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Oh how my mind wanders as I play games....

They say a wandering mind is a bad thing, I don't necissarily find that to be true, but it can get you into trouble if your not careful. Not that I got in trouble or anything, but my mind tends to wander more than usual when i'm playing games. As I sit and play Black OPS (for example) I find myself thinking of quite a few rand/silly things that I would never think about otherwise. Especially when i'm not talking to my friends (envomtonix, wolfman_chopper, or theslimdavylp) while playing. That's when the crazy **** comes out of nowhere.


What would happen if you gave cocaine to a cheetah? Would it just get all ****ing crazy and kill anyone near it? Or would it mellow it out?

Imagine Chester Cheetah like that. :o

How do people end up with 11 toes?

Is Bobby Kotick the Devil? (Well that ones a fact and everyone knows it) :P

See I told you!!! :|

Just wierd **** that I start thinking about right? I mean I have no idea why this crap pops into my head. I guess like most i've been poluted by mainstream media and all its evil tv programs and demonic pop music. (Bieber is in on it with Kotick, trust me I saw him leaving his house the other day) ;) I'm probably no more messed up than any other young adult today. but it does seem strange all the crap I think of. Like bullets on the ground being a bump-map texture or just a plain texture or how you can't read any of the magazine covers on the Stadium map in Black OPS. Which confuses me since the game is supposed to look good, but pales in comparison to games like Crysis 2 and well......I can't think of any others right now. Anyway i'm getting off topic, wait!?!?! Was I even on topic to begin with? Who the f*** knows. I don't even know what the point of this blog is other then to amuse thoughs of you that "can" be amused by it.

So where was I? Oh yeah I was talking about random thoughts.....Well here's a couple more. Though they are more questions than thoughts, but I gues thoguhts can be questions right?

Why do monkeys fling their own s*** at people? (Well cause its fun.....i've never tried it though) :(

Why do we call Grenade Launchers n00b tubes? (I still use them and i'm going on 11 prestiges now) :lol:

I bet if you teabagged someone in real life they wouldn't laugh with you about it.

Call of Duty: In Space!! (Epic FAIL)

Carl on Duty: Black Cops!! (Epic WIN)

So much better than carlton's version.


So I think that's enough thinking, my messed up brain needs to stop for tonight and get some sleep. Laugh, cry, or ask WTF, but thanks for reading. :)


Note: Remember there are really pink gorillas. They will find you and jump on your bed until you give them a bunny to eat.......

[spoiler] I need to lower the dose on my allergy medicine. [/spoiler]

A Giant Pink Gorilla Killed the Easter Bunny.....and I Saw it Happen.

So true story. I was just waking up this morning I saw the Easter Bunny outside my window. I opened the window to say hi to him. And so I did and he responded with a cheerfull hello, but told me he had to continue hiding his easter eggs for all the kids in the neighborhood to find later. However things suddenly took a turn for the worst when a 600 lb. monster gorilla came out of nowhere and trampled the Easter Bunny. :o More to my dismay I took a second look at this moster of nature and saw that he was the color pink! I couldn't even believe what I was seeing, but it was to late. I rushed outside to try and help my little bunny friend, but it was to late.......He had passed and the gorilla was nowhere to be found.......

So lets review I saw a 600lb, pink, moster gorilla squash the Easter Bunny this morning? Yep!

The good news? [spoiler] I had taken some allergy medicine the night before and imagined the entire thing. :P [/spoiler]

I know its not the typical Happy Easter blog, but I hope at least a few of you found :P Hope you all had a great Easter!


Movies, Music, and Games. An Update on my last Week.

Hello everyone. I'm sure you all are much better off than myself right now. At the moment I can feel yet another migrane creeping in, and I still have quite a bit of work to do today. I'm going to make an appointment to see my doctor later this afternoon to see if there's a reason for these migranes or if its just my allergies. Hopefully its just allergies, but i'm somewhat skeptical since for the last 18 years i've never had a migrane until about 2 weeks ago. Anyway i'm sure you all find this incredibly boring so I'll move on to the games, music, and movies protion of my blog. :P


Lets start with a slightly older movie. L.A. Confidential has kind of a Chinatown feel to it, which is a very good thing. Its got an amazing cast with Kevin Spacey, Russel Crowe, and Guy Pearce. Everything about the movie is fantastic and the surprises and twists keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. This is my kind of movie.

Score- 9.5/10

A movie that was recommended to me by my friend @envomtonix, Seven is just an amazing movie from beginning to end. Its definitely a thought provoking movie and it deals with some very disturbing material, especially once you get to the end. I'm not the biggest Brad Pitt fan besides a few choice roles, but I found this to be his best performance in any of his movies. Just be warned, this movie is very disturbing, so if you choose to watch be prepared for that.

Score- 9/10

The more I watch this movie the more I start to realize that its one of the greatest war movies ever made. The story is just incredible and the way that its all depicted is fantastic. Jeremy Renner has become one of my favorite actors after seeing this and The Town, and for good reason. He plays his character almost "to" well. Its just an amazing movie from beginning to end and one of the more accurate war films i've seen.

Score- 10/10

The Harry Potter movies are for some reason considered "kiddy" movies. When in reality the movies have grown much draker and mature over time. Half-Blood Prince is one of my favorites from the series, because of the darker turn in the story and the mature'er themes it deals with. People who thinks these movies are for kids should at least watch this one before they say that.

Score- 8.5/10


As you all know by now, Fallout 3 is my favorite game of all time. So I decided to start up the GOTY version of it that I bought last week. The wasteland has never felt so inviting! Its like it welcomed me back with opened arms and said "I missed you". Wow, that sounded a tiny bit g**. :P But I love the game, and playing it again has made me realize how much better it is than New Vegas. :P

Score- 10/10 (Surprised?) :P

Getting this game in exchange for another I got for free was the best part of getting it. It spews achievements out like crazy, but the gameplay is just horribly broken. The game has a high emphasis on stealth gameplay, but the enemies are so smart that even Sam Fisher couldn't get past these guys! Its fun when it works, but "when it works" is not often enough. Its got some cool elements, but no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Score- 5.5/10


Easily the first great album i've heard this year! The Human Romance is an assualt on the senses with powerful guitars, awesome growling/screaming vocals, and amazing breakdowns. Its just a wonderfully made album in every way and every song is great on it!

Score- 8.5/10

I've been listening to this non-stop when my head doesn't hurt. The more I listen, the more I see just how amazing it really is. There isn't one song that I feel is a "filler" song or a "so-so" song. Everything is just amazing! I could just say its amazing 10 more times, but I think that would be kinda pointless. :P

Score- 10/10

So that's it for right now. I'm going to go take something for my migrane, since its full blown right now. Thanks for reading and commenting.



Bad Migrane again today, new blog will be up tomorrow. Sorry for the brevity of the blog, just not feeling well.


New Games and Headaches Don't Mix.

So after a long day of helping a friend of mine move more stuff in his storage unit......again, I took a quick trip to Gamestop. Yes, i'm like a buying machine lately which makes my wallet empty and un-happy with me. :P I had a horrible migrane headache when I walked in so I wasn't in the greatest of moods, but I was on the prowl for deals. It being "that" time of year for Gamestop, they usually have a ton of good deals on used and new games. And what I mean by "that" time of year is that its Gamestop's annual Power Saver Sale. Today they were doing a buy 2 get 1 free deal. I quickly went and got my copy of GOW III and returned it in order to get the deal. I of course ended up with GOW III again, but I was also able to pick up 2 other games! These are those games.

#1- Castlevania Lords of Shadow Price: $26

I've been trying to get this game for a long time, but wasn't willing to pay $40-$50 for it. Problem solved! $24 after my discount at Gamestop and I felt like I got a steal! :D

#2- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 Price: Free

Sure it wasn't my first choice for a free game, but I'm a Harry potter fan and nothing else really caught my eye. It had just been dropped in price from $39.99 down to $17.99 to. I got it for free so I really don't care how much it costs. :P Plus if I don't like it I can always sell it. :P

Of course I couldn't play either game tonight due to the massive Sinus Migrane I had. :x I guess I owe an appology to my Game Night crew: theslimdavylp, envomtonix, and Wolfman_chopper for not participating tonight, but at least you all know why now.

Damn headaches.

Thanks for reading everyone. :)


Game Days at Gamestop.

So, sorry this isn't the Headet review I promised, but i'm not feeling like writing a really in depth or long blog right now. Hell I hardly feel like blogging, but boy do I love showing off new games I got. :P I hope you all don't mind these short blogs. Anyway new games time!

I saw this in the Used games side of the bin for only $17!! I said hell yeah and bought it right away!

Now you all should know by now that Fallout 3 is my favorite game ever. I have mentioned it once or tiwce before after all. :P Anyway I got this brand new for only $20!! A great deal for me considering I have yet to play "Broken Steel", "Point Lookout", or "Mothership Zeta". Plus with the PS3 version all the DLC's are on one disc and there is no extra downloading! :D

So I guess that's all for now. Just happy I picked those games up, though Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY looked nice to. Alas I would have been broke if I purchased that to. :( So bye for now guys thanks for reading. :)


I Love You All!

Obviously my last blog was all part of a very eleborate and well thought out April Fool's joke.......Well it actually took me about 10 seconds to write and I thought of it shortly after seeing a few other peoples blogs, but you get the idea. :x So I am sorry if anyone took me seriously. (If you did, you just made me lol) ;P Anyway i'll have a longer blog next, to review my new Turtle Beach PX21 headset. Complete with pics and in depth look at how everything works, or at least as in depth as I feel like getting. :P So, adios for now.


My Top 50 Favorite Albums of All Time #5-1.

I know I was supposed to have this blog up a couple of nights ago, but I have a bad tendency to not keep track of my time. :P However i'm here now and ready to share my 5 favorite albums of all time with you guys! It was hard placing these albums in any specific order for me since i've enjoy the hell out of all of them over the years. Still I managed to do so, and I hope you all will like them! So lets get it going.

#5- War is the Answer by Five Finger Death Punch

This is without a doubt the best Metalcore album I have ever listened to. Every song is incredible and is brought to life by lead singer Ivan Moody's amazing/angry voice. The songs are all great and placed in just the right order, with softer songs breaking up the screaming vocal songs. Its just the perfect mix of anger, rage, and destruction for a metalcore album. Not to mention the amazing album artwork.

For Fans of: Ivan Moody Beating the **** Out of You, Crazy Ass Ivan Moody, Amazing Vocal Work, Utterly Addictive Songs.

Best Song: Dying Breed

My Score- 10/10.

#4- Faceless by Godsmack

This will be the last time I mention you in this list grunt. :P My good friend grunt1096 recommened me this album about a year ago, and I haven't stopped listening to it since. Its honestly one of the most amazing Hard Rock albums i've ever listened to. The song "I Stand Alone" is easily my favorite now and it stands in my Top 5 favorite songs ever! Its not just that song though, because every single song is just fantastic. If your into Hard Rock and have never listened to this, I will find you and slap you in the face. :P

For Fans of: Standing Alone, Albums that Get You Pumped Up, Being Faceless, Sully's Epicness.

Best Song: I Stand Alone

My Score- 10/10.

#3- Man on the Moon: The End of the Day by Kid Cudi

In my opinion no rapper can even touch Cudi right now. All I need is this album to back that fact up. Cudi doesn't rap about sex, money, killing, and pimps like most other rappers do, his songs actually have a meaning and deep often times dark lyrics to back up the best beats i've ever heard on any album. Its just rare to see a rapper that doesn't just rap about that stuff, but actually puts meaning behind his music. I love this album to death and after listening to it more than 100 times I can easily say that Cudi is my favorite rapper and this is my favorite Rap album ever. Just go listen to it.

For fans of: Non-typical Rappers, Meaningfull Songs and Lyrics, The Best Beats Ever, Dark Lyrics That Tell a Story.

Best Song: Soundtrack 2 My Life

My Score- 10/10.

#2- IV by Led Zeppelin

Some people are not huge fans of this album, but im the opposite of them. This is the greatest cla$$ic rock album that I have ever listened to. (And i've listened to many) Every single song shows off depth, amazing guitar work, and unbelievable vocal work that's rare to see in any album today. I've been listening to this album for 8 years now and have probably listened to it 150+ times. Its just that amazing.

For Fans of: The Best Cla$$ic Rock Band Ever, Incredible Guitar Work, Stairway to Heaven, Some of Zeppelin's Best Songs on One Album.

Best Song: Stairway to Heaven

My Score- 10/10.

#1- One X by Three Days Grace

As many of you probably know Three Days Grace is my favorite band of all time. One X just so happens to be my favorite album ever as well. Its the only album that I find is perfect in every way. There isn't a single song that I don't like listening to, they all sound amazing, and I can listen to anytime and never get tired of it. Adam Gontier is an amazing vocalist and has an extremely unique singing voice that lends to every song. If your a fan of rock music go and get this album. It won't disappoint you. (If it does there is something wrong with you) :P

For Fans of: Adam Gontier, Unique Sounding Vocals, Angry Lyrics, Nothing But Amazing Songs, Epicness on Every song, Winning.

Best Song: Animal I Have Become

My Score- 10/10.

So that's the list everyone! I thank all of you that stuck around to see it to the end and I hope you enjoyed it! Please listen to those songs before commenting to, I worked hard on this one. ;) Thanks for reading. :)

~Mike 8)

My Top 50 Favorite Albums of All Time #10-6.

Hey guys! Hope your all's weekend was good! Mine was pretty average, but not having to work was a nice little bonus. :P Well tonight is the night where I finally break into my top 10 favorite albums of all time. But first I just want to thank all of you that stuck with the lists these last couple weeks. After this it may be a while before I do another long list so I hope you enjoyed it. :)

#10- Avenged Sevenfold by Avenged Sevenfold

I started listening soon after the death of former drummer "The Rev". Most of their albums were hit or miss for me, but then I listened to this one and that all changed. I loved every song on the album, to the point were 8/10 songs on it I scored as 5/5's on my Itunes. Its just amazing to listen to and its something I can never get enough of.

For Fans of: The Rev, Brilliant Guitar Work, Skulls, Infinite Replayability.

Best Song: Brompton Cocktail

My Score- 9.5/10.

#9- Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park

Lets face it. Linkin Park is dead now, but this album still serves as a reminder to what was and what could have still been for me. There music was just amazing and so unique on Hybrid Theory that it still remains one of my favorites today. Every song on it was awesome and crazy. Not to mention "Points of Authority" is still in my top 10 favorite songs ever. This album is just a must have for any music fan.

For Fans of: The Real Linkin Park, Rap/Rock, Songs With a Message, Flat Out Amazing songs.

Best Song: Points of Authority

My Score- 9.5/10.

#8- Riot! by Paramore

And so Hayley, I mean Paramore returns! One of the few bands that earned 2 well deserved spots on my list. Riot! is a very high energy album when compared to Brand New Eyes and its this energy that makes the songs on it way better. Almost every song on it is one of my favorites ever. Just goes to show you a band with a girl as the lead singer can be truly amazing.

For Fans of: Girl Fronted Bands, The Beautiful Miss Williams, Hayley, Hayley Williams, Riots!

Best Song: Fences

My Score- 9.5/10.

#7- American Idiot by Green Day

Once upon a time when I was about 12 and just discovering music my friend handed me this album. Who knew that nearly 7 years later I would still be listening to it! This album is just one of the best Punk Rock albums ever created. And it takes a unique approach, in that most albums have different songs telling different stories, but with this album every song combines to tell a story of love, drugs, and death. Its just amazing to listen to and hear all the parts merge at the end. Still something i've never seen in any other album and that's why its on my list.

For Fans of: Incredible Stories, Punk Rock at Its Finest, Bleeding Heart Shaped Grenades.

Best Song: Jesus of Suburbia (Long Version)

My Score- 10/10.

#6- A Snow Capped Romance by 36 Crazyfists.

I just started listening to this band and this album about a month ago, but I'm already in love with it! I listened to it 25 times in one week!! Every song is just brilliant and keeps up the energy and intensity song after song. Its honestly one of the best Metalcore albums i've ever listened to and one i'll be listening to for a long time to come! Go buy it if your a fan of the genre, you won't be disappointed.

For Fans of: The Most Underrated Metalcore Band Ever, Non-Stop Awesomeness, Becoming Addicted to Albums.

Best Song: At the End of August (Brock Lindow's voice is sexy) :P

My Score- 9.5/10.

Well guys I would have done all 10 albums tonight, but my Itunes froze on me.....again. :roll: So the last 5 will be up tomorrow night! Thanks for rading and listen to all the songs! :)

~Mike 8)