@NinjaGaz: Maybe they are more straight forward fun to play? Not every game must be a 100 hour immersive masterpiece. I used to play Final Fight and like it A LOT back in the day. That said, this game is not indie, not in the sense you are implying.
Played the betas. It was boring, shallow, extremely arcadey. The vehicle mechanics are god awful terrible. It's a not-so-fun and not-so-polished Far Cry with co-op.
@R4gn4r0k: You clearly haven't played the betas. There's absolutely nothing tactical in this game, it's much, much less tactical and fun than Far Cry 3 and 4.
@Gelugon_baat: "Like the idiots in the Commandos games"... That's exactly the point of games like Commandos, Desperados and this one. You control everything the characters do. They don't do anything by themselves. It's not an RPG, it's a strategy game.
Also, why do you post a reply to a comment as a comment? Just trying to get attention?
Played the beta and I won't ever buy this game. I felt like the reviewer was talking about a different game than the one I've played. The multiplayer is avarage at best and I don't think anyone would buy the game for the 8 hors campaign. I'd play Gears 4 or R6 Siege over this any day. Games are getting more and more generic and all of the same and "gamers" are getting even more stupid, glad I'm moving on to another hobbies.
I tried the beta for a couple of hours and found it an unimaginative piece of manure. From what I've been reading around lots of people found the same, yet these numbers count on their 13.2 milion players.
Of course there will be stupid guys buying the game to play for a week or so and never again, even if they didn't like the beta very much. Because you know, gamers can be stupid. EA will make money for sure, but that doesn't mean much in terms of gaming success, only financial success.
Battlefront had millions of players testing the beta, was a financial success and I think 90% of people agree the game is not good.
TraySmooth's comments