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treytakahashi Blog


O man this game is getting better and better! im in total love with it :D seriously i am

its more addicting then WoW (which wow is not that addicting to me) but i guss this is how a Mmorpg

player would feel, so i should say CRACK FOR RTS PLAYERS!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAH 


O what more to say but WOW

i picked it up exactly when it was avalible for sale, and it is awsome i would have writon a blog about this earlyer but i was to busy

playing the game, the acting is still corny but hey the game rocks i have to give EA a high five for not screwing this up!!!

o sweet jesus im gana go play it now  

Pres. weekend

god i am so happy its a three day weekend!,can you say gamming galor! and i know ill be lvl 10 tommorow so thats coo
any way just saying hi

its offical im hooked!

Wow oblivian, what more to say then this game is awsome!
but ya i have not even goten around to pre-ordering some games, man this game is as bad as a wow drugie
so ya, its addictiong, well im starting to film a comiety of video gamers, i'll probly upload it here, and to youtube and google video and daily motion so ya, i hope to wake up and be lvl 10 on here o man its taking me so long to lvl up :P


WOW i finaly got to instaling it and seriously playing it, (i have been busy on my win streak in CoH ony one loss so far and thats from a lag out (i hate you COX!!!)
but wow i am amazed its a lote more then i have expcted!
no oneder i has goten so many awards! well i have some oblivian to play, and some more mods to DL i hope this does not turn into a WoW addiction :/

DirectX 10!

wow i just finished looking at screen shots, and i have to tell you i am truly amazed! what it does it well AMAZING it changes the whole way the games look and if you think you have seen HD lighting like in oblivian, o man wait till you see some screens from 10's lighting, i guss its time for an upgrade to nvidia 8800

Games For Windows?!

God im Hating standerized PC cases give me back my box and jewel cases! ima have to reorgonize my colection, Vista's Game thing is nice but at least give us back the box!:cry: