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Charlie Sheen Owns You.

Well this is my shortest blog ever, but i'm sure you all know who Charlie Sheen is. If you don't well then i'm not sure what to say to you. :P Anyway a big warning to all BLack OPS players out there. Charlie Sheen will find you and he will own your ass. :P Please watch the video to understand the joke. ;)

Charlie Sheen Owns You

"News flash, I am special and I will never be one of you" :P

~Mike :lol:

The Biggest Surprise Games of 2011.

So, today I thought I would do something a little different. As some of you may know I did one of these lists last year and it outlined the top 5 most biggest surprise games of the year for 2010, or at least the ones that I thought would be underrated. If you never saw that blog you can look at it here to see if I was right about any of the games. :P So lets get started then. :)

#5- Hunted: The Demons Forge (PS3, Xbox 360)

I honestly never really payed that much attention to this game, but now that I know a little more about it I know its going to be good. First off its being made by Bethesda Software, and they just don't make bad games, Second its built for Co-op play, so essentially its like a Bow and swords version of Army of Two. (which I actually enjoyed) Lastly it looks great from the gameplay, and even the latest videos for it are almost a year old now, so it could have only gotten better.

My Anticipated Score- 7.5

GS Score- 7.0

#4- Operation Flashpoint: Red River (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

Now as you all know I was no fan of the last Operation Flashpoint game, but this one looks to be much improved. The developers say its going to be harder than Dragon Rising, but imo the only reason Dragon Risisng was so hard was because hit detection was broken, and the gameplay in general was horrible. Now that they've fixed the gameplay and improved the graphics engine things should run and work much more smoothly. All in all this game is looking great.

My Anticipated Score- 8.0

GS Score-7.0

#3- I Am Alive (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

After seeing this game in an issue of Gameinformer nearly 3 years ago I have been wanting to hear and see more of it. Unfortunately Ubisoft put the big ole' TBA release date on it and have not released any new info on the game for a good 2 years now. I thonk that we will not only see some of this game at E3 this year, but we will get a release date for this year and some actual gameplay, and its going to be amazing.

My Anticipated Score- 9.5

GS Score- 8.5

#2- Brink (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

Another game that is being made by Bethesda this year and it looks fantastic. The graphics look amazing, the gameplay looks brutal and fast, and the multiplayer looks like a ton of fun. Brink is going to be one of the best shooters this year, but I have a feeling its going to have a small following.

My Anticipated Score- 8.5

GS Score- 8.5

#1- Inversion (Xbox 360, PS3)

Not a lot of people know about Inversion, but I sure do. Its a Third Person Shooter with an emphasis on Zero G combat. Its been on my radar for over a year now and it just looks fantastic right now. I think a lot of people will be surprised by this game this year.

My Anticipated Score- 9.0

GS Score- 8.0

So that's all for this blog. Feel free to tell me if you think i'm wrong or right. (i'm a big boy, I can take it) :P Thanks for reading and have a great Monday. :)

~Mike 8)

*sigh* At the end of a long week.

Well this week has been quite long for me. I've been working all week, which usually wouldn't bother me in the least, but this week was different. This week the weather here in Virginia has been going from 60's back down to 30's all week. But before I can continue let me explain what I do. In case some of you don't know I work for my dad. He owns a shop where we work on and restore old muscle cars, in particular Corvettes. Like this one. (Actually were restoring a car exactly like this one now)

Anyway, my job is basically the mechanical work on the cars. So I do and can do almost anything related to these cars, as long as that doesn't include body work, cause I am horrible at that ****. :P Moving on though, my dad's shop has no heat or air. There's where my biggest problem lies. When its 30 degrees outside it feels like 20 in the shop and when its 60 degrees out it feels like its 40 in the shop. So I have basically been freezing my ass of for the last week at work, and am happy that the work week is coming to an end. :P However I did have my Ipod full of 36 Crazyfists songs with me, so things weren't all bad. :lol:

So with the end of the week comes gaming time. And boy do I have a lot of gaming to do. :roll: I ran into my Blockbuster yesterday and to my surrise they were running a special of rented games. So naturally I picked up two games.


Of course I won't be playing either this weekend because........ITS DOUBLE XP WEEKEND FOR BLACK OPS!!!! :D :D :lol:

Have a good :lol: at the new trailer.

I think I have a Black OPS problem now, but oh well. I always enjoy Friday night gaming sessions because they always include my friends. Tonight I will be playing with @envomtonix, @theslimdavylp, and hopefully @Wolfman_chopper. Playing with these guys always makes for a much more fun night and some *cough* intersting *cough* conversations. :P

On a musical note now, there is only one band I have been listening to for the last week, seriously just look at my Last.FM. :P This band is none other than 36 Crazyfists. I don't expect many of you to have heard of them, but if your a fan of "good" Metalcore, I suggest you listen to my song of the day at the end of the blog. ;)

Hmm what else to blog about.........I bought an HDMI cable for my PS3.........Damn I got nothing........*facepalm*

Oh well, I guess that's the end of the blog then. Sorry I don't have anymore to add, but work has been pretty much consuming my week and i'm just tired. :P Anyway thanks for reading and don't forget to listen to the song. :x :P

Song of the Day: Mercy and Grace by 36 Crazyfists.

~Mike :D *sigh* time for work :cry: :P

A Gaming Update! :o

That's right! A gaming update is all that I have to offer right now in the way of blogs, since I have yet to make a dent in my movie backlog yet. I started 3 movies at the same time, but haven't finished a one of them yet. :P Anyway here's a look at what i've played, am going to start playing, my recent purchases, and a game I just pre-ordered today! Sorry if it bores you. :P

Part 1: The pre-order.

I have been buzzing about L.A. Noire since I heard about it nearly 3 years ago, but now that its release date is final and pre-order bonuses were announced I knew it was time to put my order down! I'm riding the hype train for this one as its easily my most anticipated game of the year! May 17th. can't come soon enough. :D

Part 2: Bought games.


I was searching through my local Gamestop today looking for something to fill the void from the games I had just traded in, so I found both of these for great prices! (Resistance at $9 and Enslaved for $20) These 2 should keep me busy for a while, at least I hope. :P

Part 3: Now Playing.

Oh Black OPS, I just can't quit you baby. :P I've been going hard on Black OPS for a while now, but its to the point now where it has become my mainstay game on the 360. It doesn't hurt that I have a lot of friends to play it with either, and we do quite often. :P Now closing in on my 6th. Prestige and continuing my hunt for 15th. :P :)

Halo Reach isn't one of those games i'm constantly playing, but I have been playing it more often now then I was, mostly thanks to @envomtonix. :P Firefight is just fun as hell with friends and the multiplayer isn't half bad either. Overall I have a lot of fun when I play it, plus I don't have to worry about a f***ing K/D ratio like in Black OPS. :P

Well I'm not really playing it anymore since I finished it and returned it, but this weekend was nothing but Dead Space 2 for me. I was to scared to finish the first, so I was relieved that the part 2 was more of an action game than a survival horror game. I know a lot of fans feel otherwise, but for me it made for a more enjoyable and visceral game. (pun not intended) Dead Space 2 is an early GOTY nominee for me and I have no problems recommending it to anyone. My full review is coming soon as well. :)

So that's all i've got for tonight. :| Hope you all didn't fall asleep from boredom or anything. :P Thanks for reading and have a great Monday. :)

~Mike :D

Movie blogs put on temporary hold.

Yes, I am unfortunately going to put my top 75 movies blog on hold yet again, but this time its at least for a valid reason. There are still movies that I want to see that may make it on the list still. :P I was going over my list the other night and decided some movies just weren't worthy of such an honor, so i'm left with over 10 empty spots on my list. :o So i've decided to get caught up with my backlog of movies before continuing on with the list. I don't think my backlog is all that long so it should be fine.......

Mike's Movies Backlog:


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Gone Baby Gone

L.A. Confidential

Hard Candy


Let Me In


Nowhere Boy

The American



Requiem for a Dream


District 9

The Indian Runner

3:10 To Yuma



Rear Window

2001: A Space Oddessey


I really didn't realize there were that many movies I needed to see. :| Well this could take a while.......

Not to worry though cause I'll make sure to blog until all my movies are complete. :D If you all care that is. :P

So I guess that's it for tonight. Thanks for reading and sorry if you were looking forward to the movies blogs. I'm sorry I had to delay them. :(

~Mike :)

Well guess i'm better now.

So after 4 days of agonizing pain and laying in my bead, while staring at my ceiling i'm finally starting to feel like myself again. :D Of course I gave my nice little virus to my mom and sister, but at least I don't have it. :P Anyway the movie blogs should resume tomorrow night.

It also appears that I have leveled up here on Gamespot and am now a DJ Boy. :shock: Kinda goes with my avy I think. :P Well I don't really have much else to say since I'm kinda tired, so see you all later and thanks for all the well wishes from last blog. :)

~Mike :)

It Appears That I'm Down With the Sickness. :'(

Really short blog, and i'm sorry for that, but earlier this evening I started feeling odd. I get up from playing with my @ShootumUP26 and I felt dizzy and my body was aching all over. Last time this happened I had the flu for nearly 2 weeks. :? So I'm feeling like absolute **** right now, but just in case i'm not able to get on here I just wanted to let you guys know why. I'll be back as soon as i'm feeling better. :)

On a quick side note thanks to all of you who added me on PSN and a big thanks to @Venom_Raptor for offering to show me the ropes. I'll be in need of help i'm sure. :P Also sorry I didn't get back on tonight Ryan. :(

~Mike. :(

Ready for a Surprise??

Yes, I am now the proud owner of a 160GB Slim PS3. :D :D :D Already signed up for PSN and all of that as well. 8)

Here's a rundown of what I got with the PS3 tonight.

Plus a couple of Blu-Rays I picked up for only $12.99 and $14.99 a piece. :D


So I sorry I had to cut the movie blogs from tonight's blog, but I thought this was slightly more exciting. :lol: So who ever would like to add me on PSN is more than welcome to. :) Oh damn you need my PSN ID first. :P

PSN ID: DntJudgeMeMonkey.

If anyone is wondering where the hell I came up with that, its from the movie Grandma's Boy. (A comedy cla$$ic in my book) :P

So until next time guys. :P :)

~Mike :D

My Top 75Movies of All Time #60-56.

Well besides not feeling so great there isn't really much for me to catch you guys up on, so I guess i'll just get to it tonight. :P

#60- True Grit (2010)

It seems as if the Coen Brothers can do no wrong. Taking one of the best westerns of all time and re-making it is quite the task, but with a superb cast (of which Hailee Steinfield steals the show) and excellent writing they easily pulled it off. In my opinion this is a better movie than the original.

My Score: A-

#59- 61* (2001)

If your a Yankees fan than you know what this movie is about without even seeing it. The movie revolves around the story of Roger Maris and Mickey Mantles chase for the Home Run record in 1961. This movie is a very accurate and vivid depection of that year and solid performances from Thomas Jane and Barry Pepper imerse you in the Yankee history. Simply put its one of the best sports movies i've ever seen.

My Score: B+

#58- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)

I'm not embarressed in the least to admit i'm a fan of the Harry Potter series. While Half-Blood Prince isn't the best movie in the series, its still well acted and has one of the best stories of the series. You also see the characters finally reach full maturity in terms of development and things get much, much darker......which I really enjoyed seeing.

My Score: B+

#57- Avatar (2009)

Love it or hate it Avatar is a visually stunning and engrossing sci-fi movie. Whether it took 10 years to make or not was never really a big concern to me more than the concept was. I mean I never fully understood it until I saw it and then I was treated to a very original and fantastic adventure that shouldn't be missed.

My Score: B+

#56- Road to Perdition (2002)

Twisting, saddening, and dark Road to Perdition is a mobster film like no other. The movie is full of big names, but Tom Hanks easily stands head and shoulders above all of them and gives his best performance to date. Daniel Craig on the other hand just acts like a cry baby for the whole movie. :P Still this movie is unique and not to be missed.

My score: A-

Well that's all for tonight guys. Thanks for reading and I hoped you all enjoyed it.

~Mike 8)

My Top 50 Movies of All Time #65-61.

So its now 1:30 a.m. here on the East Coast, so that means I can't play anymore CoD tonight. :P I was having a lot of fun with @Wolfman_chopper and @envomtonix, but I guess the fun can't last forever. :roll: Anyway lets take a look at the next 5 movies in my countdown. :)

#65- The Book of Eli (2010)

Anyone who knows me very well knows I have a soft spot for anything post appocalyptic. I mean the stuff fascinates me and this movie really portraid the setting very well. Its not the best, grittiest after Fallout movie you've ever seen before, but its well made and performances from Denzel Washington, Mila Kunis, and Gary Oldman steal the show. It has a nice little twist to it as well.

My Score: B

#64- Wayne's World (1992)

Waynes World is somewhat of a cult cla$$ic comedy, in the sense that not many people watched it, but those who did loved it. Mike Meyers is a king of comedy and Dana Carvey is equally as funny, but toss in 80's Rock and metal music and you have pure win written all over this movie. Its a comedy cla$$ic so get to watching if you haven't already.

My Score- B

#63- Oceans 11 (2001)

The Oceans movies are all good in my opinion, but like with most series the first one is the best. The All Star cast, witty writing, and excellent pacing made this comedy an absolute joy to watch over and over again!

My Score: B+

#62- Jarhead (2005)

Sure Jarhead isn't the most amazing war film ever made, but it is a startling look into the events of the first gulf war. Jake Gyllenhall was great in his role as was Jamie Foxx and they really made the movie feel more real. (for lack of a better way to say it)

My Score: B

#61- Rocky Balboa (2006)

After all these years the Itallian Stallion still had it. The original Rocky is pure and simple a cla$$ic that nobody hasn't seen. With this movie Sly comes back and delivers a knockout in what I thought was a movie that is the best since the original!

My Score: B+

Well that's all for tonight guys. I'm tired and hungry. :P Check back tomorrow for the next blog!

~Mike :?