@heydink: I know some nerds, some of them are married. I wouldn't feel attracted to their ugly wives even drunk, but... So, your point is? You're married so you're not a nerd? Or you are a nerd, but a married one, so you get laid?
@Onallion: Hard to find something NOT sponsored in this shity website. Every website, actually, specially in USA. I used to visit GameSpot everyday, many times a day back in the day. Now everyone good left, every show I liked was cancelled and I don't even know why I still come here once or twice in the week. Bad habit, I guess.
@adamus: Something more like The Dark Knigt Falls. It's more serious, realistic and much more engaging than this stupid movie, and it's a comic book. The motivation for the fight makes sense and eons after they were together in the Justice League, unlike the movie. Why so much anger between them, they don't look the slightest like superheroes. How can they fight together after that? And they will create Justice League after they're 40? Ridiculous.
If that's how they do it, why having actors at all? Ridiculous.
Terrible movie, terrible director. Maybe I would like it better if I was 12. Look at that Alfred, completely stupid, more soldier than butler and almost Bruce's age. And the acting, oh the acting... Wonder Woman is terrible, but once again it's proved that Ben Affleck is really one of the worst actors in Hollywood. And that Lex who looks more like Joker? Lame.
And all that anger, how, why? Looks like Snyder are trying to transform superheroes in superassholes. And they will create the Justice League after that, and with Batman in his middle age? Plain stupid. This fight is supposed to happen way after they were fighting together in the Justice League, wich they created when they were young by the way.
This movie is stupid if you think about the old comics, it's stupid if you think about the New 52 and it's stupid if you think about it as an independent story. It's worse tan The Man of Steel, wich is worse than every other Superman movie. Batman movies died with Nolan and Bale, that is a new and realistic take worth watching. And Justice League movies died before they were born.
@darwinismyhomey: You should try R6 Siege. Or Ghost Recon Phantoms, even if abandoned by Ubisoft. It's strange you don't know about them if you are really looking for something different in the shooter genre.
TraySmooth's comments