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treytakahashi Blog

Its been a Hard Days Night literally! Wahahaha, really sleepy

I spent the day working in the hot sun, mostly using a Pick Axe to dig a trench for a wall to divert water off a trail. Hard work indeed, sorry for a short blog but I feel as if my arms are going to fall off. Wowza!

As for everything else I have a quick update on brawl, I have 400 Trophies, about 10 boxes left to open and all five hammers to bust open ones when I feel like it. I also have all the maps in the game unlocked and all characters. SSE is done and so is the entire all stars mode with every character. I need to finish Classic with 3 more characters. I have done all the co-op events and have two regular events left. I am almost done with the whole game ahh yeahhh.

Thats it for now! Bye everyone!


Keeping the tagging movement strong! (Why I don't know!)! Info on me, lots of it

Afternoon gamespot community! And welcome the next blog to start the 31 days of blogging that I had to stop due to a computer fire. but now its back and count this as the triumphant return of the 31 days of blogging! Seeing that my Windows partition on my computer is not up there will not be any speed run videos up for awhile, sorry, but thinks happen!

Now to the real subject of this blog, I have been tagged like that of thousands of others on GS who have also been hit. I was hopping to get around this but thanks to two people Ccooldudecool and kingrich06 I've joined the ranks, thanks guys. So here it goes and yes there are more then 5 things about myself on this blog.

1.) I have a real thing for computer, I really enjoy tinkering with parts and electrical components when I can get my hands on it. This also makes me a real internet geek who constantly is watching woot and engagdet. I also use every major operating system equally, Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. I also build all my PC computers, I have not bought a pre-build PC in my life.

2.) I penpal, a lot. You probably know this as well! But some of you don't, I have several penpals from around the world. Some of them are ones I contact through Snail-Mail and others through e-mail. I try and keep things rolling. This to me helps me learn about the world and just to show me how thankful I am to be able to live in this great country (No offence to you people out side of the USA on this, I'm mostly talking of my penpals from 3rd world countries).

3.) Although I am a guy, I do like cute things, cooking, and crafts (Mostly sewing and scrap booking). Most people find these to be "Girly things" but there not. Sewing plushies is fun and enjoyable! I do love it so! As for cooking I make some crazy good Japanese dishes oh yeah! As for the "cute" things I have plush dolls all over my desks and room. Mostly from Sanrio but other places as well.

4.) I am a Boy Scout, some of you will look at this as being cool, and the others being lame. Well if you are thinking the "lame" one you can just get of my blog. My troop is rated as one of the best in the whole district area of Las Vegas, and its very small of around 20 or so kids. Most of us who are in this troop are total geeks (when hiking we talk of video games and computers.). I do enjoy scouting, as a matter of fact my Eagle Project is the last weekend of April.

5.) I like photography, Its such an awesome art. I do like to shoot and stuff. Film not digital or well for now. Right now I use an Canon AE-1 a true classic.

6.) I like just about every form of music other then medal. I really do enjoy everything from Tribal to Electronic, I just don't like metal (this includes but is not limited to, Emo, Black, Screemo, ext.). So thats what I like, Right now I'm tuning into "The Rubberband Man" by The Spinners.

7.) I don't like scary video games or movies, they really do scare me. Seriously I got scared when I went to go see the Grudge, and even had to break over 10 times when playing Ravenholm in HL2. I'm that kind of person, I don't see why people enjoy being scared!

8.) I enjoy watching musicals, a lot! I think musicals are great! I've seen several musical productions on the Strip from The Producers to We Will Rock You. I like the films as well.

9.) I like walking, and hiking. This is pretty much my only source of exercise leaving me with close to nothing of upper body strength, but really strong legs Hahaha! I'm going to New Mexico this summer to hike 100+ miles in a week, thats awesome!

10.) I am a twin! I think only a few of you people know that on here, but I do have a twin! His name is Ross and he is really cool! Where I have my Tech he is a Painter and Drawer. Really good at it too!

11.) My Great Great Uncle was the man who wrote the Anthem of Guam which can be heard here

He also was one of the main people who helped in the fight with getting the local Chamorros on Guam there American Citizenship!

Thats about it for now, ask me any thing else and I'll be glad to answer! Bye everyone!


PS I also tag these people: Bakahashi, thecomissar, Supercoolgamer, MorkkiTH, AJMarra, and Zeus-bg

Thanks guys!

Whats up world! Miss me? Reasons on why I have been gone, and other things!

So the 31 days of blogging was killed with a hammer and nails when my computer lit up in flames, the good news is I got another new PSU which is really great. I also updated my "About Me" so go check that out as well. So then, lets continue with why I have been gone eh?

I was given a lot of computer parts to go through and take what I need, I mean a LOT as it like a l-o-t of goods lot. More then a man would ever need. Its not the top of the line stuff but its perfect for building media centers as well as linux web browsing computers. I have been working on sorting all of this stuff. Here is a few of the items to start

4 HDD's 320gb/s-150gb/s

10 MainBoards half intel half AMD, some old some new

10 CPU's of different makes and models, most of them are Intel C-D CPU's with an average clock of 3.60GHz

4 PSU's two are thirmaltakes and two raidmax

7 DVD RW burners, two with light-scribe

Other stuff would be handfuls of computer cases, fans, CPU coolers, gobloads of wires including 30ft long VGA cables, we also have tons of random PC adapters, lets see... oh and lots of media splitter things, and tv tuners/moniter cable boxes. So much stuff, and things you would never really need, such as this one device that is ment to spit one computer signal to 5 moniters seriously WTF?!

I'm installing Ubuntu on my computer again, and I'm putting on Momonga after that. I'm done with Windows for now, RAID compatibility for XP is killing me... really.

I'll be seeing you soon! Thanks for your continuous support and viewings of my Blogs, as soon as this is over with I'll be back hopping all over yours again! Thanks guys!



Find of the Day and New level! Join me on blog #3!

Afternoon folks sorry for getting here so late! I've been working and am frankly quite sleepy. I'll try not to get on this late in the future for these blogs, also seeing that I'm this tyerd also comes the fact I have not even gotten around to the speed run videos. Now lets get on with the Blog shall we?

Todays find of the day for you bloggers that are into such things for me was quite neat! I found a 42" Widescreen Sony Plasma Computer Moniter for $200 at a garage sale, and yes it works fine. Even better it came with the wall mounts as well, for me this is a steal! Wahahaha I have a quick cell phone pic to show you

Not to bad if I was to say so myself, I think I did pretty good. Now I plan on going again tomorrow and snagging some Thirmaltake PSU's and a DVD copyer, maybe some MoBo's and yes they are all tested and working, for it is a Garage Sale I am working at (thus the reason I'm so tyerd). Its not my stuff so I still have to buy it. Now then, to the next part!

Some updates! I got the iMac back, but its not the best of news, the HDD is shot and they wont do a data transfer for me so I have to do it myself. I knew the drive was bad for over five months or so but you know the costumer service never listons! I just never bothered with it because it would have voided my AppleCare if I was to bust open the MAC, and the problem did not affect the normal uses of it. So I have to get a new EHDD and data transfer and send it off again to have it fixed... ever since Apple has become a large company there service has started to fall...

I had the same frustrating day happen at fry's they have the worst customer service I have ever seen, as you know I have had problems before, but this time was just to upsetting. I finally blew my lid after they told me they did not have the HDMI adapter I needed (For the moniter), a thing I rarly do!



Blog day #2 Updates

Welcome to blog number two of the 31 days of blogging. Why 31, I still don't know. Just keep it going eh? Now then the updates.

The speedruns are not up thanks to my lovely gamerecorder failing miserably causing me to find another way of recording (Don't spam comments with "Go with FRAPS!" please!). I am going to figure it all out in the days to come I still have some school projects to finish so that comes first of course. Also the iMac 24" still has not come back from repairs, its been gone over a week and really hurting my school work (I have some projects that require iWork 08'). Yeah so while I'm waiting I've been using MS Office 07' witch If find to be horrable! Google App's is still better which is sad, but expected. Vista SP1 sucks too. Also my PC is killing me again, seem to have cought another bug. I really don't know how it got past the Unix Firewalls/Rouder, but it did. So I have to take care of that using Linux a little later... I think I'm just going to use Momonga as my Main OS and XP as an alternative. Lets move on!

I've finished Super Smash Brother Brawl, pretty much every part of it. I still have some things I have to find but the bulk is done. I don't know why you people say unlocking characters is hard there pretty easy. No other games have been played other then that. Well Ice Climber which I've been playing again, I forgot how much I loved that game.

Now I must go watch the Tellie and do "Stuff" See you tomorrow!!


30 days of daily blogging and a new Video series comming you way! READ ME!

For the next 30 days I am to prodvide a daily blog starting here, so count this as numero uno (I hate spanish). For the next 29 days you shall see a daily blog and I wish for you people to praticipate as well (some of you already do this cough*kingrich*cough). So thats the plan, I hope to bring the daily activitys and game stuff and what ever else interests me. Such as the Financial plans Washington is enstating to boost the USA economy, you know trivial things such as this. Now to the next part!

The new video series I hope to bring to you tomorrow are speed runs, but there is a twist. Its not how fast I can beat the game, more like how fast I can LOOSE the game! Wahahaha, I find this very entertaining seeing how fast I can get my self killed still trying to beat the 2sec/s mark in most games. They will be colabritive videos entitled Speed Runs to Hell or something of the sort, just look. This is experimental so give me feedback when the first one is up and no the Stronghold on is NOT one of these videos

Speaking of the Stronghold video sorry for the bad quality for those who have already tuned in, I was testing different recorders. So far the best one I've been able to do is actualy hook up a DVDR player to my computer as a mirrored moniter and record it. Its free and turns out very nice. Yeah so go check out that video and tell me what you think and yes I do know its very jumpy...

I have been working on cleaning out my computer stash and my desks so I may or may not have ebay links on my profile for sales I put up, yeah I'll give you more info on that as it happens

I got a new Linux OS for my old computers called Momonga, well its not entirlly new I used an older version... well you know what I mean. Its very cool and I recommend it. One warning is that its being developed by Japanese Universitys so most of it is in well Japanese, there are some translations but a bulk of the information and such are not translated. If this does not fear you and you have the time check it out! I'll post a link here (click the banner)

Thanks for stopping by for a visit! Have fun and enjoy, also take a look at the new kpc if you have the time as well!

Bye guys


Days like this are better then Cheesecake, well most of the time! (Party time!)

Well the day of Yester maked the offical start of my spring break, seeing I have plenty of time on my hands on not much to fill the void of space. Now then, I deceted some weeks back with a few of my friends to have a picnic which would be fun and fantastic. As the plans took off some weeks before, it looked more and more grim by the day. The weather reports where flashing storms and rain. So here is how it all went down on the Yester of Day's it was pretty great if I was to say so my self.

It started off with a late wake up for myself being 7:00am PT I had slept in quite awhile a nice change from my normal 5:30-6:00am PT wake up, I got up and hopped in the shower and changed into my party cloths. These being my StarCraft II shirt from BlizCon and my loose fit warn Levi jeans, and to finish it off my new Teva Zori. My sister was baking a Portal cake (Exactly like the one from the game) and while the decorating was going down I decited to go run down to my local Target and grab some soda (It still pizzles me why I did not go to Costco...), Pepsi was on sale and I'm a Coke person so I had to settle for the devils cola. I pickup my goods with my nice pollished Nautica sunglasses which I had relocated the night before. The day looked good, the sun was out and a slight breeze of no more then 10mph (I know I should use metric but us Americans... well you know!). It was totaly opposite of what the weather forcast forsaw. Making my philosophy that weather forcasts are always wrong right that day.

As I got in the door I hear my brother and sister shouting in a panic, not the "OH GOD HIS ARM IS OFF!!" Shouting but the simple cry of when you drop your toast of the floor and it lands jam side down. What had happened? The Portal Cake that was being decordated had fallen to the floor (Don't ask me how...). The plate did not fli, however the plate under the cake had shattered and there was glass shards coating the bottom. This cake rode the fail boat to heaven, and could no longer be surved.

In a spree we ran out the door seeing we where running a bit late so I threw my old 80's boom box and cooler full of taisty drinks into the car as we took off to the park to party. Apon our arivle we helped my friend unload his van and we emptyed ours. So it had started. Every one did show up and we had a bawl. It turns out pretty much every one who came was Asian this was not entirly our intentons it just turned out this way. But it made it perfact making us open to throwing racial slurrs round and dissing eachothers race. I love being Asian, but some of all being American!

After a few hours of having a good time full of laughs, we decited that this park was not open enough so we loaded everything up and drove to the park right across the street from my house, this make things a little easyer. We partyed for another few hours and we finaly go the to bordom point. So we all wanted to play SSB Brawl, but where? We chose another one of my friends houses to party at some more. So we loaded up the drinks (and newly aquired chips) into the car and drove to his house, that is after I stoped by my place and grabed my Wii and games and such. We setup and started to plan brawl for hours. Finaly the popular vote came to change the game to Halo 3 for the xbox 360 (A game and system I'm not very fond of.). We played to games and got board so back to the Wii! Around this time even more people came to the house making it around seven people, so we decited apon playing Warioware Smooth Moves (Thank God I had packed it!). This game is a great party game as well seeing that you can have pretty much every one playing with one controler (I have more then on if you are thinking I only have one.). Finaly again getting board of that we went back to brawl for even more hours of fun.

After around eight hours of being out it was time for us to retire, so we said our good byes and parted, stating that we shall do this again at "Another time," making our friendship even stronger. It was a great party thing and I had a great time, if only every day was like this.

All in all I can say that the Wii is in itself the ultimate party console giving you hours of party time and fun. Some of the best times with friends are hanging around and if the time is right nothing like a little bit of the Wii. Indubitably

With that I say, I love my Wii.


Spring Break, iPhone v2.0, And other thoughts! Woot!!!!!!

This blog is not going to be that long so be forwarned, I will really bulk up on the next few I have in store

Hi every one, I've been busy crunching in the last weeks of the quarter, and that pain has come to an end thanks to spring break. I do not plan on leaving town on this break, but I do plan on having a great time here in Vegas. Now then whats in store here on my blog

I have a upcoming blog I wanted to write today but I need to hook up my scanners and stuff to my PC again. I should have it done this weekend so keep an eye out for it, I think you will really like it. It also may be digged or something who knows!

I have hooked up some of my profesional sound recording equipment to my Computer so I'm thinking about recording some Audio blogs (Sorry I'm not quite ready for Video Reviews/Blogs), exect those here really soon.

The 24" iMac's moniter shorted, so I'm waiting for the computer to be sent back. So that cuts into some of my work, but not to much.

I finaly found my Stronghold Crusaider CD so I'm playing that right now I just cannot wait for spore!

Last of all I think I may buy an iPhone, now I know what your thinking, well here are my reasons for thinking this (And no I do not plan on buying service through At&t, I plan on canceling the plan)

1.) I am an Apple Fan and a collecter of Apple Products (I think I have posted my collection in a past blog)

2.) New open SDK allowing the development of software from major companys in the next firmware update v2.0, this will make the iPhone into a gaming system (Spore is already being developed for it) and this bleeds onto the next reason

3.) Skype Wi-Fi cell phone applications have been developed for the iPhone (Open SDK!), so I can pay my dews to Skype and get my world wide calling and SMS for dirt cheap and I connect through wi-fi, now some would say that this is dumb but let me say this, when am I not in an urban area? Not to mention I will still keep my Sprint Phone which gets way better coverage.

4.) Because its just that cool, my brother owns a iPod Touch and its pretty nifty, and the Skype Feature makes the iPhone a buy for me!

Any how thats about it for now! I'm glad to see all of you! Have a great spring break for those that are entering it, and good luck on what ever it is you are trying to do! Thanks guys!


Leaving to San Diago for a field trip!

I'm going to be gone for a day or so, I'll be back by monday, I'll try and get some free wi-fi there but I cannot garentee!

I'm going to al the Aquariums and Sea World, it should be fun! any how I have to get packed bye!