@tframp420: Yes, it is a problem. Entering cover is a problem, exiting cover is a problem, start to run is a problem... Controls in this game are simply terrible. Disgusting.
Boring game, I regret buying it. Sure no one will be playing it in few months and there's nothing Ubi can do to make things better, since the problem is the game itself. I start the game, play for 15 minutes and start to feel like I'm playing Candy Crush.
I want to play games, not being tricked into doing the same thing over and over again so I can get the exact same weapon with different stats.
Also, controls are terrible, glitchy, laggy and unresponsive.
It's a pitty everyone will realise this game sucks after buying it and making Ubi break sale records.
@power-fantastic: Seriously, what's the point in pre-order a game? Why give money in advance, not knowing if the game is any good, if you can buy and have it downloaded instantly at any time? It's not like they will ship the game and it will arive in 5 days. First on the block syndrome?
Gamespot should ban @Gelugon_baat. I bet hundreds of user stoped visiting or at least reading comments because of him. I know I just can't keep reading a comments section the moment I see his stupid picture.
About the game, I never expected something much different than that from Kevin VanOrd. I actually liked his reviews and videos here in Gamespot a looong time ago, but in his last 2 years here they were all terrible, as were his opinions and tastes.
@xzerocarnagex: There are also millions of adults who dress like superheroes and go to Comic Cons and such events. There are also millions of adults who listen to Justin Bieber. There are millions of adults who are complete imbeciles. Millions of people doing something doesn't make it right, or good, or wise. It doesn't prove anything.
You talk like the majority of PC gamers are cheaters. They are not. Also, the most juvenile, pointless and grinder is the game, the more cheaters it will attract. The Division fits here, and it's an Ubisoft game, and Ubisoft has the worst anti-cheat system in every AAA company.
And you are forgetting that the freedom in PC games doesn't only facilitate cheating, it also facilitate modding. There are GREAT games that wouldn't even exist if not for modding.
TraySmooth's comments