Dear my fateful readers of whom I owe it all,
I first want to say that I am sorry for not posting and being active but all of you must understand what is happening right now and why I have not been on all to oftin. I really do hope to be more active here as it is a place that I started blogging and one of the first forums I really participated in. I miss it all greatly and I do sometime in the future plan on returning. "How long?" you might ask, and the answer to that is a boldfaced "I have no idea." I can tell you this. I will be back, or at least try to post more often then this.
So with all this, what exactly is going on? The answer to this question would be work and school. I have two things to talk about here. First off I want to say that the main reason my extra time for blogging and posting here have come to an end is because I have been working on establishing a new full fledged website. It is a blog that will soon feature more. No it is not that average blog but one of the blogs that list things from the web. The whole thing came as and idea on finding a job here. I have been looking for a part time job in Vegas for some time and not getting any luck. Why? Well because the economy in everyone's heads (which to me it really is not that bad) and the fact that I have no formal job experience what so ever. The only thing I can stick on that fancy piece of paper is a slew of volunteer work. Yes volunteer work is good but I guess people don't see how working a marathon helps you sell clothing, and neither do I. Anyway I came up the the whole bloging and advertising. Yeah you know how it works. So for now I have established the first of two blogs I hope to get going (one work friendly with language filters, the other without). The first one can be found at For now it seems that the forwarding is not working (damned DNS stuff) so you'll have to type in the www. part of the address. Either way you can still find it. And yes, I do know that it is hosted on blogger. I am working on a site right now that will alow me to do more. Which will probably be out by the years end. So that is what has been really taking up all my time.The way the blog is set up, each post takes me a few hours of browsing the web to find the goods to write on. I post every weekday so that is five days worth of posts to work on. I try to two in a day but that is just to much work for now.
Nof the the other reason, and that is school. I am finishing up my senior year at Green Valley HS (finally) and I just cannot wait 'till graduation. The main part is doing enough to pass (which is not hard) which takes some drive to do. So all the school work on top of the blog makes for some interesting days sitting at a computer and moving a few inches to grab a drink.
So beloved readers, please visit my blog, write a comment, and drop a line. I really miss talking to you all and once more contributers are established (which they are) I will be able to return.
Keep in touch, and stay forever young!
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