If the early screens and small amount of gameplay that can be found are to be believed though we going to be in for one hell of a ride when it finally releases. I've been waiting almost a year for new gameplay, but nothing has come about yet, maybe if were lucky we'll see some gravity defying gameplay at E3 this year!

#9- The Cursed Crusade (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)

I saw this game about 3 months ago in a issue of Game Informer Magazine and ever since i've wanted more info! Sadly no gameplay and no new screens have been released since and with the game set to ship early this Fall I would have expected to see more by now. Its an interesting game I would really like to see more of the bloody action at E3.

#8- Batman Arkham City (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

I'm pretty sure we are all excited for Arkham City. If your not there is something wrong with you. Batman Arkham Asylum was my Game of the Year in 2009 and as the sequel to my 2009 GOTY Arkham City has me really excited. Plus with Hugo Strange, Two-Face, and Catwoman all set as stars in the game its looking even better than the first. I'm sure we'll see some actual gameplay at E3 this year, and I can't wait.

#7- The Witcher 2 Assassin's of Kings (For Consoles) Currently on: (PC)

I have been looking forward to the Witcher 2 for quite some time now, but when it was announced that the developer was shelving the console versions for now to work exclusively on the PC version I was disappointed. No with all the amazing reviews its getting the hunger to play the game is becoming to much for me to bare. I hope they announce the console versions at E3 this year, or else i'm gonna be building a new PC.

#6- Ico and the Shadow of the Colossus Collection (PS3)

I've always wanted to play these two games, but I never had a PS2 long enough to do so. The reveal that both games were being remastered in HD and coming to PS3 in June was a gamers dream come true for me, but then it was hit by a delay. Now that its been pushed to a TBA date I can only hope that Team Ico gives us a solid date and possibly a little gameplay for it at E3.

#5- Fallout 4 (TBA)

I know its probably to much to ask for, but may I please have Fallout 4 running on the Skyrim engine Bethesda? I'll love you forever.......I know it probably won't happen since Bethesda will surely be showing off Skyrim, but the announcement of Fallout 4 would just be the greatest thing ever for me.

#4- Mass Effect 3 (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

As you all know, Mass Effect 2 is considered by me a masterpiece of gaming. Its a nearly perfect game in every way to me and I just absolutely love it. Having said that, when I first saw the Mass Effect 3 trailer I nealy lost my mind. The final game is just going to be Epic and any more info I can get on it at E3 this year would be amazing.

#3- Battlefield 3 (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

Its a well known fact that I love First Person Shooter games. Its also known that Batttlefield 3 is looking to "take out" the competition this year. And for the first time ever I think this game has what it takes to destroy Call of Duty this year. I'm sure i'll get and enjoy both games, but Battlefield 3 just looks incredible. The 12 minute gameplay trailer just wasn't enough for me. I need more Dice! I'm sure you'll give it to me when E3 rolls around.

#2- No More Heroes Paradise (PS3)

No More Heroes is one of those games I always wanted to play, but it just looked so ugly and combined with motion controls I just could never bring myself to play it. I had always hoped it would come to consoles and I got my wish! No More Heroes Paradise ships later this summer with HD graphics, the first game's storyline, and brand new challenges. It looks amazing, but i've seen very little gameplay so far. I want more!

#1- Remedy's New Alan Wake Game (Xbox 360)

Alan Wake was my Game of the Year last year, so any news regarding a sequel or a new game was going to be huge for me. As much as I wanted a sequel when Remedy announced that they were working on a Brand New Alan Wake game my intrest was immediately piqued. All that anyone knows about it is that its not a direct sequel to the first game and will have a completely different storyline. That's just not enough for me. I know we'll see some news about it at E3, and I honestly couldn't be more excited at the idea of exploring Bright Falls again.

So that's all for today guys. My guess is that you probably won't see some of those games on other people's lists, but then again I could be wrong. Anyway Thanks for reading and have a great day! :)

~Mike 8)

Breaking an Addiction.

Hello everyone, I hope you all have been doing all right. I haven't blogged for a good few days now. (probably closer to a week, but I don't care to check) Anyway a few of you know that I started dieting recently. Not because I need to or i'm fat, but because the rest of my family decided they wanted to go on a diet. Funny thing is I feel great while i'm on this diet. I don't have a single depressing thought, my stomach never feels upset, and my headaches are fewer and far between. Wait did I say depressing thought? Oops, what I really meant to say was that I just feel a lot happier when i'm on this diet. I screwed it up after two days, but I started back on it today and so far so good. But the real reason I decided to blog today is because I finally decided to give up something i've been addicted to for a few years now. That something is caffeine.

Your the devil Mr. Dew!! :x But I love you so much. :cry:

Really though I've been addicted to caffeine in general since I was about 15 or 16. I just started to notice how bad it was getting this year though. I would drink a whole 2 liter of soda and it not even effect me. Then at work a few weeks ago I downed an entire energy drink and still couldn't keep my eyes open. Basically I was constantly craving caffeine and drinking it in excess to the point where it didn't even work on me anymore. So what may not be a big deal to most people is a pretty big deal to me. I'm trying to quit for good, I just hope I can continue through all the headaches, cravings, and other things that are associated with breaking an addiction.

Well i'm off, I gotta go get some lunch and get back to work. Thanks for reading.


Level 40, Black OPS Stats, and Double XP!

Well tonight is a different kind of blog. Not a serious blog like last one, but more of a non-random/non-serious blog. :P So lets start with a level up!!

I leveled up to 40 on Gamespot this morning. The level name is Abobo, whatever the hell that means. :P I'm sure somebody will leave a comment giving the definition of it so I won't bother finding it. :P So there's that, nothing to exciting, but it feels cool to be a part of the 40+ club. :)

Now from there, we go to something I used to do back when MW2 was all I played. I haven't really shown off my Black OPS stats to many people, because honestly they aren't that amazing. Solid? yes. Amazing? no. So i'm going to be sharing those stats here tonight and update that after double XP weekend ends. Yes that's right this weekend is double XP on 360 and PC (I believe) so you all know what I'll be playing all weekend. :P Also for those who don't know double XP has been extended into Tuesday. Anyway here are my stats for Black OPS.

Stats: Rank- 11th. Prestige Level 40.

Kills: 33,087

Deaths: 24,877

Wins: 1,125

Losses: 1,472

Assists: 4,356

Accuracy: 14.83%

Headshots: 2,766

Best Kill Streak: 16 (Without Killstreak Rewards)

Best Kill Streak: 29 (With Killstreak Rewards)

Best Win Streak: 12 (Games)

Kill/Death Ratio: 1.33

Win/Loss Ratio: 0.76

Favorite Gun: Famas

Kills With Favorite Gun: 5,194

Time Played: 12 Days, 18 Hours, 50 Minutes, 33 Seconds.

Contracts Completed: 700

Contracts Expired: 140

Wager Matches Won: 79

Wager Matches Lost: 22

So those are my stats. You should have seen me when I first started playing. :P I was so God awful that n00bs called me a n00b. :P I think that's all for now. I gotte go get ready for Friday Game Night. ;) Thanks for rading.

~Mike 8)

Console Fanboys: My take on the scum of the gaming community.

Hello, everyone! Today I thought i'd talk a little bit about Console Fanboys. Also known as the absolute worst kinda of Fanboys you can come across. This is my first attempt at an Editorial and is a very serious blog. Please treat it as such and respect my opinion. No Flaming! So lets start.

The Fanboy:

A little harsh I know, but i'm honestly a little tired of seeing fanboys spewing meaningless words of hatetred towards other consoles every time I get on this site. I've been coming here and posting for a good 2 years now and never did I realize how many fanboys are really out there. I know we all love our consoles, but is it really necessary to flame and put down another person becuase he thinks his Wii is a great console? No and this becomes my first issue with fanboys! As of late you see more Playstation fanboys because of the failure of the Playstation Network. They have a right to be upset, but can you honestly still think that Sony consoles are invicible and God-like? These fanboys clearly have overlooked the fact that their console is the one that has failed yet we still hear, " The Xbox 360 and the Wii are still the worst consoles on the market" and my personal favorite "Sony still cares about us, that's why they are fixing the problem so fast" Fast? I guess two weeks is pretty fast huh? And as far as i'm concerned Sony doesn't give a damn about you. Niether do Microsoft or Nintendo for that matter. All they care about is what is lining their pockets. (Lots of this)

Lets get one thing straight right now. I own all three consoles, so I am "allowed" to form an opinion of Fanboys. Anybody can have their opinions, but until you have played all three consoles you opinion will always be biased. I have never and will never be a fanboy. I can prove that because although I love every system I own, I can find several faults with each one. Here, i'll break it down for you.

The Nintendo Wii:


-Console is sleek and sexy looking.

-A great assortment of artistically stunning games.

-Motion controls that offer a unique take on gameplay.

-Geared towards casual games.

-A console where you can only have fun playing.


-On a technical level the Wii is far less powerful than any other system this gen.

-Half the games that have been released for it are total crap.

-The online functionality is a mess.

-Having to use friend codes for every new game you get.

-Graphics that look no better than Gamecube's graphics.

-Motion controls are touchy more than 70% of the time.

The Playstation 3:


-Best looking of all three consoles.

-Blu-Ray player built right in.

-Web browser built in.

-Free online.

-Controllers that don't use batteries.

-Solidily built hardware.

-Extremely quiet.

-Extremely powerful system.

-Great collection of amazing exclusive titles.


-Online is nowhere near as robust as Xbox Live even for Plus Members.

-Web Browser is horrible.

-Controller feels less comfortable than the others.

-Online security is clearly a problem.

-20-40 minute long system updates.

-Setting up a wi-fi connection is nearly impossible unless the router is sitting next to the console.

-No chat lobbies.

-No backward compatibility yet....

The Xbox 360:


-Online is the best and most robust offering this gen.

-Console looks great.

-Controller is easily the most comfortable and easy to use.

-Nice lineup of exclusive games.

-Alan Wake

-Better looking multi-platform games.

-System updates are extemely fast.

-Netflix, Last.FM, Facebook, Twitter all supported in one place.


-Sytem sounds like its going to explode when you play it.

-"Pay to play" online.

-Hardware Failures happen more often than other consoles.

-Customer support can be absolutely no help at times.

-Controllers take batteries.

-No Blu-Ray support.

-Party and chat system is great, but glitches out sometimes.

As you can probably see from what I just posted I love all three systems, but even i'm not blinded enough to see that they all have some very glaring faults. Some systems more than others, but that what makes each system different. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. I have talked to my good friend @Wolfman_chopper on several occasions about this and we can both agree that fanboys are horrible, when they try to force their polluted opinions down your throat. Not all fanboys are horrible though. There are the rare fanboys you'll meet that can admit to some faults with their system, but the kind of fanboys i'm outlining here are those special breed of fanboys that don't give a **** about anyone else, because they are right and your wrong. No matter how much you try to reason with them it just turns into a useless waste of a conversation in the end. A waste of breath is a better way to put it.

Final Words:

I was once asked by a friend of mine, "Hey, Mike whats your favorite console now that you have all 3?" My answer was, "My favorite console is the Xbox 360". Does that makes me a fanboy? No, it just means that I have a greater appreciation and enjoy playing my 360 more than the other systems. Does that make those systems any less fun or entertaining to play on? No. That is what fanboys and people fail to understand. Just because you like one console over another doesn't make you a fanboy. A blatant disregard for other console lovers and their opinion and feelings while putting dow their console makes you a fanboy. Not being able to admit that your system isn't perfect makes you a fanboy. Not being able to admit that another console is fun to play on makes you a fanboy. A lack of respect that you show towards other console owners makes you a fanboy.

Fanboys aren't horrible people, but they need to stop being so disrespectful inside of the gaming community. They are the most vilified and vile people inside of the gaming community besides hackers and should keep their opinions to themselves. These are just my thoughts and opinions. I don't expect everyone to agree with me or even see where i'm coming from, but i'm just going to ask you all (fanboys included) one more question before I conclude this blog.

"Why can't we all just enjoy playing on our consoles? Is there really a need to go around badmouthing everyones favorite console, just because you don't enjoy it as much as they do? Why can't we all just play games and not worry about being critisized for doing so? Does it really matter what system you play one as long as you enjoy doing so?"

This is a serious blog, so please treat it as such when you leave a comment. No immature or flaming comments. Thanks you all for reading and commenting.


First Impressions: Call of Duty: Black OPS (Escalation DLC)

As you all know I am a big time Black OPS player. With over 300 hours put into the multiplayer and 11 prestiges nearly completed you know i'm enjoying myself. So today I bought the new Escalation DLC. Now before I give you all my first impressions of the DLC please bare in mind that I played the new maps for only an hour and a half and the new zombie map for well over an hour. So i've had very little time to get a good grasp on these maps, as such I will write a more in depth impressions blog on Monday after i've had ample time to play everything. But here are my thoughts so far on each map. :)

First Impressions: Escalation DLC

Multiplayer Maps: 4

Map #1: Convoy

One thing that great about convoy is its openess. Its great for all cl*ss types (Snipers, Shotgunners, Assualt Rifles ect...) There are some nice narrow corridors for short range gunplay and some really nice long range and open areas for snipers. Its a well made map to say the least. One major problem it has (at least while playing domination) is that its a campers paradise. If it wasn't for campers my first game would've been 14-2, but campers brought my score to a very nice 14-16. :x I haven't tried any other game modes yet, but rest assured that you will run into a ton of campers in Domination. However the map is still designed well and is fun to play on.

Map Score- 7/10.

Map #2: Zoo

Zoo is a great map, but it to shares convoy's biggest weakness. It has campers galore. Unfortunately its the worst kind of camper, since the map seems to facilitate corner camping almost to well. Its a cool map, but running and gunning is almost impossible against a team full of really good campers. I was most excited for this map, but so far it seems to be the weakest of them all do to a horrible amount of campers, even if the level design is amazing.

Map Score- 6/10.

Map #3: Stockpile

So far my favorite of all the maps. Stockpile is a great map for sniping and assualt rifles. It helps that i'm a sucker for snowy maps, but besides that the map is very well made and doesn't really reward camping, which is something that the other maps have a serious problem with. I wasn't doing that well on it tonight, but that just comes from not playing it enough to know all the spots and all the different angles of the maps. It really has no issues that I can tell right now, so its easilly the best of the maps right now.

Map Score- 8.5/10.

Map #4: Hotel

At this point I can't decide whether to hate Hotel or love it. The overall design of the level is fantastic, but in certain game modes your going to find nothing, but campers. Luckily its easy to find these campers and kill them, but it definitely leads to some frustrating deaths if your stupid. The best weapon loadout for this level is either a SMG cl*ss or a Shotgun cl*ss and those seem perfectly suited for all game modes. Its really a fun map and pretty to look at, but you will get very frustrated quickly if campers keep killing you.

Map Score- 6.5/10.

Zombie Map: Call of the Dead

Now we get to talk a little bit about the highlight of the Escalation Map Pack. I've never been the biggest fan of zombies although I have enjoyed all the maps in Black OPS, but I'd just rather play the Multiplayer. With Call of the Dead I felt immediately addicted to it! This map is easily the best thing to come out of Escalation and is just pure awesomeness. It has a really cool story to it and the badass cast of characters feel perfectly suited for zombies! Things start off much faster than any of the other zombie maps before and its a nice added challenge, but makes it kinda hard to do well if your team isn't organized or in sync with each other. Still Call of the Dead is just fantastic and is a must play.must own for any zombies fan out there!

Map Score- 9/10

Final Verdict:

Escalation is a good DLC pack, but its not quite as good as First Strike. The zombie map is leauges better than Acension, but the maps just aren't as cool or as inviting as the ones in First Strike were to me. Maybe that will all change with more playtime and fewer campers, but as it stands this Map Pack is worth the price of admission mostly due to the incredible Zombie map and a couple of really good multiplayer maps.

Overall Score: 7.5/10.

So like I said this is not a final score. If you actually remember I gave First Strike a 7/10 then later changed that to a 8.5/10 after I played it more. So this score is definitely subject to change.

Thanks for reading. :)

~Mike 8)

How they killed Bin Laden.....

As i'm sure many of you are wondering. How was Osama Bin Laden actually killed? Well I know for a fact how he was killed and even have a video of him being killed! So please enjoy the video of the Most Wanted Terrorist in the World getting blown away. :D

Good ridance you mother ****ing bastard!!

~Mike 8)

Edit: This blog was meant as a joke, the video is not a depiction of his real death, but a death of him on a tv show. Sorry if you all took it seriously. :?

I'm an old man now!! ;P

Well as some of you might already know today was birthday! I am now one year closer to being able to drink legally. :P Just kidding, drinking actually doesn't intrest me all that much. Anyway I turned 19 today and I kept it pretty quiet. Didn't really have a party or anything just celebrated it with my family. :) It was a good time, but I think we need to have another party right here. :P

So here's a cake!


And Entertainment!

Darkest Hour

Three Days Grace


So everyone party it up!

Now here's what I ended up getting for my big day. :D

And @envomtonix who was nice enough to send me this as an early b-day present. Thanks again bud. :)

The only disappointment for me was not getting Gamefly, but I can always get that later. ;) All in all it was a great birthday for me. Thanks for reading guys. :)

~Mike. 8)

Note: Game night is tomorrow so I won't be blogging, but check back on Sunday for a new blog. :)