Ah yes, I've only seen the clear hard so far, and black silicone. I'll keep my eye out though.
tominator1's forum posts
Yeah where are the Hori 3ds hard cases? I've seen some for the DSi but i can't find a 3DS one anywhere(looking for a black one, any help guys?)
Edit: I'm looking for a 3DS case just like this Hori DSi case. I found this also on play-asia and was wondering if it's more or less the same thing as the DSi case. I'm pretty sure i just would like some more opinions on it, thanks guys.
I think these got uploaded today:
Have you used the clear hard case before on another DS? I was wondering about the quality of the Hori ones. I had an off brand clear case before and it was the craps, these look much nicer, and it is by Hori who hands down make the best screen protectors IMO
Hard Hori case (I think):
Silicone case:
OK, is it possible to use that protection you just showed me, and also with ANOTHER protector, that hard case? Can i do both those? I'm thinking I want to do that.
Well, I don't see any reason why you couldn't use that interal protection with an external case, but I don't own one so I don't know for sure.
I completly agree, that's why I'm currently leaning toward the white box one myself, I just don't see the need to cover the entire top screen and it seems that it would be harder to get those bubbles out as well.
[QUOTE="cw4eva"]Why would they make 2 kinds? IMO the one that covers the whole top screen is better than the one that only partially covers it.Differences are at the top screen.
For the first link, the top screen sticker size covers the whole top screen; as for the second link, it only covers the "display area" of top screen.
If you like that Hori also offers a whole "system" kit, it covers everything on the inside of the 3ds:
[QUOTE="cw4eva"]Where does it say that?Differences are at the top screen.
For the first link, the top screen sticker size covers the whole top screen; as for the second link, it only covers the "display area" of top screen.
Alright, after findling some larger immages I believe that cw4eva is indeed correct. In the immages below the red bow shows the protector covering the entire top half, while the white box seems to only cover the screen.
Now, which one to get...
Hey all,
I'm thinking about importing some games and firgured that this would be the perfect time to also get a 3ds screen protector for when I buy a 3ds, I'm screen scratched paranoid.
Anyway, there are two different screen peotectors from Hori, the brand I love for my DS lite, that I see on play asia:
Besides the $1 difference does anyone know of any difference between the two?
As Jasonguy noted, there was a series of launch wii's that didn't have the heatsink properly applied, and I was lucky enough to get one. A started getting artifacts and had to send it in to get repaired. It was out of warrenty and Nintendo refused to acknowledge that there was a problem, it oviously was not a manufactureing defect seeing that is lasted 2 years according to them. I was able to complain enough to alkk them down from $90 to $40 if I remember correctly.
I also have a friend who had the exact same problem, also a launch wii.
He also has a second wii, his family now has 3 so they can play moster hunter tri, that had a fan failure, causing it to overheat. That one was under warrenty and was repaired for free.
He also had a disc drive failure after his little brother pulled on a gamecube cord, making it fall onto the concrete floor, but I din't think that one counts.
The disc read error on Brawl, a 2 layer disc, is a fiarly well doccumented error, Nitendo even acknowledges it, and to their credit they still offer to fix the problem no matter the warrenty status.
I think Bowser is going to kidnap Peach.:o
Hey, where's the spoiler warning? You totally spoiled the plot for alot of us. :evil:
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