[QUOTE="towny_"]First 8 worlds are pretty mediocre, it gets a lot better at the Special worldsMinishdriveby
which are just revamped versions of the mediocre first 8 worlds' levels My problem with the first 8 worlds were that they were way to easy. So the special worlds were a fun challenge.
my neighbor's mother makes $74/hr on the laptop. She has been out of work for 7 months but last month her income was $18090 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Here's the site to read more FAB33.COM marcelinegrim
There was much more to do in Black/White 2 so for the same price as Black/White 1 I would recommend #2. However there may be a very intense learning curve since Gold and Silver, so HG/SS or Platinum may be more suitable to get you into new pokemon generations.
I seriously need a 3DS. I've never wanted a system so much.4myAmuzumament
They're probably the cheapest current consoles you can get. If you're Australian you can get a pre-owned and refurbished 3DS for $130 and the pre-owned refurbished XL for $200 at EB Games. https://www.ebgames.com.au/featured/preowned-hardware
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