Amazon's doing the same thing, but charging 29.82. Still a free Wii speak, and still free shipping.
Amazon is charging less, no tax, and free shipping
Plus it's a reputable store
There is no excuse for anyone getting this from Gamestop
While I would normally agree with you, I don't care much for gamestop and love my Amazon.com, the only reason I went with gamestop is that they have a seperate page for the wii speak bundle and amazon does not. Thus I feel with gamestop, perhaps erroneously so but I have never had any issues with them thus far, that I am guarenteed a wiispeak whereas amazon could say "oops we ran out, sorry but here's your game without the wiispeak." Unfortunately I also live in a state with an amazon warehouse, so I get charged for shipping too; I really hate that I buy so much from them, so the tax break is a non factor for me.
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