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treytakahashi Blog

This Blog is short But! I would like you to read!

OK! One of my friends is new here to The spot of games! The GAMESPOT! I need you all to give her a Great Welcome! Her name is Tex Treat her with respect or FEEL MY WRATH!! BUHAHAHAHAHAAHA. Add her Make her feel welcome! Ok Thanks! here is a link to the profile!


My next blog is on its way! I just have not found the time to write it yet :(

See you guys soon!

Good Day my Comrades!! *Beep Boop Bop Bloop!*

Hello Good Day! Are you ready for a good read? Well I am in the mood for typing so you can sit and liston to what I have to say. Well to begin I am going to talk about how my blogs will be working here soon! Yes I am changing how I'm going to have them on my profile, I will write and do vlogs on what I am talking about. So if its about a game. I will upload freatures or a clip of what it is so you can see it. I will try to do this with every one, Also I got a new Webcam, or one for my PC I should say seeing my iMac and MacBook have iSights built in... Well so be ready for good stuff comming soon!! I'm also going to re-vamp my page again! As you may have noticed my banner is gone, its not a glich I'm changing it out. I'm going to start scaning my Drawings and my Brothers and uploading them as my Banner, Blog image ext. It will be cool. Lets see what more did I want to talk about before the actual blog itself? Darn! I cant rememmber!!! O yeah! My next blog is going to be about my PC and upgrades OS's ext so look for that It will be nice long and probably an Editorial so I can shoot for the "Soap Box" emblem!! I just wish they had a bloging emblem for awsome bloggers like myself and a few poeple I know (You know who your are!). So lets begin!

Hi Ho do you know the names of the US residents that soon became the presidents! I quote that from the Animaniacs! One of the best Cartoons ever made. Any way lets begin shall me? Take a step into my shoose and look at my point of views! Ha a ryme! Ok now I begin!...

This weekend has beein quite boring but all the least kinda fun... but not verry if you know what I'm saying. Ok well I'm laying on my bed with the PowerBook G4 on my lap (A fine! peice of equipment if you ask me!) Well this weekend was also quite stress full as well. To begin every day including the days I'm at summer school I have to work a fireworks booth, It sucks... But hey thats life... AND THIS IS WALGREENS! Hahahaha O had to do that! If you have not noticed I'm incredably board and have nothing more to do! So yeah! Any whoo my stressful weekend! I have a major thing I have to decide! What school to go to next year. I have a chance of a life time! To take an early collage program thats through Nevada State, or continue to go through my good old GVHS. See the thing is. I know It would be cool to get my Degree two years but I would miss out on the whole High school things one of the best things of our youth! Its quite hard to decide! I know most of you will say go to Nevada State, but! I am not in a rush to grow up! I have loved my childhood and will continue to love it! I'm at the prime of my youth (not really)! Will I need to decide soon so that is that my brain hurts just thinking about it! O man! I just got an Idea bulb in my brain! A editorial about my childhood! It would be great fantastic! Super duper!! So well umm... I lost my train of thought It must have de-railed! Damned you Pete! (For you that missed my Illiteration I was refering to the episode of Pete and Pete where the sets out to put his lucky penny on a railroad track, and gets yelled at saying that that that will de-rail a train) So do you think I have writton enough?! Or am I just getting started?! Who knows maby you will never know?!


Thats it im Done!


Takahashi's life in the Fireworks booth and other thoughts...

Ok well to begin I would like to say that I have gotten a lot of adds and people tracking me! Its great! I never expected that I would get this many people through GS! That's cool. OK now we will begin.

I am inside of a hot fireworks booth in Vegas. It's hot and boring. I'm on the PowerBook G4. And not to mention no Internet! By the time you read this it will be very well 3 hours after this was written. Well let's begin. I would like to talk about my Drivers ED teacher in summer school. He is the worst teacher I have ever had, no joke. First lets begin here is the list that makes him the worst Drivers ED teacher.

1.) He is from New York, New York. What more do I have to say.

2.) I see him J-Walking every day after school, after he tells us how bad they are.

3.) He won't let us read books in school when we are done with work, we twiddle thumbs

4.) He is missing pretty much all his teeth and smells bad. That's enough right there

5.) He tells us about his parking Tickets and Driving Tickets all the time.

6.) He is Fat... I'm not dogging' fat people but he has to squat over to pick something up.

7.) He winks at the guys in the school... And hits on the women...

8.) He thinks he has funny jokes... They suck.

9.) Every day he tells us he was a Prof. of Biology. But he does not know what a Pharynx is. Nor does he know what a Gizzard is.

10.) He wears ratty cloths every day... I'm talking TRASHED!

That's my list. See I believe this guy needs to be fired or something I have already written many complaints to the school about this. Well I only have one more week to go in that school and then I'm done! Yeah!

Next topic I would like to say is the fires in Lake Tahoe, CA. So it has not reached my state yet. But the way it's going it will soon. Any way for any of you that have been there its slowly approaching the Y that's the Y in the road with Highway 50. I hope it does not get that far. This is why, the best burger joint I have probably ever been to is there its called Izzy's it's so good! The best Veggie Burgers I have ever had where there. (Well best ones I have bought I think my Bro and me make better Sandwiches! Yummy) and also the best Health food shop is there Grass Roots. Its good at the time it was the only place I could get jugs of Soy Milk there. They also made good Calzones. Lets just hope it does not get any worse.

Next subject. Lack of gaming in the summer. It's upsetting me so much! I hate the summer gaming drought! To tell you how bad it is I have not been on my gaming PC in like a week. I have been on the several Mac laptops that I talk about. I have also been on the iMac 24" Intel. I just can't wait for the FALL! That is when life gets good!! I guess I will survive this.
Well that's about it. Well Lets see Should I add another little joke thing rhyme poem thing about the first person that comments that's how board I am. So well... I'm going to go even though I will not have any customers for the next few days. At least I have my stereo and iPod. I'll talk to you guys later! Bye!

Drinking some H2SO4! It's Fun!


Good after noon every one, friends. I bring you new, both good and bad :(

Well like the topic sayes I come with both good and bad. To start I give you the bad stuff. My home town Is in a gigantic blaze. Its on fire, Southern Lake Tahoe (Around where I'm from) Has declared a State Of Emergency. 200+ homes have burnt down. and the blaze is creeping tward my old house. This is pretty much sucks. Thats all the Woods I usta play in. So its extreamly sad. And the weather conditions shown no support. So thats that, I don't want to think about it any more so meany people I know, and I'm not to sure if they are okay.

To lighten this I am bringing the good news! We meaning my family are getting a new car! Yahooo! We have not bought it yet but we will in the next week or so. Once they decide between the Toyota RAV4 Sports Edt. or the Honda CR-V. It all boils down to them 2! Well we where also looking at a VW but we will see I guess! Lets see any thing more to say. nope nothing realy cool left so we move on to the next part. The random thing where I rant or update on stuffs!

Well on this weeks episode I would like to talk about the iPhone. Don't take this as you might think. As most of you know I am a Big Mac user. BUT that does not mean I'm a mac freak that converts every one to come ower way. Right now I'm using Windows XP and will probably restart my computer into Ubunto after writing this to do some work and stuff on my computer. Well now! I wanted to say The day the damned phone comes out is going to be hell. All the non-mac users drooling over what I think is a total failure... Yup thats right! I belive its a great headturner device thats not very practical (Yes like a Rolls Royce) It looks nice, Functions well, But its not very usefull and way to much. If you have the moneys I say by all means get it! But common its to much for the average person. Well I'm not going to say any more "becouse frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!" Hahaha! Movie quotes! So now lets see what more was on my list?! O yea World in Conflict! The collecters EDT I need to pre-order it! Expesially after they announced (or from what I've heard) that it comes with a small peice of the Berlin Wall, Witch is pretty cool! So thats another game that I have to get. Man I have to meany I'm going to end up like my friend that works at EB with over 20 games pre-orderd at a time! The kids working all summer to pay them off HAHA! So I'll have Hellgate Collecters Edt. Bioshock Collecters Edt. and now World in Conflict Collecters Edt. And for any of you that are not getting this game! I suggest you do! I played the closed beta and it rocked! Well I'm going to end that part of this before I or Me or Myself get out of hand! Lets see O yeah! I was asking for Input on The new rig I'm working for here is a link to the thread CLICK ME I'M THE LINK, Here you will see what I'm talking about and prices! If your a member of that Union then post there if not go ahead and post what you think in a comment on the blog of mine.

You know what I think is quite funny, Is for you people that have read my blogs for some time (You people scare me go away HAhaha you know I love you guys) you remmember that one I wrote about me hatting blogs and what they stand for! Man I fell like a total Hippo right now! I love these things there Quite fun! Any who I was also going to inform you all about the fact I'm going to try and get a Vlog going on gamespot as well. I will still post writton and Video but who cares o wait not me! Boom Chalka laka BOOM! and now for this short that will not make much since! THIS ONE IF FOR YOU ESSI!! YOU BETTER POST BACK ON THIS!

There once was a man named essi,

who was awfly awfly messi!

He sat on a Chair,

And played with his heir!

That silly young man named essi!

Now essi does that define my weirdness?! I hope this does! And for that! I close this blog! No more... Go HOME FOLKS! THATS IT!



I've got a Bike you can ride it if you like its got a basket... *READ*

A bell That rings and other things to make it look good. I'd give it to you if I could but I borrowed it.

Well that begins blog number WHO KNOWS! I decited that this one will be just as random as any other. I'm Watching A Boy and his Dog. Its a great movie if you have not seen it please do so. Any way First things first Time for the standerd Anouncement! I got my top half of my Braces of. The day after having a nasty Root Cannal. well thats that. Summer school sucks balls. It realy does. Its nothing but a bunch of Ideots! Hahaha Well I can deal with it for a bit longer. Hahaha. Well every thing is starting to move slow this summer... Just when every thing was getting faster, Well thats life. News News News. Hellgate: London has a collecters Edt. comming out. ugh I'm so board right now. My bestist Buddy left to go visit Europe. ASDF Man! So board. I got nothing more to say other then the fact is so slow. Umm... Thats it for now PEACE! Hope more will be in the next addion! of my blog!

See ya all!


If your on my friends *I NEED YOU TO READ THIS*

Man they are getting out of hand! My rank on my profile went down to lvl 1 and at 0% ugh! Emblems are gliching and avitars, about me's. They realy need to get a hand on this. Well another thing I just got a root canal and it does not hurt but half of my face is numb. Ugh! what to the ever! Well thats about it.


I might have my Gamespot name changed due to the fact it is my name. So it might be changed to




So if I dissaper from your friends list or somthing its becouse of this. I have a list of every one on my Friends. So if you don't re-add me I'll track you down. So! Don't be alarmed! Who knows it may not be changed. well now you know!

Read this It will explane every thing! More Bloging! YEAH!

Well The next generation of my Friken awsome blog if you would consiter it that. Well as you may have noticed my page looks quite strage again. I felt the winds of change or as Bob Dylan put it "The Times They Are A-Chaingin'" one of my favorit songs of all time. Any way My profile theme right now is from the show Hello! Morning Gomaki Penguin. One of Morning Musume's Hello Project shows. Its quite funny I uploaded a Clip from the show on my profile. Ummm... O ya About me I saw "Weird Al" yesterday and Let me tell you he was Great!!! Its was extreamly awsome. Even though I'm not his biggest fans. It was mainly so funny becouse of the amount of Geeks I say there. People with Shirts that sayed WTF? to Meh. I even saw an old Myth III Exile Shirt. That was quite awsome. Well It was fun. I'm on summer vacation now and I'm getting ready to take drivers ed on monday for my summer school. I hope the class is not full of friken retards. Summer so far for me has been a non stop event but that will all die in a few days... Witch you have to admit most of the things people say they want do do over the summer the end up doing it the first week or so. Another show I also had the privlige to see was KA, One of Las Vegas' numerous shows. Its one of MGM's main show Its great. Well not much more to say Just keep updated YA! Good A Day!


OK every one now for the next installment of Trey's Blog! *READ*

Good afternoon little Bagle Buddys Bite Sized Booby Buddys! Its a sunny afternoon in Las Vegas! Nice day out side! Well for the updates I'm out of school and have been since Thursday! I am taking some summer school as sayed before! Its all good though becouse its a Drivers Ed. class. I'm learning how to Drive! Yes! I will happily also inform you all that I got a B on my semester final for Am. Lit. H. Witch was my hardest final. My over all grade for my class an A YEAH! This summer is going to be great! I cant wait! Hahahahaha Ryme! Today is Saturday and I have one week until my summer school classes begin! They are from 7:30 it 12:30 Its kinda long :(. All well! In this Editon I also wanted to post a link to just about every thing that I use for contacting me. For I feel like playing with some of you fools!!! so here be the list. PS the comas seperate accounts if i have multipules. The main one is listed first.



AIM: beermen00

xfire: takahashi

Steam: treytakahashi

skype: o0takahashi0o


Command and Conquer 3: o0takahashi0o

Supreme Commander: Lt_Col_Takahashi

Warcraft 3: Tofu-love

Guild Wars: Sunjin Takahashi (My main character name)

Company of Heroes: Takahashi (I'm pretty sure thats it but, It may not be it. For I have not been on for awile)

Empire at War: (Will be filled in later I have totaly forgoten the SN)

Dawn of War: (Same as Empire at war, I'll fill these in later as I find out or make new accounts)

Steam: treytakahashi (This is for adding me on steam friends) Lt. Col. Takahashi (My In game name for CSS or DODS or TFC

Others to come! So keep posted. I've realy wanted to get on with you people, It will be fun. PS I do have a myspace and youtube but I will not post it here. You must PM me first with your account. EXT. you know the drill!! Also If there is an old game that is not there, Please cheak my game Collection to see if I infact do own it. I will happpily Install it and Play online no problem. just PM me or Comment this blog.

Well thats it for this one! Talk to you all later!

All cought up and don't know what to do....

Its the mist of finals now or should I say I'm in the pool of finals. The time writing and testing testing and writing is taking its tole and this is Day One, Uno, Ich! I have Nee more days to go! Man this is crazy! I'm like a Meushi stuck in a Ami! Common schools! man tonight I have to write an essay for tommorow for American Lit. Honers, I swear my teacher is EVIL! The worst part is its like about The Great Gatsby I hate that book :(. Ok well to shed some lights on this whole event is that I got into Drivers Ed. classes over the summer witch is nice :P. Nice indeed! Tommorow is my Am. Lit. H. test as I sayed and my Biology test I absolutly love Bio. I love sciance so much! ok well. I got back to playing some Counter-Strike: Source agian havent played that in awhile, gada practice and get goo agian. Over the summer I also am in need of finding a good job. So if any of you guys have recommondations that would be great! great indeed! Well what more to say.... O does any one know if thier will be a Collecters Edt. of World in Conflict becouse if there is then I need to reserve it. Ummm... any one reading this are you ready for Hellgate! Can't wait for that one to drop. Just mentioning this becouse I would like to get on with some people due to the fact most people I know are not interested or are damned 360 only gamers! PC gaming is loosing its respect its making me cry :(. New emblems I have earned is the Hour of Victory emblem. I hope the deside to port it over to the PC that game looks crazy! almost makes me want to buy a 360. I sayed almost. Umm... What more to say! bai waga furenzu!!!!! to-ku yu- atu!!!! PEACE


Updates on stuffs, more talk about games and what have you! enjoy!

Ok well to start this blog of I'm very happy to say that I only have 2 and 1/2 days left of school! yes monday and 3 half days of finals and I'm out for summer! Woo Hooo! ok well In this rant or reveiw or what have you we are going to talk. every new topic will have its own section

Gears of War:Ok I know its been out for awhile and what have you! Don't get mad at me for saying this but I think the game blows.... but this is comming from the guy who hates halo with a pation! I know I've never been a big fan of that type of FPS (over the shulder) but to me the controles seem a little in need of improvement. Well thats what I have to say about that.

Halo 3, is it driving you nuts?!:The game is not so much as making me anticipated, but more pissed of... Every day now I'm tierd of going to school and hereing every one talking about the f%$#ing beta!! And just becouse I'm a gamer does not mean I'm a Halo fan! IM A PC GAMER FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD!!! jeez! I also thing its crazy that people are willing to spend what is it like 150 for the "collecters pack" or legondary pack or somthing?! One question WHY?! for 3 extra dvds and a small friken helm?! that does not make seince to me. So for any one I know please don't tell me about the "new halo preveiw" or "screenshot" I don't care!

A new pc on its way for me?:Over the summer this summer I'm deffenatly going to get a job. My pops is willing to get me $1000 in upgrades for my PC, Which I know will not make it new but Im changing core parts So far Im going with some Asus main board (not sure of the exact one yet I'm debating between 2), an Intel Quad Core 2.40ghz CPU (I'm probably going to spend my own moneys and get a Quad Core Extream 2.66ghz) I'm going to grab some ddr 2 8000 RAM, for my CPU I'm going to grab a Thirmaltake Liquid cooling system (I have a Thirmaltake "Armor" case right now and its all ready equiped for that type of system) and last of all for my new graphics card I have decited that the new ATI RADION HD 2900 its my best bet! The other parts I'm not getting new I'm going to salvage from my old pc such as my 2 DVD burners, my 2 250gb HDDs.

An unpesant forcast for Las Vegas::( as you know Vegas is in the middle of a desert! However it usualy takes a lot longer to get as hot as it is here right now. We have not even entered summer yet. If my memory serves. but in the last week its been 100 degrees F or higher! its os hot! I have to walk up a hill for 1 mile every day on my way home from school, there is no shade. So it gets very hot! the good things is that in the moring its quite plesant when I walk to school! I hope I can get ouf of Vegas soon and escape the heat!
well that about concludes this blog nothing left to say. Ummmmm... yeah no new games that I have perchest yet and so on. I'm still waiting for some of you guys to PM me on gamespot to play a game of somthing, or IM me on xfire or steam (I Don't think I've posted my steam SN so here it its: treytakahashi). I'm waiting! So I think that this is the end of the blog

Gamespot emblems and what have you: Well My emblems are gliching again saying I'm missing 4 of my emblems and I'm still waiting for my live feed Hour of Victory emblems witch is taking way longer then I suspected to get here :( well there is plenty of time for the emblem system to be improved we just have to wait.