I doubt it is ture, but if it is I see it either being
1. Totally awesome
2. Totall awful
with nothing in between
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I doubt it is ture, but if it is I see it either being
1. Totally awesome
2. Totall awful
with nothing in between
[QUOTE="Conjuration"][QUOTE="Michael-Smith"] I see people keep mentioning Speed Racer. Was he in the Japanese version of TvC, or something? Because I just don't really see him as a good choice since he's not really much of a fighter. Racer X, however, would make an awesome addition to the line-up.Michael-Smith
I don't think he was in any version of the game. It's just the fact that he's one of the msot recognizable characters.
That's what I thought. I wouldn't hold my breath to see him as DLC or in the sequel, if they make one. Speed simply isn't a fighting character. He punched like what.... three people in the entire series? What would his move set be in TvC.... jump in the Mach 5 and run into you with the buzz saw blades? Racer X could work, though, as he was a super spy and actually knew how to fight. They would still have to stretch to come up with a move set for him, but I think it would be doable.I don't know, I've been reliving my childhood memories by watching Speed Racer on hulu and he seemed to spend a fair amount of time throwing punches and karati kicking them. I don't know how true it is but my friend told me that the Japanese fans were so upset that he wasn't included that they released an appology to them and stated that Tatsunoko, or however you spell it, sold the rights to the series to the company that made the the american speed racer, a truly awful show.
Well, back in the day, like 2 years ago, I joined this board to discuss that wery issue with my wii, I posed a link to that origional thread. Back then several members identified it as a problem with some launch wiis and the way that the heat sink was attacked to the mainboard; but since then paranoia has led me to turn off wiiconnect 24. Ha, I also bought a wii for my cousin, he didn't want to stay up until midnight like I did to get a wii, and his is so paranoid of this issue that he unpluggs his wii inbetween uses.
I'm glad to hear that your wii repair went well, I also had the artifacting issue and had to pay to get it repaired, apparently some launch wiis were prone to this. IMO the repairs should have been done for free, it was a design/manufacturing issue, but of course Nintendo wouldn't agree to that, oh well such is life...
Wow, this is an old thread, but what the heck I'll throw in my $0.02. I like the idea, but it will never happen. Notice how you can't make your own emblems in mario kart wii while you could in the DS? I believe that's because some people just can't handle the responsibility; I can't tell you how many phallic images I saw when racing people in that game, the same would happen in the mii channel, and it already has somewhat.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. When I picture Phoenix Wright, it's worth one word.wiifan001
Is that word
Pheonix Wright, what could he do, throw his attourney badge at you, and point his finger to object to the pummeling you are giving him. :)
This game will more than likely not have DLC. Only WiiWare games have DLC and at that they are normally just Unlock Codes. Be happy with the awesome roster that you already have ya?
Aninal Crossing City Folk also has DLC, as well as some of the guitar hero games.
[QUOTE="BrunoBRS"][QUOTE="LastRambo341"] Says who? They would have bought the game(s) if the Wii wasn't easy to modLastRambo341the biggest reason that people pirate is the price. they think games are too expensive, so they go the easy way to save money. if pirating didn't exist, they simply wouldn't buy it. how many times will i have to say this? I can see the financial crisis taking effect. Why should I take your word for it that people wouldn't buy the games if pirating didn't exist? Not all of them would
You are right that not all of them would, but the ration of those that would by vs. those that wouldn't is rather dismal if the PC world is any indication. There has been a war in the PC realm recently over the use of DRM and how effective it really is. Some reports seem to indicate that it is somewhat successful in stopping piracy, but not all that successful in increasing game sales. The developer Reflexive is rather aggressive in their DRM and anti-piracy campaign, but they estimate that for every 1,000 pirated copies they eliminate, they only get 1 additional sale. If this ratio holds true to wii sales that would mean titles like Overkill, while stopping 870,000 pirates, would only see an aditional 1,000 sales. Below is part of the report I mentioned in the post.
Fixing The Holes - The Results
Below are the results of Reflexive.com sales and downloads immediately following each update:
Fix 1 – Existing Exploits & Keygens made obsolete – Sales up 70%, Downloads down 33%
Fix 2 – Existing Keygens made obsolete – Sales down slightly, Downloads flat
Fix 3 – Existing Cracks made obsolete – Sales flat, Downloads flat
Fix 4 – Keygens made game-specific – Sales up 13%, Downloads down 16% (note: fix made after the release of Ricochet Infinity)
From the results above, it seems clear that eliminating piracy through a stronger DRM can result in significantly increased sales – but sometimes it can have no benefit at all. So what does that mean for the question about whether a pirated copy means a lost sale? The decreases in downloads may provide a clue to that
As we believe that we are decreasing the number of pirates downloading the game with our DRM fixes, combining the increased sales number together with the decreased downloads, we find 1 additional sale for every 1,000 less pirated downloads. Put another way, for every 1,000 pirated copies we eliminated, we created 1 additional sale.
Though many of the pirates may be simply shifting to another source of games for their illegal activities, the number is nonetheless striking and poignant. The sales to download ratio found on Reflexive implies that a pirated copy is more similar to the loss of a download (a poorly converting one!) than the loss of a sale.
Though that doesn't make a 92% piracy rate of one of our banner products any less distressing, knowing that eliminating 50,000 pirated copies might only produce 50 additional legal copies does help put things in perspective.
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