@xzerocarnagex: Yeah, consoles are great. For little kids. Consoles just suck, stop pretending they are good. I just don't know how someone older than 10 can play a console. Go to your room.
This game is crawiling with cheaters because Ubisoft sucks, not because PC gaming sucks. Wake up, kiddo.
@ixilpierce: It's much, much cheaper to make games for consoles. Then they just make a shitty PC port of a console game. Also console gamers are much more easy to please. That's why developers are steering away from PC and that's why PC gaming is not as great as it should be, because of shitty developers.
I think it's time for consoles to die. Consoles are for kids. If there weren't consoles the developers could focus on PC and create real next gen games, with new mechanics, new content that can't be created just because consoles can't handle it.
PC was always the superior, most creative and most innovative platform. Every genre you play in your console was originally created for PC. That and the fact, not opinion, that PC is light years away from consoles in terms of power and tecnology. You know that.
This game is full of cheaters because Ubisoft sucks, they just don't know how to deal with cheaters, they never did. Not because PC gaming sucks.
@Kevin-V: Two interesting points of view. I have a third... People are allowed to do such things with Kickstarter money, and that's why they do such things. One tweet or video saying they are sorry and explaining the situation and that's it, they can use the backers' money to do whatever they want. Kickstarter has successfully founded great games and other projects, but it is also the place where scammers can rejoice. As things are today is simply unadvisable to back any game or project that was not created by a very well known and reliable studio, group, brand or whatever. Sorry for my English, it's not my native language.
Terrible movie, yet this discussion with these "reviewers" managed to be even worst. Couldn't watch until the end. You are getting better and better, GameSpot...
@Bread_or_Decide: I think the exact opposite... People are so easily amused these days it's disgusting. This movie is terrible, easily the worst and more teenager Star Wars. I think you don't know what a great movie is, since Phantoms Menace is infinitely better than this one (at least it had a plot and it made sense, it's not a sorry remake of the first Star Wars ever). And sincerely, there are many, many, many movies out there much better than any Star Wars.
@lucas182: Point 7: Surely you can't be serious... There's no excuse or making up for that bullshit. And you can't say a movie is great with so many flaws and inconsistencies.
@the-games-masta: He didn't make any assumption based on things we don't know. I think that this "we can only judge this film properly when episodes 8 and 9 are out" is bullshit, we judge a movie for what it is. If you think it's a pretty good movie despite the huge and many flaws, well, some people are easily amused.
TraySmooth's comments