@Ultima_Dragoon: It was hard to be a fan 2 years ago, when all the funny guys started leaving. Today is simply impossible. Danny was the only one left and he isn't the same he was.
The creature all look too similar, despite all the differences. They are stiff, they look and move worse than the creatures in Spore. Huge, huge let down in a game where one of the objectives is to observe and catalogue said creatures.
@Rushaoz: Judging by the content of your replies to the comments here I think you were more than invited. Maybe paid, if you're a streamer or YouTuber? Or else you are just a moron, a dumb person, a self-entitled prick who can't handle different opinions. You are being extremely gross with people that are doing nothing more than expressing their opinions. You sum up everything I hate about the internet, people safely writing trash behind a screen.
I was expecting an actual WWI feel. This is just a Battlefield 4 reskin, no WWI feel at all. Not saying it's a bad game, but definitely not what I was looking for.
Paid review and yet it gets a 7. No update can save this game, althought the 10% left of the playerbase may enjoy it, since they really seem to like this PoS of a game.
You grind so you can grind more. Then you get useless loot that you dismantle. And then you grind a little more until you get some good loot, and now you can grind more. The more you grind, the more you grind.
The Division is the game I regret buying the most in my whole life. Terrible game, absolutely incompetent developers, worst PvP ever, boring, repetitive and full of bugs and exploits (new game breaking bugs and exploits with this new update, just check reddit).
@battlestreak: Come to a game review page and read/watch the review. Go to comments section and read the comments. Says he doesn't give a **** about reviews and reviewers. Logic.
Oh, man... I was so hyped about Divinity: Original Sin 2 until now... Now I've found out Kevin will work on it and I simply can't stand this guy and everything he writes for almost 5 years now... What a bummer.
And people are bashing The Division for being bad. I'd take The Division over Overwatch every week day and twice on sunday (pun intended).
No, seriously, I've played the beta and it's polished and all, but it's simply not very fun and waaay too repetitive. Looks like a F2P to me.
Ans speaking of F2P, there's a way to make a game cartoonish without looking silly. Loadout did that, TF2 kinda did that. Overwatch didn't. It's more silly than childrens movies, it kind of disturbs me to know grown men are hyped about it.
TraySmooth's comments