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treytakahashi Blog

What goes on in my life! An UPDATE! It has been over a month...

Dear my fateful readers of whom I owe it all,

I first want to say that I am sorry for not posting and being active but all of you must understand what is happening right now and why I have not been on all to oftin. I really do hope to be more active here as it is a place that I started blogging and one of the first forums I really participated in. I miss it all greatly and I do sometime in the future plan on returning. "How long?" you might ask, and the answer to that is a boldfaced "I have no idea." I can tell you this. I will be back, or at least try to post more often then this.

So with all this, what exactly is going on? The answer to this question would be work and school. I have two things to talk about here. First off I want to say that the main reason my extra time for blogging and posting here have come to an end is because I have been working on establishing a new full fledged website. It is a blog that will soon feature more. No it is not that average blog but one of the blogs that list things from the web. The whole thing came as and idea on finding a job here. I have been looking for a part time job in Vegas for some time and not getting any luck. Why? Well because the economy in everyone's heads (which to me it really is not that bad) and the fact that I have no formal job experience what so ever. The only thing I can stick on that fancy piece of paper is a slew of volunteer work. Yes volunteer work is good but I guess people don't see how working a marathon helps you sell clothing, and neither do I. Anyway I came up the the whole bloging and advertising. Yeah you know how it works. So for now I have established the first of two blogs I hope to get going (one work friendly with language filters, the other without). The first one can be found at For now it seems that the forwarding is not working (damned DNS stuff) so you'll have to type in the www. part of the address. Either way you can still find it. And yes, I do know that it is hosted on blogger. I am working on a site right now that will alow me to do more. Which will probably be out by the years end. So that is what has been really taking up all my time.The way the blog is set up, each post takes me a few hours of browsing the web to find the goods to write on. I post every weekday so that is five days worth of posts to work on. I try to two in a day but that is just to much work for now.

Nof the the other reason, and that is school. I am finishing up my senior year at Green Valley HS (finally) and I just cannot wait 'till graduation. The main part is doing enough to pass (which is not hard) which takes some drive to do. So all the school work on top of the blog makes for some interesting days sitting at a computer and moving a few inches to grab a drink.

So beloved readers, please visit my blog, write a comment, and drop a line. I really miss talking to you all and once more contributers are established (which they are) I will be able to return.

Keep in touch, and stay forever young!


I am not dead. I just have a whole lot going on!

Hello my dear friends, I know it has been over a month since the last post, and I don't believe this one is going to be very long either. I have been online gamespot a few times in the last month to check games and all that, I just have not been very good on coming over to the blog and networking side of it. I am really sorry for this, I feel like I have let you all down once again. It seems to be my habit, as well as many others. To drop by and become very involved and then dissapear into the dark. I do plan on coming back as soon as most of what is going on right now in my life blows over.

Please, do keep up with me. You should be able to find my email address on here as I have posted it several times, and I have a blog that is a bit more active on blogger.

Again, I am really sorry about inactivity, while I was away, my favorite union died. The RTSGU. I feel so bad that all this happend while I was not online and found out almost a month after the doors closed. Even all the emblems I have missed while I was away.

I will be back, don't loose faith, and if you serously want to talk to me, hit me up on my email.

Thank you my friends.

-Trey Takahashi

Another What I Got For Christmas Blog, Yes, yes indeed.

So this Christmas was pretty good, I must say! So lets list what I got, and a few things that my family got, which, I am going to be using as well (oh, me so evil!)!

Acer Aspire One: You guys know, its only one of the best netbooks on the market. I've got it up, and running. Just running a few things on it, and benchmarking high demanding games for fun (I got HL2 to run on it perfectly!).

New Wooden Baseball Bat, Glove, and Balls: Finally! What I've been asking for! :D

Clothing: That was much needed!

Candy, more candy, cookies, and erm' more candy: I am not the one to complain about food for Christmas, mainly because I usually get good stuff. Such as, REAL Chocolate, and all my favorite snacks!

Books: Nothing big, just cute childrens books (I love them!)

Other little gizmos: Flashlights, and other little camping stuff, that I needed, and you don't really need to be boarded with the info

Other things... Not mine, but brothers and sisters (games I will be playing as well

Left 4 Dead

Animal Crossing: City Folk

Thanks for all the Merry Christmas'! You guys rock!


Merry Christmas everyone!!

I know its still two hours till the 25th, here in Pacific Time, but I know, that the other ends of the world, and parts of the Americas are opening gifts!

Merry Christmas everyone! I wish you all the best, truly.

Your friend

-Trey Takahashi

Its snowing in Las Vegas!

Yes, its snowing in the heart of the Mojave Desert. Nice been flakes too, that is collecting on the ground.

I miss the snow, I can always go up to the mountains again, but I miss it snowing out in my backyard... I wonder how bad it is up in my hometown of Lake Tahoe, NV (North side by the way).

So yeah, I have spent all day in it, in my shorts and t-shirt, guess I still have have that warm blood from Tahoe.

Also, school is likely to be cancled tomorrow. Yeah, I know just because a couple of inches! Well, thats probably because the district/city don't have plows or any snow equipment. I just find it funny, snow... In Tahoe it took at least 4 some feet, school only closed when the roads where blocked in my case it was HWY 50!

Well, Thats my little update. Talk to you guys later!


Level/Black Friday/Results from Polls/More stuff! (must read!)

Welcome everything, or everybody to yet another blog of mine. Now I know some time has passed between the last blog and this one, but the truth is, I had it all typed up and then Igot a silly system crash. In which I lost all that work, so I am going to do it once more. Let us begin.

Level up! Wahoo, I feel like I am playing fallout 3 again, a game I put down to do some other things, but I think its time to pick it back up. I am not level 26, a Cyber-lip. The name comes from an old SNK game from 1990, a side scroller. So if you were wondering thats where we get the name.

So, whats next on the title, oh yes Black Friday. Black Friday for me, this year started early in the morning as usual; hold on let me drigress for a moment, I want to tell people who may not know an insight on what it is. Black Friday is the day after American Thanksgiving, and was not around until the days of FDR, the president who moved Thanksgiving back from the last Thursday of the month to where it is today (only an overpowered pres. like him could do that, but that rant is for another day). The term comes from companies getting out of the red and into the black (economic terms), simply put, it takes the companies who see falling profits from Q1, Q2, and starting Q3, and puts them up, so they can boost shair values. Thats about all you need to know, so back to the story.

I awoke at 3:30 PT, later then my usual, to make my shopping rounds. I threw on my Lime in the Coconut shirt (my personal favorite novelty T), my 501 levis, and last of all my classic suit jacket to keep me warm in the morning breeze. I sat out waiting for only an hour for opening, with only 10 bucks in my wallet, and not even a debit card. The truth is I was not really out to buy, I just wanted to get in on it (something I try and do every year). So I sat there, with my buddy Peter by my side. Finally the store opened, and we went in, since I was not shopping for anything in particular, I went on my rounds grabbing his shopping list. It took us only a few minutes, seeing we were looking for only two things, Chrono Trigger for the PSP, and the film V for Vendetta. After getting our items it was line time, so we just went on threw. Next I was going to run over to Jo-ann's Craft and Design, so that I could get some fabric on sale, as well as some notions. Booked in, got it all (its not hard to beat a whole crowd of old fogy, not hard at all). After collection the desired items I gave my Mother a ring so she could pick them up, and give us a ride to Office Max. Before we hit Office Max, we chose to hit up Circut City, seeing it was right next door. So we went in, and noticed the large amount of nothing and bad deals (our stores in Vegas are ones not on the closing list). So we went to Office Max. And so luck would have it nothing was there either. What to do now? Well more shopping, for the day was young! So after we did that, we decited its time to go to Office Depot, and see if they had any more of the 4GB Duo mem cards for the PSP left. Rushed in and grabbed it, bada bing bada boom. Wallmart just happend to be next door as well, so why not?! We went in, and again, like Circut City, it was a mess of nothing. With all that done, and our bellies getting a little on the rumbly side, we took our time and headed over to the local mall. Where we got some food. This was not the end of my adventure! Oh no! I went to JCPenny, and got myself some more Stafford shirts, seeing that they just happend to have a whole slew of the oxford fabric shirts on sale for $1.97, a sale that you rarly can beat. I picked up five, spending that 10 bucks in my back pocket. And with that, my Black Friday came to an end.

I know for a fact, you are getting just rolling your eyes at this wall of text, and I'm sorry for the lack of new paragraphs, but I did not want to cut it up, and for some reason it gliches on this PC... Lets move on, shall we?

Poll results, to put it simply I got a very low voter turn out, so I am a little bit dissapointed. Non the less, you voted so here are the results.

I am changing my Avatar

I am changing my sig (goes with the avatar)

and I am going to keep bloging like I am

Thats all that was there, so thats that. I don't think I have much more to say. I think I'll cut you all loose at this point.

See you all, and good luck on what ever it is your doing!


Is it time for me to change my avatar as well as sig? And other poll questions.

Its up to you folks. Although I have been busy with school, and other little goodies. I still am doing my best to keep up here. Anywho, I want to get up something new. This one thats up right now is bugging me. So, in your comment I want a couple votes.

Question 1: Should I change my Avatar?

Question 2: Should I change my Sig? 

Question 3: Should I write long detailed blogs, or short informative blogs?

There be the ballot. So cast you vote, simple yes or no's will work just fine!




Its that crazy day we get every four years, November 4th. One of the greatest days of days we got! So get up and go vote. Make a difference, and your vote does count! Be an informed voter and do what's right in your eyes! This year, we are going to see such a large voter turn out! Its going to be awesome!

So, once again. Strap on your foot protectors, and go to your local place of voting! Do the right thing!

And last of all, I cannot wait for the Exit Polls to close, I want to see the tallies rolling in!

DON'T BE SWAYED BY POLLS! I wanted to point this out as well, Don't vote for Obama simply because you think he has a greater chance of wining, and you don't want to look stupid. You only look stupid if you vote in this manor. Bush lost the popular vote in 2000, and Bush was down 17 points in 2004. Anything can happen!

Good luck for your tickets! And I'll see you all when the announcement is made!