Anyone know what rewards Club Nintendo Japan can get? I'd make an account, but I can't read a lick of Japanese.
well this is the page of rewards for club nintendo japan http://club.nintendo.jp/member/exec/entranceNaviPrivilege
btw...dont u need an address in Japan to make an account
Thanks man. Yeah their club looks better overall, more stuff, better stuff. It also looks like, depending on how many satrs they get per game, their stuff is cheaper. The game and watch collection is 500 stars and not 800 coins like it is for us. They get special offers like the free blue wii remote, limited edition console colors, and they get to register more stuff, like the wii or controllers. I got a Japanese Pro Classic controller and it even had a registration code. In other words Club Nintendo Japan >>>>> Any other Club Nintendo; they keep the best for themselves. :cry:
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