Of ships and shoes and Celling wax, of Cabages and KINGS!
OK! Well today I want to start out with soming for some reason I have not mentioned last friday I went to see They Might Be Giants in concert at Las Vegas! They rocked, one of the best bands I have ever seen. If you have not heard them I know you have! They did all the music for Austin Powers, A lot of Tiny Toons stuff, and not to mention the Malcom in the Middle Theme. OK well thats that the only thing I did not like was the damned openers. (Don't kill me for saying this list, I don't like these bands sorry) OK well I had to sit through Shiny Toy Guns, Plane White Tee's, and some band called Siver Sun Pickups? I think that thier name? What ever They were no good in concert. Any way Enough is Enough. I'm going to bring this up, non of you know that I do have fetured maps and stuff on file front so! I'll provide links! they have been thier for quite some time SO here they are! My Stronghold Crusader map Midnight at the Oasis. OK and we also have a WC3 map Its different I helped make I I'm not the main Maker, here this is Heros from around the World. OK! well I think that about it for this one! O ya I finaly got Stalker and Supream Commander! I know don't kill me, At least I picked them up! They ROCK! Chris Taylor strikes back! Ummm.... Other news that every one keeps talking about is Starcraft 2 Yes I know its comming... Yes I know! Stop telling me and Gamespot I don't like having 11 new updates every day about the game! I don't care about 2 new Screen shots! Well I also got my secount desplay up, I love my Veiwsonics! Thay love me too. Ummm... 2 weeks of school left! yes! I cant wait, however I am taking summer school but thats my own will I just don't like talking so much ****s every year! so thats that for the day is dieing and I have nothing better to do! OK well Damn forgot what I was going to say! O ya My new banner! for my Page that is a block of tofu, I don't think meny of you guys are Peta members or care but I am a vegitarian so... Now you know and I'm going to go play some Bubble Bobble!
Its a shame :'( I finaly got cought pirating from my provider Cox digital cable :'( its about time! Hahahaha the funny thing is that I got cought downloading iWorks 06' for mac! w/e If they want to any thing or I don't know what they want but I went out and bought a copy, Becouse its perfactly legle to Download somthing you own :P so thats the news All well this whole thing will blow over withing the next few days! hahahahahaha man I'm just glad its a warning and they're not instantly pressing charges!
ADDED 5/25/07:
I'm going to LA for a few days over this weekend. And of course no net accses or why would I even mention it?! Ok well thats the sitch lets hope I don't miss any thing big! Well see you all on Monday night!
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