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treytakahashi Blog

The time has come my little friends, To talk of many things! *READ ME!*

Of ships and shoes and Celling wax, of Cabages and KINGS!

OK! Well today I want to start out with soming for some reason I have not mentioned last friday I went to see They Might Be Giants in concert at Las Vegas! They rocked, one of the best bands I have ever seen. If you have not heard them I know you have! They did all the music for Austin Powers, A lot of Tiny Toons stuff, and not to mention the Malcom in the Middle Theme. OK well thats that the only thing I did not like was the damned openers. (Don't kill me for saying this list, I don't like these bands sorry) OK well I had to sit through Shiny Toy Guns, Plane White Tee's, and some band called Siver Sun Pickups? I think that thier name? What ever They were no good in concert. Any way Enough is Enough. I'm going to bring this up, non of you know that I do have fetured maps and stuff on file front so! I'll provide links! they have been thier for quite some time SO here they are! My Stronghold Crusader map Midnight at the Oasis. OK and we also have a WC3 map Its different I helped make I I'm not the main Maker, here this is Heros from around the World. OK! well I think that about it for this one! O ya I finaly got Stalker and Supream Commander! I know don't kill me, At least I picked them up! They ROCK! Chris Taylor strikes back! Ummm.... Other news that every one keeps talking about is Starcraft 2 Yes I know its comming... Yes I know! Stop telling me and Gamespot I don't like having 11 new updates every day about the game! I don't care about 2 new Screen shots! Well I also got my secount desplay up, I love my Veiwsonics! Thay love me too. Ummm... 2 weeks of school left! yes! I cant wait, however I am taking summer school but thats my own will I just don't like talking so much ****s every year! so thats that for the day is dieing and I have nothing better to do! OK well Damn forgot what I was going to say! O ya My new banner! for my Page that is a block of tofu, I don't think meny of you guys are Peta members or care but I am a vegitarian so... Now you know and I'm going to go play some Bubble Bobble!

Its a shame :'( I finaly got cought pirating from my provider Cox digital cable :'( its about time! Hahahaha the funny thing is that I got cought downloading iWorks 06' for mac! w/e If they want to any thing or I don't know what they want but I went out and bought a copy, Becouse its perfactly legle to Download somthing you own :P so thats the news All well this whole thing will blow over withing the next few days! hahahahahaha man I'm just glad its a warning and they're not instantly pressing charges!

ADDED 5/25/07:

I'm going to LA for a few days over this weekend. And of course no net accses or why would I even mention it?! Ok well thats the sitch lets hope I don't miss any thing big! Well see you all on Monday night!

The new ATI cards finaly anounced and tested!

Here is the story for thoughs who are lazy to look STORY Its awsome

I want one SOOO BAD! o ya and watch the Team Fortress 2 Demo its awsome yes!

I got some new emblems Fine Taist and Pushover! So ya also a Tagging award to!

Well thats it sorry for being a short post but its new that needs to be anounced! 

Woo Hoo! New emblems and stuff I feel you would like to know!

OK well I finaly got my *cough Legit *cough copy of xp. Well I got my PC back up and running reformated my HDDs so im back to an empy vat of 500gbs of free space that needs to be filled! So what do you do when you have this much space?! RE-INSTALL EVERY THING so thats what I am currantly doing, Installing all thoughs PC games you see on my Games list. Hahaha and I havn't even dented how much room I have so, I put more and more on! OK another thing that going down is I started a new union for advanced Computer users like myself who build/mod thier PC systems ext. but is also for Tech support as well. Ummm.. O ya the emblems! I got the uploading a video award (but suprized no walking commercial award) umm Serious Collecter award, Scavenger hunt award and That is I think i sould be rewarded the Friend butterfly like tommorow seeing that I reached over 10 so we will see! Thats if for now, have a reserch paper to write See ya!

EDIT added around 11:30pm

Well I just finished my paper... the damned thing is 23 pages long so I hope I get an A, I'd better :P any way to reward myself I took a break writing it and Finaly picked up a copy of Supream Commander so I'll get it installed and running in the moring or somthing Talk to you all later! see ya!

Digital cable! Its about time...

Woo Hoo it was installed last week. I just was lazy and did not bother writing a blog about it. So its done! Digital Cable my provided by Cox. Its nice the one complaint I have about it is that well they gave me like around 40 channels of usless spanish net works... I don't speak spanish, nor do I plan to ugh What a Waist! well that about it I have to get back to fixing my computer

Who uses Page up/down KEYS!!!! and other thoughts....

Well, Today is a day called Sunday... If you happen to be reading this it is another wast of time go read on Chaos theary or somthing useful. First I want to address the usless keys on the board of keys the Key Board. This contains several of thies keys (ex. we start of the pannel that contains every thing from Insert to the damned page travel keys) In my case they are stuped and who uses insert! Ctrl + V is a much better case! ok well im done with this! remmember you have just wasted a small fraction of your life reading this and you will continue to do so if you keep going, I for one have just wasted the better part of 2-3 mins. doing so. So lets continue shall we? The next topic is What games I have on reserve and cant wait to play! (I mean common a simple Blog is not compleat without ranting about what you have done or your own personal experiances. So yesterday I had the privlage to get Bioshock Collecters for the PC, witch I can't wait for. I also have Hellgate London on reserve. Im probably going to Reserve World on Conflict if their is a Collecters edt. Ok so we have finished 2 parts of a simple blog...

1. A thought about somthing Positive or Negative usualy being Negative

2. A personal Experiance about somthing or a recent event

Now we must continue about somthing that will make you scratch your head and go What?! Somthing that will make you run into the wall going screaming MY HEAD OH MY GOD! Which will soon be fallowed by a Boom! of the head exploding into thousands of peices all over the floor... Well I think that just covered that! A randome thought has been made! So we have completed 3 steps of a blog!

1. A thought

2. Personal Experiance

3. Random Thought that makes one's Head blow...

Now that I have compleated The 3 steps I dont know what to do. So we continue on with More stuff... lets just review here im going to make this the Cheakpoint! You can Reload your life at this point. But common you realy should feel quite bad about your self. Staying inside all day reading this damned blog, and if your doing this your probably gong to ignore this and keep going. Well so far I have wasted about 5-6mins. Entertaining you! So ask your self, Do you feel guilty? Well Tell me do you?! You should... Well I have repeded step 3 Twice! A new record, what ever you have probably seen better. Don't tell me I Don't care. (Insert somthing random here) Tosters Cook Tost! Could this be a new step in the list of Blog making? Maby? Well you and me have nothing better to do! so we have step 4 a randomly placed statment that has nothing to do with the entire body of the "Blog" Yes I did quotate the Blog (Insert smily here) :P the famous Colon with a combination with a P. So if you think about it this could be a number 5 in the list so lets reveiw shall we?

1. A thought

2. Personal Experiance

3. Random Thought

4. One Random Statment That has absoly nothing to do with the rest of the body

5. The Smiliy

Isnt this sad by now I have wasted 10mins that I could have been swimming in the pool. But insted I entertain you! You should be glad! im doing this Glad! Well im going to continue by going even farther into the damned world of Stuffs... I realy stoped caring by now if your wondering, I'm not even going to critisese any more. O wait i have never realy included a Positive Thought in one body of its own (well I kinda did with the game Reservation) But who cares! NOT ME! Bob Dylan rocks (another usless entry) This blog is getting ineresting (Ctrl + C, open word Document, Ctrl + V, File: Save as Blog) now that thats done im quite out of somthing to say... O ya the positive thought! I'm very happy with this years list of games comming out! Its very exiting! Thank god thats done, you can read more on that in my last Blog... That is if you wana waist the time doing so. WellI think im done here, So Good by! Untill I work up the time to wast doing this agian ill be seeing you I guss...



The upcomming Game Race who will win?

Well today i've been thinking... Who will take the game of the year awards? This year has been a great year for Gaming and has realy brought PC back in to the mainstream (not as much as i'd like to see it). The best part is that we are not even at the half way point! As most PC gamers know Command and Conquer and Sup. Comp. Realy pushed the start buttion on a great year for RTS. This year is going to be interesting. FPS fans will also get their hunger fed soon, with games like Quake 4, Bioshock, and Half-life episode 2 (with the included features Team Fortress 2 and portal) and not to mention Frontlines: Fuels of War the antisipated cross server multiplayer. This year is going to be great! The two games i'm looking forward to are World in Conflict (the awsome RTS comming soon) and Hellgate: London! Man this is going to be a tuff year for voters!

Another sad day for me and my PC :'(

Well today, as usual I was messing around with my PC. The main thing I was doing was installing ubuntu (incase you don't know its the linux OS) well I'm just pissed about two things going wrong. One is that the CD was Bad :evil:. What Realy makes me mad is that it read as if it was fine (yes even on the Disk Cheak) well as a resalt of this ir reformated my Slave Drive. Which means 250GB  of Games, Movies, Music, pretty much every thing that I use. UGH the one thing im realy mad about is my vast collection of Hundreds of old WC3 maps which ill probably never get to see again, and not to mention my Steam Folder, which was about 80GB of mods, addons, skins, And every thing. Today sucks, bad....

I could realy use some cheering up and a new PC this one is realy starting to kill me, Damned you bad software and Myself for not cheaking it with my own eyes and making sure everything was A O K

well the only thing I can do from here is just start over, The good news it how ever is that my Master 250GB HDD is still intact, which has some not all of my movies, and has Company of Heros and Command and Conquer 3 on it. Well tommorow I best get cracking reinstalling the stuff agian. Man im So Pissed!!! All well whats done is done!

P.S. Make sure your ubuntu CD is 100% befor instillation :D word of advice!